Gov. Abbott: Texas to Block Syrian Refugee Resettlement


Well-Known Member
This Muslim guy I thought was cool told me 2 days ago we deserved 9/11 and what happened in France had nothing to do with any Syrian refugees.
That pisses me off as much as the Bosnian that told me the same thing on 9/12


Well-Known Member
The poor Syrians can do much better than to land in Texas. The Gov did them a huge favor.

Texas should be where we send the bad ones. Show them how not to behave in a civilized society and if they pass the dumbshit test, let 'em back in.
Hey now!

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
I am not a conservative and I do not want these refugees in our country. Not because of the color of their skin but because they have been programmed in believing there is a deity. We have enough religious idiots here to have to deal with more.
Then you are devoid of compassion for woman and children in need, do you belong to that group N.I.M.B.Y.?



Well-Known Member
Then you are devoid of compassion for woman and children in need, do you belong to that group N.I.M.B.Y.?

When it comes to religion and if N.I.M.B.Y., is an acronym for Not In My Back Yard, then yes. I am against the Republican party because they are religious idiots that try to impose their delusional beliefs on me. In certain situations, what looks like an injustice to a few (not allowing refugees in) is actually justice to the American citizens who do not want politics influenced by religion.


Well-Known Member
Right on. So Mexicans coming over the border turn into terrorists when they aren't happy? And South Americans? And French emigrants who can't get a good baguette go nutso?
That's a bit of a twist. I'd suggest you read up on radicalization, I don't have the time to explain the process to you nor would I really want to if you're just going to act like a high schooler about it.

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
But honestly you guys should bring them in i mean once a real terrorist attack happens , you trigger happy yanks can actually have fun i mean how exciting would it be hunting these immigrants down and shooting em
what movie was that where people hunted people and shot em as a sport anyone remember that movie


Well-Known Member
That's a bit of a twist. I'd suggest you read up on radicalization, I don't have the time to explain the process to you nor would I really want to if you're just going to act like a high schooler about it.
Ok, so you go right to the insults when you don't have an answer, sounds like the rest of the trolls on this forum. It's an honest question, nothing high school about it.

The point is that you blamed the countries they emigrated to, not the people themselves. I disagree. We get refugees and immigrants from all over the world, and the "vast majority" as you put it earlier of these countries don't harbor terrorists. Syria happens to be a place filled with anti- western terrorists and radicals. I don't see how letting them flood our country and then looking back and saying "they weren't bad when they came here" is an acceptable option. Be as PC and as humanitarian as you want to, but some of them will blow shit up, given the chance, and I'm for just not letting them come here and therefore not looking back when something goes boom.

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
Ok, so you go right to the insults when you don't have an answer, sounds like the rest of the trolls on this forum. It's an honest question, nothing high school about it.

The point is that you blamed the countries they emigrated to, not the people themselves. I disagree. We get refugees and immigrants from all over the world, and the "vast majority" as you put it earlier of these countries don't harbor terrorists. Syria happens to be a place filled with anti- western terrorists and radicals. I don't see how letting them flood our country and then looking back and saying "they weren't bad when they came here" is be an acceptable option. Be as PC and as humanitarian as you want to, but some of them will blow shit up, given the chance, and I'm for just not letting them come here and therefore not looking back when something goes boom.
yo Bush i know sometimes we tend to be on the opposite side of quarrel on thread but i 100 percent agree with you
these fucks are trouble No if whats or abouts TROUBLE
what is hapening is how can you fight a war on terrorism when you are allowing them to come in your back door seems stupid
Keep your enemy close but as far away as possible ..
And for all the members here that think its going to be ok i tell you once something does happen make sure you have room for i fucking told you so


Well-Known Member
Ok, so you go right to the insults when you don't have an answer, sounds like the rest of the trolls on this forum. It's an honest question, nothing high school about it.

The point is that you blamed the countries they emigrated to, not the people themselves. I disagree. We get refugees and immigrants from all over the world, and the "vast majority" as you put it earlier of these countries don't harbor terrorists. Syria happens to be a place filled with anti- western terrorists and radicals. I don't see how letting them flood our country and then looking back and saying "they weren't bad when they came here" is an acceptable option. Be as PC and as humanitarian as you want to, but some of them will blow shit up, given the chance, and I'm for just not letting them come here and therefore not looking back when something goes boom.
Nothing insulting about it. The tone of your post sounded flippant. I'm on my phone so really I don't have the time currently to explain the radicalization process to you and I suggested that you should read up on it yourself.

Calm down there don't blow up about it.

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
Its like saying you and your kids are on a ocean beach there are signs stay out of the water shark attacks ,, but you do not see the signs that are right under your nose you going to let your kids go swimming ??? i though so lol


Well-Known Member
Its like saying you and your kids are on a ocean beach there are signs stay out of the water shark attacks ,, but you do not see the signs that are right under your nose you going to let your kids go swimming ??? i though so lol
Better not go outside whenever there's a thunderstorm for any reason whatsoever.

Daesh would also be proud of your rhetoric.
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Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
When it comes to religion and if N.I.M.B.Y., is an acronym for Not In My Back Yard, then yes. I am against the Republican party because they are religious idiots that try to impose their delusional beliefs on me. In certain situations, what looks like an injustice to a few (not allowing refugees in) is actually justice to the American citizens who do not want politics influenced by religion.
Yes you got the acronym right.

I'm afraid you are allowing fear cloud your judgement, after all this Country has taken in hundreds of thousands of refugees and I can't recall any refugee committing atrocities, can you?



Well-Known Member
But honestly you guys should bring them in i mean once a real terrorist attack happens , you trigger happy yanks can actually have fun i mean how exciting would it be hunting these immigrants down and shooting em
what movie was that where people hunted people and shot em as a sport anyone remember that movie

Real shitty movie, think Ice T was in it.


Well-Known Member
If terroristic religious nut want to come here.. They easily can, Tourist visa can be obtained by anybody that's not on a watch list..and let's be realistic here.. Our watch lists probably have about 2% of the extremists names and identities.