Gov shut down

unless, of course, they fall on the middle class.

because we all know how boehner loves to erase the massive deficit that he and his GOP friends built on the backs of working schmucks via the payroll tax cut.

and let's not forget how he voted against the ARRA, which was a huge tax break for the middle class.

so when boehner says "no tax increases", he simply means no tax increases for those at the very very top. not people like us.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to UncleBuck again.
only for the first few days.

about two weeks in, you feel weird if you're not trimming.

Wait till you get older and the arthritis cramps your fingers. Plus you have the advantage of doing it outdoors.
I'm glad I dont grow. Because it would suck ass trimming a bunch of weed inside getting covered in resin and getting cramped up fingers. Plus the smell reeking up the whole house.
unless, of course, they fall on the middle class.

because we all know how boehner loves to erase the massive deficit that he and his GOP friends built on the backs of working schmucks via the payroll tax cut.

and let's not forget how he voted against the ARRA, which was a huge tax break for the middle class.

so when boehner says "no tax increases", he simply means no tax increases for those at the very very top. not people like us.

so, you think of yourself as "Middle Class" huh?

shit i should get my top hat and monocle then.
lol, no.

i earn a little more than minimum wage.

at what job pray tell?

seems to me your w2 wage and earnings statements should be far beefier for all the big talk you make about how much better you are than anyone who makes less than X (X being a nebulous number which is always just a little higher than the income of anyone who earns your disfavour) while your own "income" is ZERO, which is of course why you pay no taxes.

i actually have to PAY taxes (despite the EIC) while you blather on and on about how pathetic and useless i must be for not being the President, CEO, Head Cook and Bottlewasher of a two bit dope selling cartel of ONE.

all your constant references to my own earnings, and how the size of my bank account somehow proves that im not smart enough to have an opinion causes me to wonder, how rich does one have to be to be relevant in Buckyworld(tm)?

a Millionare? a Billionaire? a Trillionaire?

how rich do i have to get to no longer be a lowly untermensh suitable only to wash your feet and await each nugget of wisdom you dispense?

conversely, as you have repeatedly asserted Poorness = Stupidity and Foolishness, one must therefore conclude that Wealth = Intelligence and Wisdom

how much smarter and wiser than yourself must the Koch Brothers be?
or Ted Nugent?
or even Sarah Palin?

since money is the measure of a man, i propose that while i may not be as rich as your wife (i could never afford to support a leeching do-nothing dope seller on my income) i am certainly far Superior to you, intellectually and morally, by your own chosen metric.

even though my income is small, it is certainly higher than ZERO.
at what job pray tell?

seems to me your w2 wage and earnings statements should be far beefier for all the big talk you make about how much better you are than anyone who makes less than X (X being a nebulous number which is always just a little higher than the income of anyone who earns your disfavour) while your own "income" is ZERO, which is of course why you pay no taxes.

i actually have to PAY taxes (despite the EIC) while you blather on and on about how pathetic and useless i must be for not being the President, CEO, Head Cook and Bottlewasher of a two bit dope selling cartel of ONE.

all your constant references to my own earnings, and how the size of my bank account somehow proves that im not smart enough to have an opinion causes me to wonder, how rich does one have to be to be relevant in Buckyworld(tm)?

a Millionare? a Billionaire? a Trillionaire?

how rich do i have to get to no longer be a lowly untermensh suitable only to wash your feet and await each nugget of wisdom you dispense?

conversely, as you have repeatedly asserted Poorness = Stupidity and Foolishness, one must therefore conclude that Wealth = Intelligence and Wisdom

how much smarter and wiser than yourself must the Koch Brothers be?
or Ted Nugent?
or even Sarah Palin?

since money is the measure of a man, i propose that while i may not be as rich as your wife (i could never afford to support a leeching do-nothing dope seller on my income) i am certainly far Superior to you, intellectually and morally, by your own chosen metric.

even though my income is small, it is certainly higher than ZERO.

my income is not zero, i work for the family business every year.

usually just enough to qualify for the EIC.
my income is not zero, i work for the family business every year.

usually just enough to qualify for the EIC.


Even double oregon minimum is sad, especially for someone who claims to be such a bad ass.
unless, of course, they fall on the middle class.

because we all know how boehner loves to erase the massive deficit that he and his GOP friends built on the backs of working schmucks via the payroll tax cut.

You do realize the payroll tax cut was furthering the insolvency of social security, right? As a temporary measure, fine, but making that cut permanent would only harm (in the future) the people you're claiming benefited from the cut.

and let's not forget how he voted against the ARRA, which was a huge tax break for the middle class.

so when boehner says "no tax increases", he simply means no tax increases for those at the very very top. not people like us.

The middle class barely pays federal income taxes. What is there to cut...? You cannot get a "tax cut" when you don't pay taxes. See this image: 0100_tax-rates-full.gif

40% of taxpayers already have negative federal income tax rates; the next 20% of taxpayers have an effective rate of 3.2%. 60% of the taxpayers in the United States pay only 15% of the federal income taxes, despite having approximately 30% of the income.
when have i ever claimed to be a bad ass?

citation needed, spandex.

Just to let y'all know, WIC has funding for only 2-3 weeks during this shutdown. Then the layoffs and closing of branches will begin. The benefits will still continue they say...

Woman said during the Clinton shutdown, majority of WIC workers were laid off.
You know something about are system keeps bothering me . Now I Might be wrong here and if I am please explain it better . So Obama and the rest of congress keep getting paychecks during the shut down . So are law makers passed a law saying the still get pay checks I certainly don't remember voting in a law saying they can get paid for not working . So is this really how are system works ? They just pass stuiped laws like this that I don't get to vote on . than if I don't like said law im supposed to get a bunch of signatures get said law on a ballet than hope in a few years they don't change it over night ?