Gov shut down

Some new stats from AP polling:

Obama's approval rating has dropped to 37%.

62% of people blame Republicans for the shutdown, but approximately half said Obama/Democrats bear much responsibility.

80% of people said they have personally felt no effect from the shutdown.
Medicaid has been providing poor people with health care on the tax payer's dime for decades. So what do we need government controlled health care for? 50% of child births last year were paid for by Medicaid. Obamacare makes it no longer affordable for tax payers to subsidize health care costs for people in poverty. Poor people lose, the middle class loses, rich people lose, and the government's control over health care wins. If congress is good enough to be exempt from Obamacare, then how come nobody else is? If big corporations are good enough to delay health care for their employees, then how come individuals are getting hit over the head with it? Is it because we don't have a lobbyist group to speak on our behalf?.... I think so

You don't understand the difference between Medicare and Medicaid do you?


Sounds to me that Freedomworks knows spot on the difference between Medicaid and Medicare!
Damn, it must be embarrassing as hell to accuse someone of not knowing what they are talking about while falling flat on your face on the facts! LOL
Damn, it must be embarrassing as hell to accuse someone of not knowing what they are talking about while falling flat on your face on the facts! LOL

you learned that one pretty well in november last year after going on for months about skewed polls, eh?

talk about LOL.
you learned that one pretty well in november last year after going on for months about skewed polls, eh?

talk about LOL.

LOL the fact is, the polls were proven to be skewed, but I know you will try skew that fact with Obama winning a second term!

I've learned a lot in recent months how twerps like you operate ( I just couldn't bring myself to use the word "work")
Still paying 30% in federal taxes on that $25k a year job you had a few years back? LMFAO
LOL the fact is, the polls were proven to be skewed, but I know you will try skew that fact with Obama winning a second term!

they were so skewed that they managed to predict the election of the outcome with 100% precision in every single state.

keep trying to delude yourself with that whole fake reality thing you have going on, sweetheart.
they were so skewed that they managed to predict the election of the outcome with 100% precision in every single state.

keep trying to delude yourself with that whole fake reality thing you have going on, sweetheart.

On a serious note here Bucky, have you stopped drying your plants in the same room you put your cat box in?
What I don't understand, is what is going to happen to medicaid now?

Worked pretty good in my opinion. I couldn't of asked for better care of me and my baby girl. There were like 6 options for insurance and plenty of options of Gyno and hospitals.

Now that I am not pregnant I still get covered if my medical costs go over 1000 a month. They don't go over, but if I were to get injured in some way at least I wouldn't be stuck with a mountain of debt.

Seems pretty good to me. Why did we need a whole new plan in place?
Sounds to me that Freedomworks knows spot on the difference between Medicaid and Medicare!
Damn, it must be embarrassing as hell to accuse someone of not knowing what they are talking about while falling flat on your face on the facts! LOL

Are you fucking retarded? Nobody mentioned Medicaid. He mentioned the elderly and disabled. Those are people covered by Medicare, to which the recipients pay a premium of 105 dollars a month each. It is far from free.

Your mother drank a lot when she was pregnant didn't she?
Come on are you for real? You want to talk about Medicare? You're not on Medicare. You're lazy Socialist ass is on Medicaid.

More false accusations from the uneducated pool boy. Tell me, how does it feel to be forced to jack off every day because you are such a loser than no woman will get near you?
IRS regulations state that proceeds from the sale of narcotics are non-taxable...

[h=2]Thanks to a decades-old law targeting drug runners, entrepreneurs in the nascent medical marijuana industry face a unique burden: an effective federal income tax rate that can soar as high as 75%.[/h] The hefty levy is the result of a 1982 provision to the tax code, known as 280E, that stemmed from a successful attempt by a convicted drug trafficker to claim his yacht, weapons and bribes as businesses expenses, according to 280E Reform, a group working to overturn the statute.

Enacted in the wake of that PR debacle, the rule bars those selling illegal substances from deducting related expenses on their federal income taxes.
It may have been effective against cocaine dealers and smugglers of other hard drugs, but the law now means purveyors of medical marijuana in the 18 states that have legalized the drug can't can't take typical things like rent or payroll as a business expense. That's taking a heavy toll on this new field.
There was this too. I don't know if it was introduced or passed.

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) will introduce the Small Business Tax Equity Act of 2013 on June 5, with the goal of ending the Internal Revenue Service’s persecution of medical cannabis dispensaries, according to reports today. The Small Business Tax Equity Act of 2013 will amend IRS Section 280E of the tax code to resolve a crisis in the newly legal billion-dollar industry, according to Betty Aldworth with the Washington D.C. lobby National Cannabis Industry Association.
one of these births was from our very own flaming pie, a moderate republican whose husband works very hard for a living.

turns out even you republican types like government programs, even though you yell and cry and scream and whine about them whenever you're not busy using them.

congress is not exempt from the PPACA, so there you go getting caught in yet another lie.

making factual statements is not your forte.

I did some reading on this. The republican states actually draw more Federal money then they put in. Mississippi is at the very top. 181% return on investment. While they like to say they are fiscally conservative, anyone with an education in economics can see otherwise.
If you know it for a fact you should easily be able to prove it. But it's not a fact. None of the three people who claimed illegal drug sales weren't taxable have been able to provide any proof.

No attorney is going to tell you illegal drug sales aren't taxable. They look at the statutes and the regulations, they don't wave a magic wand and make it Ok.

She really is dense.