Obamacare sucks. You guys elected Christy. Congrats.
How many times have you changed parties when you voted for president? I have several times because it was what I thought was best for our country......I'm more worried about who is best for America in 2016. Don't give a fuck what party they are from.
So how did their plan workout?
Ted Cruz hid in the corner with his tail between his legs when the vote came.
I don't like it, but I won't do anything about it. I bet the Tea Party is gonna love that.
How many times have you changed parties when you voted for president? I have several times because it was what I thought was best for our country......
i hope everyone took a good long look at those republicans who still voted for shutdown yesterday..
did the cash stop rolling in or something? Or is $200 billion a month not enough... Talk about being hoodwinked...
dude you forget, it's Washington DC.
they siezed a whorehouse in nevada for tax evasion, and tried to run it.
it went broke.
they cant even turn a profit selling pussy.
She's headed for the White House.....the biggest whorehouse in the world!.......