Congrats on your purchuse! You will love haveing the tent. My friend has two. a 4'er and a 6'er w/ cooltubes and all. Be careful with them and they will treat you well. My one of my friends tent did colapse on him. Luckly for him it was at the end of a grow. But there it still sits on his floor. It's hard to get replacement connectors. I was going to weld him some but he has not taken me up on the offer. Then we looked into makeing a different frame altogether and use the tent as it's a very good fabric at least. I hate when someone comes out with a good product to have one ot two very week points. Just wanted to pass the info along. If you can reinforce your connect points somehow. even if it's extra duct tape.
You'll be stoked when it arrives. So easy to setup (with help). can't wait to see you rsetup.