Great Stoner Quotes


Active Member
Me and My best friend at my place after 2 bowls...yeah we were pretty new to it.
Best bud: sandwhich sounds sooo good
Me: i know man, i know
(after moving to kitchen and starting the process)
Best bud: Fuck, where my miyo? (he meant mayo) miyo=My-Oh
I couldnt stop laughing. kinda stupid


Active Member
When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.


"what if something happened that you just could not handle. How would you handle a situation like that"

-First time I ever smoked


"I got a question for you. Could Jesus microwave a burrito so hot, he himself couldn't eat it?"- Homer motherfucking Simpson. Good shit.


my own... the first or second time I got seriously blazed, sat with a couple friends in a car for awhile in my driveway just listening to music, then we get out to go raid my fridge, and there's these offset crazy stone steps down to my apartment, and I got all concerned for them and just kept saying "no! nononononono... these stairs will EAT you!" but we were laughing like crazy.