Greenhouse seeds (grow journal)

1 week into flower - so around 8/9 week left added big bud from advanced today .Lights been bumped up to 100% has well there looking really nice ,need to sort that door out - it's like all my rooms a room within a room so it has no light leaks but rather get that door on to make sure that it's going to be totally air tight for when these start to smell.Also added a green light for work that I may need to do during lights off - #spiderfarmer the light is using £1.45 a day considering a pair of 600 watt hps use on average £6.00 a day with rest of the house - I really wish I had another one of these then I would put all flower rooms over to se3000 s and most likely get another in time.Loving these lights though - will be adding 2 sf1000 boards round about week 6.But first thing is get that table built over them tomorrow in both rooms - I've had to take the auto pots trays out of this room ,because I didn't have enough trays.But the hps room all 4 will be on hydroponic set up auto pots has normal - just need to get tank out and rig it up.Both rooms look really nice and clinical clean wise - so looking forward to getting back on edibles once this is done.It really does effect ya big time when your forced to stop growing - around 2/3 months with out growing it nearlly killed me ,I really did miss it - so glad to be back 20220923_194731.jpg20220923_194836.jpg
That exodus and jack are growing strangely the exodus I've done in past has grown like the jack herer and exodus like Jack herer if that makes sense .Both have very old school smells to then though so I'm pretty sure at least one or two of the 6 will be keepers.Need at least 4 clones for next set - so tomorrow is gonna be a busy day.
Tomorrow I'm gonna give these some lst training - there gonna get a table over them has well but more so the jack herer needs some training.I have never liked taking leafs of a plant that are healthy - I'm hoping on tying those side branches down ore so for better air flow through this pheno.Ive never known Jack herer grow in this way it normally is a taller sativa looking plant ,so I really do think these two could be very nice keepers.Since putting that light dial up to 100% these are growing at a really fast rate.Im also going to slow the speed of that exodus down by topping again for 3 Rd time and top the other 4 for last time 20220923_194731.jpg
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Had problems with my original tank today - so put a dwc bucket in its place and used that ,its something I've done several times in the past.They come with a hosepipe already on them so I just add a tap stop at the end of that and then more horse pipe.The horse pipe have two two way connectors on that will take two pieces of spaghetti tubing from each one of the 4 plants so they should be fine.I always hand feed for 5/7 days - just till roots hit the bottom of the pots then tank gets turned on - I have air rings in the bottom of each tray - just to keep that nutrient layer aerated snd more importantly moving instead of it becoming stagnant.The plants under se3000 is doing great the plants have been on big bud for 7 days now - the others are 7 days behind the others.the
This room is now finished just leave them to do what there doing and should be fine 1 1/2 mtr x 1 mtr - door still not on yet because o aint got wood to do it but it will be done by time they start 3rd week of flower temps good and so is humidity 20220926_143851.jpg20220926_143912.jpg20220926_143916.jpg
Round about 5th week I will be lowering the light to around 12 inch of the tops - hoping if temps keep low ,I will be able to add another two boards sf1000s from spiderfarmers
Next set put to root today others are through the scrog table today has well - finished the door has well to room that will be getting done in next week - gotta make a few adjustments to fan to wall mount it but I'm getting there now.20220927_192600.jpg20220927_192806.jpg
Exodus cheese and jack herer both looking really nice - tomorrow night door goes on,and fan gets mounted inside the room.Im thinking that should take the temps up to around 25 and humidity may also rise to around 55/58 but that will do me.The topping helped with both plants been same height now and both are just through the table now.I mounted the se3000 towards the back of room but I did thar because at week 5/6 I will be adding both sf1000s to the room that will pretty much give me 400 watt of light - with that I'm hoping for a nice weight from these two the other 4 are getting put on auto pot set up this Friday- that's when both lights will be put on and they will start to really grow fast.
#greenhouseseeds #spiderfarmer 20220928_182649.jpg20220928_182703.jpg20220928_182724.jpg20220928_182914.jpg20220928_182920.jpg
The other 4 are 1 week into flower today,there all looking great soon be time to get a table over these has well 20220929_065652.jpg
2 week into flower today
2 x hps coolhoods - second added today
Canna a/b
Big bud
1.3 ec - bumped up to 1.4 tomorrow
Scrog table put in place today
2 fullgas
1 jack herer
1 exodus cheese 20220930_114354.jpg20220930_114401.jpg20220930_114411.jpg20220930_114418.jpg
Both room finished at last - gets bloody harder older ya get I know that - there rigged to tank now so that's gonna save some messing about.I was gonna put others in auto pots but can't find other trays so hand feed those two .Finished the door has well so now temps are better 23 lights on 15 lights of temps around 28 lights on hps room 15 lights off 20220930_210124.jpg20220930_210129.jpg20220930_210135.jpg20220930_210148.jpg20220930_210156.jpg20220930_210407.jpg20220930_185319.jpg20220930_185754.jpg20220930_185328.jpg20220930_185330.jpg
Just ground up de carb for 3 hour then made into butter then chocolates and jellies.20221001_124623.jpg20221001_171725.jpg
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Both grows have really come into there own this week Looking great need the light lowering now over the two though.
Spiderfarmer grow will be 3 full week Friday
Hps will be 2 week Friday.20221006_095515.jpg20221006_093325.jpg20221006_093335.jpg