Greenhouse Tx Winter Grow.

Ya the cold front was pretty rough i got a new low in there of 49.1. It was blowing in my "door" still havnt got a real one on there. I made it with crap around my house pretty much so it only cost about $55. 45 or so for the plastic sheeting and 10ish for stamples and liquid silicon to attacht it. I had the boards layin around the yard. Anyway heres the pics of the babies that will be in there soon. The biggest one is blueberry.

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Heres shaman that sprouted at the same time almost but has been having real probs.

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and pineapple chunk

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and lastly white domina or something.

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Doing another lil update on the babies, the PC had a huge growth spurt.

first off BBerry

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Shaman still being a gimp dunno wtf happened to her.

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PC growing all crazy.

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And lastly the White Domina

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Looking good!

I'm still trimming away, and haven't been around much. Maybe done by Christmas.

I was looking at your harvest pix, and want to make a suggestion. Look for outside sources of light during the night, like porch, street, or window lights.

I've had the same problem in one of my greenhouses.

I finally figured out it was a small porch light, about 50 feet away, causing loose buds.

I used a black tarp, religiously hung daily at sunset to eliminate the problem.
the big one was getting light leaks a bit more then i wanted. it got alot before i finished the greenhouse. About a week or so before it was done it started freezing at night and i was taking it in the house (more damn light in there). She had alot of problems not sure which ones made the buds more gimply like that but she still put out some nice weight for how much crap she went through. Her lil sister is already looking more dense and buddy, and shes only like 5 weeks into flowering. Will do some pics of her later today.
freezing is extremely bad even for a few hours. I always have the heater on in my greenhouse on auto to keep it around 75ish, at nights it can still dip to low 60s in there with heater going. im gonna try to add some shelving in there to keep them off the ground and just heat under them to keep it warmer in there. roots do best around 85ish and it speeds the growth of the plant.

WOW DUDE! where has this thread been?

your stuff is outside now ? i have it hard enough inside. AC yesterday afternoon, early this morning, heater. more AC today, looks like.

the temp and humidity swings outside this time of year (where i am...yee haw) are way too drastic. hail storm a month ago.

you, sir, have great big balls. gonna figure out how to sub.
The 2 plants im about to show in these pics have been outside the whole time. The lil seedlings arent out there yet, but will be in another week or so. I got a heater and a fan in there so i got the temp pretty under control. And I got my other ferts today yay!

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baby sis

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and Lil sis, getting not so little anymore.

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lookin good man never used the earth juice but you are gonna love the beasti blooms nd cha ching nd open sesmae i use all of them plus their grow big big bloom and tiger bloom, ive also run gh this round micro grow bloom and flora grow koolbloom liquid nd dry havent burned her yet been noce runnin both
Nice job,my man! You know I'm like'n this!!

I thought you might be following this one VG, I can't believe your still trimming, ouch!

Keep it up Bz your doing everything right

Thanks people and welcome those who just stepped in. Its cool to see VG and doubleJJ posting on my grow you guys were my idols when i first started using the site. VGs badass back yard grows, and JJs 14' WW carport was drooling for a few hours when i saw it. I will try to keep the updates with lots of pics and often. I also just started a party cup contest on the general grow page, if anyone was interested.
watch out for that dababy thats what happened to my bigger one and the cold stress made it hermi pretty bad.
... well i think im gonna call it. RIP baby shaman, she died so young.
hunching over the soil now and has started to yellow all over. still no new growth since the spots appeared.
bummer man sorry to hear it i had to emergency harvsest my crop today cuz of my landlords commin over to check on the plumbing they will have to go into my grow room
ya i found out what happened..... stupid me used a paper party cup and bottom was molding. I hadnt watered it in 4 days but the lower part of the cup was soggy and moldy. lesson learned lol NEVER use paper again only plastic. Already went out and bought some!