Greenpoint seeds!!

lol passive aggressive? I call shit exactly how I see it.. Im not passive about a thing. Trying to get some likes by taking shots at me?? I'm on your mind like that?? Get your damn panties out of bunch bruh :lol:

You got a problem.. PM me and get off the little kid shit

edit: I just realized you were the kid with the super washed out picture a while back.. You get all worked up because I said this?

lol seriously man you call that passive aggressive? :roll: Man.. you need to seriously grow up.. I was TRYING to be nice even.. kinda sad actually
You seem a little more worked up about this than me. Hmmmm. Bottom line is anyone can do whatever the fuck they want with their photos. Sometimes the lighting in a bright environment doesn't look right and you have to use a filter. Who are you to critique other people's photos. That's a fucking hater in my book. Then after my post you posted " now there's a real photo" with clapping hands. A bitch move. So keep it real bro. U talked shit and got called out. Deal with it.
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You seem a little more worked up about this than me. Hmmmm. Bottom line is anyone can do whatever the fuck they want with their photos. Sometimes the lighting in a bright environment doesn't look right and you have to use a filter. Who are you to critique other people's photos. That's a fucking hater in my book. Then after my post you posted " now there's a real photo" with clapping hands. A bitch move. So keep it real real bro. U talked shit and got called out. Deal with it.



sen·si·tive | \ˈsen(t)-sə-tiv, sen(t)s-təv\

highly responsive or susceptible: such as

a(1) : easily hurt or damaged especially : easily hurt emotionally
You seem a little more worked up about this than me. Hmmmm. Bottom line is anyone can do whatever the fuck they want with their photos. Sometimes the lighting in a bright environment doesn't look right and you have to use a filter. Who are you to critique other people's photos. That's a fucking hater in my book. Then after my post you posted " now there's a real photo" with clapping hands. A bitch move. So keep it real bro. U talked shit and got called out. Deal with it.
I see it more as a compliment, might be perceived as slightly backhanded but a compliment nonetheless. I agree with bcp's opinion the picture being better than green's usual uploads.

Fact of the matter is half or more of the pictures uploaded by any user are objectively dog shit from a photography perspective. Always room for improvement in most areas in life, nobody is perfect.
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I see it more as a compliment, might be perceived as slightly backhanded but a compliment nonetheless. I agree with bcp's opinion the picture being better than green's usual uploads.

Fact of the matter is half or more of the pictures uploaded by any user are objectively dog shit from a photography perspective. Always room for improvement in most area's in life, nobody is perfect.
I perceive anyone critiquing someone's photos as trying to downgrade someone's grow. They are basically telling whoever posted that it's all photo trickery. Who cares if someone wants to take a pic in the dark use a filter etc. It's their photo and they are sharing with the community. Just like it or if you don't like it don't like. Why people gotta comment on it seems like a bitch move to me don't like the photo don't look and keep it moving.
I perceive anyone critiquing someone's photos as trying to downgrade someone's grow. They are basically telling whoever posted that it's all photo trickery. Who cares if someone wants to take a pic in the dark use a filter etc. It's their photo and they are sharing with the community. Just like it or if you don't like it don't like. Why people gotta comment on it seems like a bitch move to me don't like the photo don't look and keep it moving.
Seems like a real bitch move to even be picking this fight imo.
I perceive anyone critiquing someone's photos as trying to downgrade someone's grow. They are basically telling whoever posted that it's all photo trickery. Who cares if someone wants to take a pic in the dark use a filter etc. It's their photo and they are sharing with the community. Just like it or if you don't like it don't like. Why people gotta comment on it seems like a bitch move to me don't like the photo don't look and keep it moving.
lot of elders on here, feel the need to offer advise or comment, even when not wanted, needed or warranted. Just the nature of this forum. Now you know why HydroRed doin his own thing, got tired of the know it alls. Just sayin, some can take opinions better than others. Some don't want any. lol. Some want to be the star of the party, aka the turboposters, you can spot em a mile away. lol. Hang in there, bro.
Seems like a real bitch move to even be picking this fight imo.
Who the fuck are you? I don't even know who you are. Wasn't even talking to you.
you got in your feelings because I complimented the next persons photo?? Do you know what a "bitch move" is?? :lol:

This is the internet.. a forum.. people comment on other peoples comments. I was giving you constructive criticism, not even being an asshole about it. If a little comment like that got you all in your emotions, maybe the internet isnt for you..

Grow up kid

Im done man.. seriously if you have an issue just PM me instead of @ing me on some bullshit

I'm not a kid. Like I said bro, I thought some of your post were talking shit. Called you out. You said your piece. Were good.
does anyone have some advise on getting bubble hash left over unstuck from the 25 micron pressing screen? I've got about a gram stuck that I can't get off all it do is make a big mess! I'd like to get that gram and use it, not just clean the screen (dont care about the screen)
You might try freezing the bag and it should fall out some how. Or use ethanol or equal solvent.
I see it more as a compliment, might be perceived as slightly backhanded but a compliment nonetheless. I agree with bcp's opinion the picture being better than green's usual uploads.

Fact of the matter is half or more of the pictures uploaded by any user are objectively dog shit from a photography perspective. Always room for improvement in most areas in life, nobody is perfect.
every body wanna hate on my pics but no one wanna give me advice on how to take em! lol I ain't mad! and I'm dam sure not trying to play who's the bigger Internet gangster! lmfao just saying I've got a hell of cam on my burner phone I should be able to take some top quality pics!
the s1 through s5 tags just stand for seeds 1, and so on, I did that so I don't mix them up with any others, I actually haven't decided if they will make it into the flower room, bag seeds scare me but every one I've tried in the past all went hermi! and I fucking Hate herms!

I've got a shit ton of plants in veg right now, about to take some clones, clean and empty the flower room, and fill it back up!