Greenpoint seeds!!

proof in the pudding that Gu took him on, do you see Gu complaining? lol You ever wonder why many of the same people have the same hermie probs with many different strains? Its obviously the strain, lmfao.
Think you spoke truth by accident.
proof in the pudding that Gu took him on, do you see Gu complaining? lol You ever wonder why many of the same people have the same hermie probs with many different strains? Its obviously the strain, lmfao.
Who gives a fook if gu is complaining-Not the same strain numb nutz-might wanna do some research before you run your cocksuckers-at the lake on da boat I'll be back later today to see some more of your goofy shit
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The tribalism is very palpable. It's funny to me, perspective being everything here. I don't think either side should defend their positions by attacking H, Gu or each other but here we are.... lol

Personally, having all these GPS packs as back ups to the back up plans; basically no plan to grow any of them out. Being on the opposite side of things; not personally being the biggest fan of Gu's personality (disorder) or ethics, pigeon-holed into continued GPS patronage to obtain things I actually want to grow, from Heisen. I understand it's a mutually beneficial relationship financially and honestly the best stepping stone for H to a more reputable purveyor of seeds, for the time being. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, only thing I can do is squirm wildly while I keep mailing money to Gu.

For austerity the monkeys hating on H should be slinging shit at Gu as well, truth be told. Obviously a few of them have some confirmation bias, currently/previously running tons of GPS and more in the vault it's hard to see the fault in their own stars.

I could name 5 GPS strains off the top of my head that if you grew 2 packs of em you'd be picking intercalary meristem balls off the lowers of a few if you flowered the seed plants. I could even show proof from previous posts if I felt like sifting through thousands of messages. Be equal opportunity haters and blow up Gu with your hater-bombs as well.

Where them pitch forks at, boys? :fire:

But seriously, doesn't it get old? Your biggest voice is your dollars, not text. Being guilty of it myself in the past I realize how small of a man it makes you appear. :wall:

Be more like Gu, man up and let bygones be bygones. Be more like H, man up and let bygones be bygones. Or not, if you want to be a small man "ainter" that's totally your choice. Some childish shit guys..... immaturity or instability be damned. :bigjoint:
Talking to me? @ me nxt time.You sure do a lot of campaigning for the ol chap.Hope youre getting something for all your hard work.
Teeth grinding? Not since my last rail of coke almost 20 years ago.
He is an admin at Heisen's web site.
I think people feel sorry for Heisen and want to help him succeed.
Unfortunately, a tiger can't change his stripes.
I've worked with many unprofessional people over the years and they are sloppy -- it's in their DNA.

And I wasn't kidding when I said I wish I had never given him my personal information.
His cyber Neverland won't last.
Sloppy is, as sloppy does. :dunce:
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Breeding in 'Merica is most generally throwing pollen at a famous Clone. Not developing strains through selecting from hundreds or thousands of plants repeatedly through several generations. Also pretty hard to find much without a Chem somewhere in the lineage. Just the way things have evolved.
Yep, nobody puts in the work anymore.
Then they think a pack of untested F1/S1 pollen chucks is worth $100???
The tribalism is very palpable. It's funny to me, perspective being everything here. I don't think either side should defend their positions by attacking H, Gu or each other but here we are.... lol

Personally, having all these GPS packs as back ups to the back up plans; basically no plan to grow any of them out. Being on the opposite side of things; not personally being the biggest fan of Gu's personality (disorder) or ethics, pigeon-holed into continued GPS patronage to obtain things I actually want to grow, from Heisen. I understand it's a mutually beneficial relationship financially and honestly the best stepping stone for H to a more reputable purveyor of seeds, for the time being. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, only thing I can do is squirm wildly while I keep mailing money to Gu.

For austerity the monkeys hating on H should be slinging shit at Gu as well, truth be told. Obviously a few of them have some confirmation bias, currently/previously running tons of GPS and more in the vault it's hard to see the fault in their own stars.

I could name 5 GPS strains off the top of my head that if you grew 2 packs of em you'd be picking intercalary meristem balls off the lowers of a few if you flowered the seed plants. I could even show proof from previous posts if I felt like sifting through thousands of messages. Be equal opportunity haters and blow up Gu with your hater-bombs as well.

Where them pitch forks at, boys? :fire:

But seriously, doesn't it get old? Your biggest voice is your dollars, not text. Being guilty of it myself in the past I realize how small of a man it makes you appear. :wall:

Be more like Gu, man up and let bygones be bygones. Be more like H, man up and let bygones be bygones. Or not, if you want to be a small man "ainter" that's totally your choice. Some childish shit guys..... immaturity or instability be damned. :bigjoint:
People are people and there's a shitload of projection going on here.
Sometimes I'm in the mood to read bullshit and laugh, but other times I'm a little punchy. (You know why.)

Everyone has their moments...
He is an admin at Heisen's web site.
I think people feel sorry for Heisen and want to help him succeed.
Unfortunately, a tiger can't change his stripes.
I've worked with many unprofessional people over the years and they are sloppy -- it's in their DNA.

And I wasn't kidding when I said I wish I had never given him my personal information.
His cyber Neverland won't last.
Sloppy is, as sloppy does. :dunce:
if you mean me, lmfao, you have resorted to lying, im not surprised. You must be thinkin of Main Cola or someone, Im not admin, lmfao. Look at the attention whores come out when Q says it like a man and tells it like it is. You aren't one of the hermie crew, are you? Herms with bout everything you try? lol, j/k bro, but you way off. Im not techie at all, no way I could be an admin.
Yep, nobody puts in the work anymore.
Then they think a pack of untested F1/S1 pollen chucks is worth $100???
Did heisen send you 2 packs for free? Story I read is you started trashing GPS on another thread, and heisen got on you about your constant flip flopping and complaining. Than you got mouthy with a mod and was banned. After all your trash talking you showed up over here sucking up. Just pick a side and stick with it. I think a lot of folks here just ignore your flip flop post. I'm trying really hard to restrain my iggy button finger.

Also as I recall H didn't support your ban but he stands behind his mods.
if you mean me, lmfao, you have resorted to lying, im not surprised. You must be thinkin of Main Cola or someone, Im not admin, lmfao. Look at the attention whores come out when Q says it like a man and tells it like it is. You aren't one of the hermie crew, are you? Herms with bout everything you try? lol, j/k bro, but you way off. Im not techie at all, no way I could be an admin.
Well look at you; fishing for a response like a little girl.

I know you can do better...
Did heisen send you 2 packs for free? Story I read is you started trashing GPS on another thread, and heisen got on you about your constant flip flopping and complaining. Than you got mouthy with a mod and was banned. After all your trash talking you showed up over here sucking up. Just pick a side and stick with it. I think a lot of folks here just ignore your flip flop post. I'm trying really hard to restrain my iggy button finger.

Also as I recall H didn't support your ban but he stands behind his mods.
I love the way you speak in 3rd person.
Or are you Mrs H?
Or maybe Mrs Gu?

Heisen was drinking (again) and jumped me for no reason (again). Please provide the unedited posts for everyone to read.

You aren't very smart.
I love the way you speak in 3rd person.
Or are you Mrs H?
Or maybe Mrs Gu?

Heisen was drinking (again) and jumped me for no reason (again). Please provide the unedited posts for everyone to read.

You aren't very smart.
For no reason? It's all on the greenpoint thread and NOTHING has been edited as the mods can back up that statement as you can also see in the screenshot. You and another poster was bashing greenpoint that started on page 5 and continued to go on. H made a valid point. Than you resorted to insults and name calling. Can you for once accept responsibility for a mishap or just admit you was wrong? I've seen H own up to plenty of mistakes.
The funny part about the whole situation is after all that you came back here and started kissing ass and buying seeds on auction. I've seen flip flop but you seriously take it to a new level.

Screenshot_20190707-122118_Samsung Internet.jpg
The tribalism is very palpable. It's funny to me, perspective being everything here. I don't think either side should defend their positions by attacking H, Gu or each other but here we are.... lol

Personally, having all these GPS packs as back ups to the back up plans; basically no plan to grow any of them out. Being on the opposite side of things; not personally being the biggest fan of Gu's personality (disorder) or ethics, pigeon-holed into continued GPS patronage to obtain things I actually want to grow, from Heisen. I understand it's a mutually beneficial relationship financially and honestly the best stepping stone for H to a more reputable purveyor of seeds, for the time being. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, only thing I can do is squirm wildly while I keep mailing money to Gu.

For austerity the monkeys hating on H should be slinging shit at Gu as well, truth be told. Obviously a few of them have some confirmation bias, currently/previously running tons of GPS and more in the vault it's hard to see the fault in their own stars.

I could name 5 GPS strains off the top of my head that if you grew 2 packs of em you'd be picking intercalary meristem balls off the lowers of a few if you flowered the seed plants. I could even show proof from previous posts if I felt like sifting through thousands of messages. Be equal opportunity haters and blow up Gu with your hater-bombs as well.

Where them pitch forks at, boys? :fire:

But seriously, doesn't it get old? Your biggest voice is your dollars, not text. Being guilty of it myself in the past I realize how small of a man it makes you appear. :wall:

Be more like Gu, man up and let bygones be bygones. Be more like H, man up and let bygones be bygones. Or not, if you want to be a small man "ainter" that's totally your choice. Some childish shit guys..... immaturity or instability be damned. :bigjoint:
Could you dumb all this mumbo jumbo down for me-what are you tryin to say?
If you can't comprehend what I typed maybe you shouldn't be further retarding your mental capability with marijuana. Read a book and stop hating on people that have/had no impact on your life.
Didn't know marijuana did this"retarding"-not "hating" on anybody soft sak-your hero's gear been throwing ballz that's all-can you recomend a good book?