Greenpoint seeds!!

Yep, nobody puts in the work anymore.
Then they think a pack of untested F1/S1 pollen chucks is worth $100???

I dunno. not trying to call you out or anything, just thinking out loud. It would cost me more than $100 to find a decent male plant and cross it with any of my keeper females. It would then cost more $ to grow out no more than 10-15 of those beans to determine if it's a success or worth looking further into. If not, then all those extra beans are trash, and at least two cycles wasted. If I'm buying from someone I trust, then I can reduce this process down a few months, and not have to deal with male plants, at the cost of $100. I can justify this from the right, reputable breeder. But yeah, from some no name joe grower - I don't have time to mess around.
Didn't know marijuana did this"retarding"-not "hating" on anybody soft sak-your hero's gear been throwing ballz that's all-can you recomend a good book?
He's definitely not my hero, I'd put him as a peer with whom I'd like to continue having a more than amicable relationship.

The balls aren't his fault, he didn't make any of the seeds or find any of the clones. Gotta sift through others' shit to make gold of his own, all a step in the process. These balls also came from seed plants which is VERY common given the genetics. You'd have realized that yourself if you weren't so busy trolling/hating.

I'd suggest Harry Potter since you seem to prefer existing in a land of make-believe. Beware the lexicon gets more complex and the story more dark as the series continues. You might get stuck in book 3, keep a dictionary nearby.
He's definitely not my hero, I'd put him as a peer with whom I'd like to continue having a more than amicable relationship.

The balls aren't his fault, he didn't make any of the seeds or find any of the clones. Gotta sift through others' shit to make gold of his own, all a step in the process. These balls also came from seed plants which is VERY common given the genetics. You'd have realized that yourself if you weren't so busy trolling/hating.

I'd suggest Harry Potter since you seem to prefer existing in a land of make-believe. Beware the lexicon gets more complex and the story more dark as the series continues. You might get stuck in book 3, keep a dictionary nearby.
"The balls aren't his fault, he didn't make any of the seeds or find any of the clones"
That statement right there makes me a non customer-so who's fault is it? He sold the beans
Also harry twatter sounds like your auto biography no thanks I dont dig otto's
Good luck
"The balls aren't his fault, he didn't make any of the seeds or find any of the clones"
That statement right there makes me a non customer-so who's fault is it? He sold the beans
Also harry twatter sounds like your auto biography no thanks I dont dig otto's
Good luck
So you're gonna let that statement from someone other than the seed maker after months of snide comments and the recent outright hating make you a non-customer? Your loss I guess.

It's no one's fault but more the nature of it man. Shit smells bad, it's not anyone's fault other than your own for smelling it. There isn't always someone to blame for everything negative.
Eagle Scout with Canna’s LVTK in the back, both in Final Ripen eta next friday or so
I had one small branch from the eagle die couple weeks back, its dried and bagged and has fabulous bag appeal for not fully ripened flowers... Very happy with my eagle scout, the clone is already bigger then this first tester plant

The tops are enormous but only toward the top is it full dense, towards the middle you can kind of open it up


CBB3D23B-6479-4371-93CB-E7E64E06BE9B.jpeg 0B94D620-0091-4888-926E-7408110A15A7.jpeg
He's definitely not my hero, I'd put him as a peer with whom I'd like to continue having a more than amicable relationship.

The balls aren't his fault, he didn't make any of the seeds or find any of the clones. Gotta sift through others' shit to make gold of his own, all a step in the process. These balls also came from seed plants which is VERY common given the genetics. You'd have realized that yourself if you weren't so busy trolling/hating.

I'd suggest Harry Potter since you seem to prefer existing in a land of make-believe. Beware the lexicon gets more complex and the story more dark as the series continues. You might get stuck in book 3, keep a dictionary nearby.

You make any excuse possible for this guy
Well since I can't post in the heisenbean thread anymore and people are over there talking shit about me I might as well bring it here.

I didn't fuck with Heisens Paypal, I fucked with heisen about getting my money back but that was after he offered the money back but refused to send me his address so I could actually send the beans back. I promised him three times I would not contact them and I did not contact them. He's calling me a nark and get this. He has now posted the private PM we had over on Chuckers.

Do you want to buy seeds from a guy that would post your private PM in a forum in which he blocked you? I have no idea what he posted over there or what he did to edit it or if he even removed my contact info.

Mr sock puppet is posting PM's from a Customer on a forum that he blocked that customer from. I told his sock puppet if he wanted he could post it here as long as he did a full screenshot without the customer info and that it had to be posted here and that all of it had to be posted, everything, not some edited up crap. I did not want it posted in a place where I can't see what he did with it or what was left out etc. But either way, do you want to do business with a guy who would post your PM's on his forum where you can't even defend yourself? Would you buy medicine from a person with that kind of ethics?

And yes I'm pissed but not about the seeds. I was offered all these strains or most of them in clone form and turned them down. I even told him that he could take the seeds back and if he didn't give me the money back I still wouldn't report him to paypal and that he could just pack the money and the seeds up his backside. I'm pissed that he called me a rat and that he keeps lying about me. And now I'm really pissed that he posted the PM's in a place where I can't see what he did to them or defend myself.

Keep doing business with this guy and eventually you will be on my end of things and see how it feels.
Its obvious when a person reads the pm posted over there, what your intention was, especially when you asked if he was sending your money back, said cool, you won't have to ask paypal then. Now what the fuck, that sure sounds like you planned on asking paypal for your money back immediately. Then the next morn when he logged into Paypal to return your money, acct closed. Cmon man. And if you was set up like you mentioned, this wouldn't be as big of deal as you are making it, you are scorching every thread you can. lol, I can screenshot the pm at Heisen's, Im sure it will shut some people up for sure. Let me know what you wanna do.
I guess this can be said here til the house cleaning takes place. Heisen is a personal friend of mine I trust implicitly. That being said I have read the PM between you both. Nothing edited or changed. You threatened the man's PayPal account. Repeatedly. "Lucky I dont jack your account" sound familiar? Then the same day his shit gets shut down. Honestly to me anything that happened to you from that point on you deserve and you get no pity from me. The customer is always right is some bullshit to me and I myself am one. Then you have the balls to insinuate he would lower himself to your level and compromise YOUR security, or post your personal details. You threatened his. That is a fact. You should know better than that. In this game its 100 percent off limits and I would be more than happy to never have a cent of your money ever again if I was in his shoes.
Its obvious when a person reads the pm posted over there, what your intention was, especially when you asked if he was sending your money back, said cool, you won't have to ask paypal then. Now what the fuck, that sure sounds like you planned on asking paypal for your money back immediately. Then the next morn when he logged into Paypal to return your money, acct closed. Cmon man. And if you was set up like you mentioned, this wouldn't be as big of deal as you are making it, you are scorching every thread you can. lol, I can screenshot the pm at Heisen's, Im sure it will shut some people up for sure. Let me know what you wanna do.

Dude, I don't know what creative editing he did over there but I know I didn't contact paypal and you shouldn't be standing up for someone who would post private PM's in a place where you can't even defend yourself. Would you want someone doing this to you and honestly why would you even come close to defending someone who would post their customers PM's? You have to know that he's being a total shit for posting them over there where I can't read them. You also know that I gave him permission to post them here and under what conditions I agreed to allowing him to post them. Anyone who would post private PM against the will of their customer is a complete and total ass and nobody should stand up for that kind of behavior I don't care what kind of past you have with him.
I guess this can be said here til the house cleaning takes place. Heisen is a personal friend of mine I trust implicitly. That being said I have read the PM between you both. Nothing edited or changed. You threatened the man's PayPal account. Repeatedly. Then the same day his shit gets shut down. Honestly to me anything that happened to you from that point on you deserve and you get no pity from me. The customer is always right is some bullshit to me and I myself am one. Then you have the balls to insinuate he would lower himself to your level and compromise YOUR security, or post your personal details. You threatened his. That is a fact. You should know better than that. In this game its 100 percent off limits and I would be more than happy to never have a cent of your money ever again if I was in his shoes.

Dude I don't know what he posted over there but I didn't contact them period, I did not call them, I did not e-mail them, I did not even leave a note in the comment section, nothing nada.

You can stand up for a piece of garbage that posts customers PM's if you want, but it's not really defensible in the least.

I told him he could take his seeds and the money and I would not contact paypal did you read that part or did he not post it?

And if you read them do you not see where I told him repeatedly that I was not going to contact paypal? Be honest, because if that isn't included in what he posted over there you have not read the whole thing, not even close. I told him more than once that I was not going to contact paypal and that I was just fucking with him in return for fucking with me. I said a bunch of times I would not contact paypal. Did he, or did he not include those parts of the PM? If he did put that in, then why are you not including the fact that I told him over and over that I would not contact paypal? A little bit one sided aren't you?
no editing, I read the whole stream of messages and it really explains many things. All Im gonna say. There is no personal info on them except for posen's handle. So your paranoid worrying is misplaced and if you weren't scorching every thread, he woudn't have had to post it. But you gotta have the last say, no matter what, lol, so go ahead. You dont' want anyone offerings trying to help you, you just want to bitch and at this point, its a he said he said cept one he has a some pm's that are very damning looking on your part, just saying, goin by the times, what you said bout if he sent the money, you wouldn't have to ask paypal, etc. Your talkin to him as Posen and admitting you re 18650. Now cmon man, you just diggin yourself in a deeper hole, lol,
no editing, I read the whole stream of messages and it really explains many things. All Im gonna say. There is no personal info on them except for posen's handle. So your paranoid worrying is misplaced and if you weren't scorching every thread, he woudn't have had to post it. But you gotta have the last say, no matter what, lol, so go ahead. You dont' want anyone offerings trying to help you, you just want to bitch and at this point, its a he said he said cept one he has a some pm's that are very damning looking on your part, just saying, goin by the times, what you said bout if he sent the money, you wouldn't have to ask paypal, etc. Your talkin to him as Posen and admitting you re 18650. Now cmon man, you just diggin yourself in a deeper hole, lol,

Again I don't know what he posted was it a screen shot or copied and pasted. If it's the whole thing then you will see where I repeatedly told him I would not contact paypal, not even if he didn't send me my money back. Did you read that part or did he leave it out? Did you read the part where I told him he could keep the seeds and the money and pack them up his ass if he wasn't man enough to send me money back AFTER he offered it?

Dude I turned down your kind offer of free seeds for the same reason I turned down Jessie's offer of all his cuts. It's not about the seeds and I'm really not interested in growing any of this stuff, it all seems kind of wack to me now anyway. I'm not asking for charity, I'm not desperate for seeds and although the timing looks bad I did in fact tell him more than once that I would not contact paypal, if that is not included in there then he is not posting all of it.

Oh and I don't care what you say, nobody on Earth would think it's cool to have their PM's posted on any site let alone one where you can't look at them or defend yourself. You people should not be standing up for this behavior in the least. I told him he could post them here, in full where I could see if they were edited or not. YOU know that's what I told him and you don't care that he's posting them over there. What do you think that says about your ethics?
Dude I don't know what he posted over there but I didn't contact them period, I did not call them, I did not e-mail them, I did not even leave a note in the comment section, nothing nada.

You can stand up for a piece of garbage that posts customers PM's if you want, but it's not really defensible in the least.

I told him he could take his seeds and the money and I would not contact paypal did you read that part or did he not post it?

And if you read them do you not see where I told him repeatedly that I was not going to contact paypal? Be honest, because if that isn't included in what he posted over there you have not read the whole thing, not even close. I told him more than once that I was not going to contact paypal and that I was just fucking with him in return for fucking with me. I said a bunch of times I would not contact paypal. Did he, or did he not include those parts of the PM? If he did put that in, then why are you not including the fact that I told him over and over that I would not contact paypal? A little bit one sided aren't you?

Yes those parts are there. But step back for one second and turn the table. Me and you do business. I become unhappy with you for whatever reason and threaten your security. THEN I say multiple times I wont. And LOL scared you didnt I. How would you proceed? How would anyone? I personally would think you are a loose cannon and unstable and/or untrustable. The multiple names, threads, posts do not really lead me the other way.