Greenpoint seeds!!

Well, I hate to say it, but out of the 14 S1 seeds I popped, I have 5, possibly 6 males. I cant confirm the 6th yet as it was about 2 weeks behind the rest of the group due to being a runt in the beginning, but I'm pretty sure it's a male. I'm not intending to stir the drama pot here, just reporting my experience.

1-2/6 Wedding Cake, 3/6 Mimosa, and 1/2 Purple Punch are male. And I'm talking ball sacks on every node, no female preflowers anywhere. This is pretty disappointing, but I will continue on to see if these remaining females are worth a damn.. Gu said these seeds were all tested and had pics of the supposed test run. That was either a lie or whoever tested them lied about their findings or just plain didn't test them.

On a positive note, these plants have been extremely vigorous for the most part. I am hoping for some keeper females to make this run not a complete waste of time. If they end up being garbage, I'll probably be returning the rest of the S1 packs I bought for a refund. I don't like having to pay to be a guinea pig. Here are some pics of males as promised in my last post.

Mimosa #3
m3 balls - Copy.jpg
Mimosa #4
M6 balls - Copy.jpg
Mimosa #6
M4 balls - Copy.jpg
Purple Punch #1
PP1 balls - Copy.jpg
Wedding Cake #1
WC1 balls - Copy.jpg
Well, I hate to say it, but out of the 14 S1 seeds I popped, I have 5, possibly 6 males. I cant confirm the 6th yet as it was about 2 weeks behind the rest of the group due to being a runt in the beginning, but I'm pretty sure it's a male. I'm not intending to stir the drama pot here, just reporting my experience.

1-2/6 Wedding Cake, 3/6 Mimosa, and 1/2 Purple Punch are male. And I'm talking ball sacks on every node, no female preflowers anywhere. This is pretty disappointing, but I will continue on to see if these remaining females are worth a damn.. Gu said these seeds were all tested and had pics of the supposed test run. That was either a lie or whoever tested them lied about their findings or just plain didn't test them.

On a positive note, these plants have been extremely vigorous for the most part. I am hoping for some keeper females to make this run not a complete waste of time. If they end up being garbage, I'll probably be returning the rest of the S1 packs I bought for a refund. I don't like having to pay to be a guinea pig. Here are some pics of males as promised in my last post.

Mimosa #3
View attachment 4135841
Mimosa #4
View attachment 4135846
Mimosa #6
View attachment 4135848
Purple Punch #1
View attachment 4135850
Wedding Cake #1
View attachment 4135851
WOW dude,Thats fukin crazy on feminized seed packs.I really hate to say it but something is definitly fucked up,Those two packs of GG4 i have are Junk.
I can assure you that payofix is the issue. The card that got burnt was used exclusively for seeds. 0 balance in February. I did 8- 9 orders over the following months ending on with a final order on 4/20. I have spy ware and malware security and I still got burned for 600. They tried for 3 other transactions after the orginal one that got stopped by my cc company. I phoned them as soon a I found the charges and got my card # changed and sent it to securities for an investigation. I'm not blaming anyone hear. These fuckers are pieces of shit and they will find an angle any way possible. Cover your ass, check your balances. If you are diligent you should be ok. If you are nervous, cancel the card and get a new one. It could have been alot worse, but I got lucky. Again, I'm not blaming green point, it's the company that his hand is forced to uses fault.
Those are straight up males,Not even like deformity or bruce jenner type shit those are straight ball swinging dudes.I would personally throw all that shit in the trash.There is no way those are S1 crosses.that is either some scrap seeds scraped off the floor or some male pollen from who knows where got on those plants.I dont blame Gu though.I know how it feels being in a tough spot trying to help someone out and getting screwed in the process.
But it wasn't a male that was gifted via JJ.
I view this as no different than Bodhi using H&L appy. It was High and Lonesomes work, but Bodhi selected the male himself.
Though, I do agree its kinda fucked to make and sell F2s or BXs but there was a time when JJ just wasn't making his seeds available. The masses wanted them badly. (just like these S1s)

Someone was bound to step in and provide them. In this case, not only were they made available at extremely low prices but they were backed with a guarantee and a brilliant marketing strategy.

The way I see it, whatever happens between "breeders" is not my drama. We all have to do whats best for our lives and family...and I say this as someone who grows quite few various Top Dawg strains.
I've already made F2s of the Guava D and plan to do the same thing with every pack...just not for any kind of profit.

I’m definitely not on JJ’s side when it comes to the whole Top Dawg vs GPS debate. I think if you sell seeds, people can do what they want with them. I also don’t see any problems with making any personal F2s, or even making them to give away. This business is shady as shit, and the more people chucking purely for the good of their fellow man the better.

My main point was that if you want pure Stardawg go to the source. Also, it’s crazy how popular GPS has gotten with basically one breeding male and the possibility of some cheap packs.
Those are straight up males,Not even like deformity or bruce jenner type shit those are straight ball swinging dudes.I would personally throw all that shit in the trash.There is no way those are S1 crosses.that is either some scrap seeds scraped off the floor or some male pollen from who knows where got on those plants.I dont blame Gu though.I know how it feels being in a tough spot trying to help someone out and getting screwed in the process.

I might do some selective pollenation just for shits and gigs. This run could end up being a wash anyway so why not. If the plants end up being fire, Ill have something to play with.
Those are straight up males,Not even like deformity or bruce jenner type shit those are straight ball swinging dudes.I would personally throw all that shit in the trash.There is no way those are S1 crosses.that is either some scrap seeds scraped off the floor or some male pollen from who knows where got on those plants.I dont blame Gu though.I know how it feels being in a tough spot trying to help someone out and getting screwed in the process.

How can you not blame Gu? He sold them. He assured us these S1’s were tested. He sold them under his personal seed label.

Do I think Gu intentionally sold bunk seeds? Of course not.

But do I think he did his homework on SAG? No.

Do I think Gu tested the seeds himself? No.

But he still told everyone these were the real deal, made by a grower better than himself. He claimed multiple times that these seeds were tested. He made it sound like they were produced by someone he knew personally that he trusted. Clearly he was wrong.

Gu is very much in the wrong here. Instead of testing lines and ensuring he was reselling legit genetics, he took advantage of the hype and unwittingly sold bunk seeds. That’s his fault.

Gu wasn’t selling SAG’s seeds out of the kindness of his heart. He was selling them for profit pure and simple.

Also, he has been conspicuously absent since the male WCs have been brought to everyone’s attention. Anyone saying he did the right thing by removing the S1’s from the site, he sold out of all of them and clearly wasn’t going to get more in stock. I don’t give him any props for that at all.

It’s looking more and more like @whytewidow is right. These are straight up bullshit fake seeds and it extends beyond the WCs. All of the S1’s are garbage.
How can you not blame Gu? He sold them. He assured us these S1’s were tested. He sold them under his personal seed label.

Do I think Gu intentionally sold bunk seeds? Of course not.

But do I think he did his homework on SAG? No.

Do I think Gu tested the seeds himself? No.

But he still told everyone these were the real deal, made by a grower better than himself. He claimed multiple times that these seeds were tested. He made it sound like they were produced by someone he knew personally that he trusted. Clearly he was wrong.

Gu is very much in the wrong here. Instead of testing lines and ensuring he was reselling legit genetics, he took advantage of the hype and unwittingly sold bunk seeds. That’s his fault.

Also, he has been conspicuously absent since the male WCs have been brought to everyone’s attention. Anyone saying he did the right thing by removing the S1’s from the site, he sold out of all of them and clearly wasn’t going to get more in stock. I don’t give him any props for that at all.

It’s looking more and more like @whytewidow is right. These are straight up bullshit fake seeds and it extends beyond the WCs. All of the S1’s are garbage.

I think it's too soon to say that the seeds are bunk or garbage or fake, but something is obviously fucky. I will say that there is uniformity in the plants from each of the packs. I am even getting citrusy orange scent from a stem rub on some of the mimosas. I would have never bought these seeds from SAG. Only reason I did was because GU vouched for them, and he seemed to have much trust and respect here.
Gu can refund the seed packs but alot of people used nuggets to purchase them so its gonna be hard to credit those back,I used 80 dollars worth of Nugs for the 2 packs of GG s1's.
But you know Gu doesnt like this as much as anyone else.I do believe he values his customer base and if SAG did some last minute fuckery than there is no way that can be the ol chaps fault.I believe he spent some time there and really got a feel for the guy,everything looked legit
Testing S1;s is kinda moot though.I mean your selfing an elite clone.Everyone knows what there getting so thats where it ends,unless the pollen didnt come from the female.
If i take my WC cut and tell you im gonna reverse it and self pollinate it why do i have to test the F1's?You know exactly what i did and what your getting.Its an S1 of an elite cut.Maybe the the testers SAG sent was the real s1;s and than sent some bullshit to Gu.
One thing you can guarantee is Gu cares about his customers and he will get it right.
And anyone knows im the farthest from this thread on being a Gu nutswinger but i really think he got fucked beyond his control.
Just take the man up on his word. If he sold them to you, he will take them back. 100% refund, that's what I would do. Yeah the lost time sux, but that's better then banking on having girls in your garden and finding a sausage party. If you want those hype plants, keep Looking for another source, or you can rock the stardawg crosses that are proven. Just a thought.... I just ran into a problem myself with a cross I was led to believe was gonna be nuts. Started off with 50 , narrowed it down to 12. 9 of those 12 dropped balls on me 1 week into flower. I scrapped the project. Now I have more room to grow good shit... an I pissed ? Yes, more over my wasted time then anything. Did I learn something? Your damn right I did.. result are everything and bullshit walks. I just cloned the hell out of my jelly pie and a couple bodhi lines because they are proven....
I ordered this for my father and mother, who are in their mid 70's, and in pain for most of the day. Come to think about it it could just be old age. I don't know, Im no physical therapist ect etc. Anyway, my dad has some type of constant pain in his lower back and neck area. He gets "steroid" injections in his back every couple of months, and even that doesnt help him. I told him to try this and he didnt hesitate, who likes constant pain (no one does), and he can sleep at night with the oil. During the day though, when he takes two drops, the pain reduces to a "warming sensation" in his neck only. His lower back has no change in pain. Hes even taken 3 drops before, but I told him the dose is 2 drops, but even then he says that the three drops dont do anything to his lower back. This oil does work but only to a certain degree. My mother has been having severe pain in her upper lip are (by the teeth). Years ago my mother had a tooth removed and the doctor ruptured or pinched a nerve and ever since then the pain has been buiding. She has so much pain sometimes she has to lean on something and hold her face, my poor mother. Same with my father. She took one drop and she felt nauseous, I know why, she had cancer and she took chemo therapy and it made her immune system weak. Good thing I only mad her take one drop. She told me the drop only made her sleepy and didnt help with the pain in her upper lip at all. Like I said before this cbd oil does work but im guessing for mild to moderate (chronic or not) pain. In the cases of both my parents, they might need stronger stuff like opiod strength type pain killers. That or maybe its age. Anyone else on here over 70 and medicating with cbd oil have any similar stories? Maybe thc and cbd in ratios might help? I dont know.

Sometimes the cbd needs to be upped and given a bit longer in the system, especially in regards to the cause being inflammation. But for severe pain, and or as replacement for opiods or other painkillers, equal parts cbd to thc seems to be the key. In some end of lifers I know this is in fact why they love strong edibles or "shatter" type extracts.
Cheers :)
Are you for real? No one... and I mean NO ONE providing medical cannabis for a child with a chronic condition is going to provide meds they haven't had tested. This requires hunting, testing and running certain phenos several times before doing a production run. And even then, its usually made into micro dose edibles or some type of sublingual...not flowers.

Furthermore, parents of sick children do not let the health and well being of their child rest in just anyones hands. If whytewidow is truly providing meds for a child with chronic illness, surely he already has a line he uses in production. How bout you let just let him speak for himself.

IF someone plans to use the "sick child with seizures" or "cancer patient" as some fucked up twisted way to add validity to their opinion they damn well better know what the fuck they're talking about.

I've worked as a medical professional for many yrs, had a child with cancer, and recently lost a child.

Posts like yours are just flat out willfully ignorant.

If has little to do with the current issues and more to do with you being butthurt about not being able to buy single seeds. GTFOH with that shit.


My thoughts:

I have a family member with a late stage neuro-degenerative disease and a friend dying of Parkinson's. @Tangerine_ ,I'm very sorry for your loss. I am coming to understand the importance of buying and growing reputable strains. No one wants to have to chop a tent a few weeks into flower because the product wasn't what it claimed to be. And I am glad that we are in agreement that the idea of giving a sick person untested, unproven strains is absolutely insane.

(As long as people are inclined to attack me personally instead of addressing the questions I posed, I'll keep posting and refining my argument. Once you guys start addressing the issues instead of launching ad hominem attacks at me, (@Tangerine_ ) calling me ignorant or butthurt, instead of addressing the argument, I'll have no need to respond. And no matter what you think of or say about me, at the end of this process, when all is said and done, Gu will need to respond to the questions listed below because it will explain the process of acquiring and proving that the strains perform as sold. If he doesn't address questions like these, he will not have explained what happened, and customers can expect more of the same.)

This is a summary of the events and questions thus far, written by @Hotwired:


1) Gu met some guy, believed what he had was real and put them up on his site for purchase with pictures and all. The buyers, salivating at good genetics, bought up what he had believing they would get all females with possible herms because of the genetics.

2) A few people got outright males with pics and all. Stories started about bunk seeds being sold in large lots from one person to another.

3) Gu posts a few things about stories not being true and everything is legit. That we should all relax and if we are not happy to send them back for a full refund.

4) Many seeds on the GPS website suddenly vanish.

Then citizenofcolorado posts and asks a few legit questions about how these seeds were obtained. He was not angry or abusive. (maybe a bit whiney about single seeds over a 10 pack, IMO). These questions were pretty good and should not make anyone upset.

1) Did Gu grow everyone of the new strains before putting them to market?

2) Did Gu grow a single one of the new strains before putting them to market?

3) Has Gu ever purchased, grown and sold anything from this grower before?

(5 and 6 were recently added)

5) Did Gu personally know, work with, or purchase seeds from SAG for multiple years prior to releasing the S1s?

6) Did Gu personally know, work with, or purchase seeds from SAG for one year prior to releasing the S1s?

and I'll add one of my own............

4) Where did the pics and descriptions come from if he didn't grow them out?

I'm only looking at this logically here because of what I have read. IMO, something IS a little fishy. Maybe a small percent, maybe a large percent.

Gu said they were legit and many people here trust him. I have no reason to believe he would lie due to this fact. On the other hand no one is perfect. So if Gu did grow these out and put up the pictures and descriptions then we have nothing to worry about right? Only he knows."


Now, back to my thoughts.

(To those of you too lazy to read an entire post, here is the categorical refutation of the argument that THC can provide no benefit for children with seizures. It includes a description of the creation of the Caladious network, and outlines how people in this thread claiming to be the gate-keepers for knowledge related to weed could not possibly be more incorrect when they say that all every single child with epilepsy needs is a pure CBD isolate, and could not possibly benefit from a CBD to THC mix.

(do a word search for "THC")

(Forrest begins at 9:00. But the abject refutation of any criticism of my argument begins at 1:02:00. If you do not watch the five minutes following 1:02:00, you are an asshole with no soul. A loose, leaky asshole dripping on the legs of society. He clearly states that CBD alone is not enough; a full spectrum, often tailored to individual patients absent medical influence, is required. Also listen to 1:19:00 for how the pure CBD distillate myth was fake-news created by CNN. You peculiar, ideologically driven people are literally regurgitating years old fake-news because you are intellectually lazy.)

Forrest has said the same thing in interviews with Hashchurch as well. So what this tells me is that those peculiar people in this thread who ridiculed the use of THC, terpenes and CBD for seizures haven't watched either the hashchurch or weed nerd episodes in question, or any of the other episodes in which these issues were discussed. Those peculiar people are completely ignorant, even though the information has been organized and given to them in video and audio form, for years.

"Not a single tonic clonic or atonic seizure in the 18 months since we found the THC:CBD ratio that works for Silas." That is a direct quote from the mouth of Forrest Hurd, who is the father of Silas Hurd, for whom the Caladrius network began, which pairs disabled children with providers that can, completely without the input of the medical community, develop unique THC, CBD and terpene profiles that work for individual children. And yet you peculiar people want a nanny state where every decision must be run by a doctor.


I would NEVER procure or give my family and friends an untested, unproven strain. As a legal grower working on a small scale, I wouldn't even waste the time growing unproven strains in my tent which the seed distributor had not personally taken the time to grow. With so many proven, stable, reliable genetics, it would be a waste to even consider incorporating such an unknown variable.

Continued in part 2.
@Tangerine_ , you are not going to pigeonhole me with emotional appeals, and you're not going to shame me into silence.

Your post proved my point perfectly. What is Gu doing releasing strains that haven't been tested? Period. End of story.

Your post proved it before you removed it. Fortunately, I happened to be working on this response so your post is preserved. (If you want me to edit or remove a portion of this, simply ask. I'm a reasonable person.) You said yourself that you wouldn't introduce a child to something that hasn't been tested, yet you would buy something that hasn't been tested or grown by the seller. How's that work? With no grow pictures, grow reports, or test results, how do you know SAG didn't repackage mexican brick weed? Gu, presumably before sending testers to other people of the stardawg bx, personally tested the stardawg bx, but even if he didn't, the rumor is that testers are being sent or have been sent to people. Why would he test his strains and not the others he is selling?

It has nothing to do with single seeds. That's another red herring you are employing to avoid the issues at hand. I currently have GPS gear growing in my tent. You're attempting to invalidate my entire argument over 4 or 5 pages by claiming that I'm angry about Gu refusing to accommodate me; but I purchased his seeds after he refused to accommodate me. I am giving him a chance because I loved stardawg, on paper, so wanted to try it out. They are in my tent.

If one of you wants to challenge that, I'll send pics of the seed containers he sent with the two strains and you can admit you were wrong. Coincidentally, I'm going into my 6th or 7th knee surgery tomorrow, so when one of you accuses me of claiming a medical issue that I don't have (as you have done for @whytewidow), or throws out some other red herring, I'll have a time stamped picture of my knee braced post-surgery to prove you wrong. I've popped about 4 of both strains. Only one is currently in my tent.

You peculiar people are looking for a way to win an argument and using emotional appeals instead of logic because you are determined to prove me wrong, instead of addressing the heart of my argument, which was that no reasonable business would put gear out they've never tested, specifically if they began with the assumption that the end use of every seed was medical or critical. Its funny because you and I actually seem to agree on that point. It's like building a car and not crash testing it before sale, yet claiming it has a 5 star crash rating. That's where this whole red herring, medical thing fell off the rails.

Why would you even respond about how important it is to run gear before giving it to a child, if you would not acknowledge the same requirement before selling it to everyone, sick or not? Is there a portion of the medical or recreational market that you feel comfortable selling untested, potentially bunk product to simply because they are not children with epilepsy? Gu should have grown everyone of these strains personally before putting his name behind them, whether or not we decide to call the end result medical. Even if he was just providing strains for recreational or, as some of you have ludicrously claimed, souvenir purposes. To sell untested strains that he has never grown for that price, from a person you have not worked with for years, seems like a recipe for failure.

The only other way I would be comfortable buying the SAG S1s (which aren't even available anymore based on Gu's decision) is if Gu had a multi-year long relationship with SAG in which Gu had purchased various batches of seed which performed as described. Absent Gu personally growing the S1s or having a multi-year long relationship with SAG, due diligence was not performed. A new question in addition to the questions below: @Gu, did you have a multi-year long relationship with SAG before selling his gear?

You guys are distorting the intention of my comment just to win an argument. None of you are actually quoting me in my entirety because the context surrounding the lines or phrases that piss you off proves your points invalid. You're not even including the entire paragraph or the ones surrounding a statement I made. Unable to respond to a post in its entirety, you redefine the argument, move the goal-posts, and feel like winner because you created and killed your own straw-man argument. You're don quixote tilting at windmills with a broom and football helmet, while perched atop a tricycle. I get to ridicule the lot of you because I've engaged in a rational, logical process. Ad Hominems, lacking any rational process, are illegitimate debate tools. But they are perfectly acceptable if the debater has laid out a rational argument and uses them as the icing on the cake to emphasize the absurdity of the counter-claim. You guys attempted to define the entire discussion as being about a single child with a single disorder to invalidate my entire argument, and even then you were proven wrong by the entire body of work done by the Caladrious network, Subcool, etc. You don't even seem to understand what filed you're playing on. You are disingenuous and intellectually lazy. I find that lame.

You're picking away at a definition instead of addressing the meat of my criticism. The whole discussion of a child with epilepsy was another person who felt ripped off based only on the fact that the things which were sold might not actually be as represented; it didn't matter whether they were or not; I did let him speak and he was livid. The risk alone was too much, given the huge cost. I brought it up in context and now the medical discussion is all anyone sees. Instead of addressing what happened and how these seeds were procured and sold, you're attempting to prove me wrong by latching on to a single sentence, taken out of context every time and not directly quoted. You're rearranging furniture on the titanic while the band plays, as the captain circles back for a second swipe at the iceberg. Gu needs to right the ship. Answer the questions. Post your knowledge of CBD, THC and terpene profile's role in childhood epilepsy, because the threads here defined that as the only legitimate topic of discussion.

Part three continued below
@Tangerine_ , your argument regarding single seeds is demonstrably false, and has been proven to be by people who quoted me more than 6 months ago saying that I had popped and was growing Gu's strains. I have purchased, popped and incorporated his strains into my garden. What is your argument? What? That I was so vindictive that I purchased, popped and incorporated his strains into my system? That I'm using sq ft space in my tent on a strain that I'm hoping will fail? That I'm wasting light, energy, and resources growing something I hope will fail? Those are hardly the acts of a spiteful person. I am giving it a shot despite his unwillingness to work with me because I thought I'd love the stardawg influence. I love the smell of chem strains in the morning.

To be clear, I purchased 2 10-packs after Gu refused to accommodate me. I still gave it a chance. I, as a customer, absolutely have the right to voice my frustration with his refusal to accommodate me. He, as a businessman, absolutely had the right to refuse to accommodate. The consequences of poor customer service are upset customers. No one is immune to criticism for poor service. And I'm not obligated to conform to the ridiculous group think that is currently bending in every emotional direction to avoid addressing the issues. You peculiar people collectively said THC plays no role in seizure disorders not based on research, but based on the desire to be right. You have been proven categorically wrong.

All of you can think I am a loser for wanting to not invest $500 for a ten pack of 6 strains. I did not trust him or his process because, as a resident of Colorado, it's a diverse, competitive marketplace where seed providers often provide proof of a strain's performance. Gu didn't do that. Of course, there is an argument that Gu couldn't provide test results because, from what I know, colorado residents can't test their product. (That wouldn't affect whether he could post test results from seeds grown in California, where people can get their stuff tested). That said, he didn't provide proof of having personally grown the S1 or knowing and buying from SAG for years; so, now people are waiting to see what happens.

As I have always stated, I chose GPS because he did single seeds. I wanted to try a 5-6 of his strains before settling on a a few. It was my intention to grow only his work, having one plant of six different strains all from GPS in a tent at a time to see how they performed with each other. I wanted to see which strains leaned sativa and which indica, to try and find which were stretchy and which stout, so that I could continue flowering similar plants together in the future.

One night I finalized my single seed order, which had about 2-3 seeds of 5 or 6 strains. The next morning when I woke up, Gu had changed the website. When I contacted him and explained that I was very interested in his gear because I LOVE CHEM STRAINS, but that as a grower in a legal state, who can only have 6 flowering plants, I didn't need full 10-packs, he refused to accommodate me. 8 hours had passed since the site switched. I still bought his gear, just not the ones I wanted.

Gu also hasn't come on here any answered many questions, given what is happening. The only thing he addressed was whether or not the story about a bulk seed order is valid. He claimed that the very idea of SAG buying and distributing bulk seeds was incomprehensible, but did not provide any proof for his assertion. The weed game is rotten with corrupt, horrible monster-people. In my view, no matter what happens with the strains, if Gu did not perform due diligence, then he let his customers down.

The fact that he removed the S1s from his site speaks volumes. It is indisputable. It is the clearest fact to arise from these dozen or so pages: that he willingly removed the seeds from his website. He didn't do that out of an abundance of confidence in the product. He didn't do it because he was jealous that all of his customers would be getting a highly coveted, proven strain that he wanted to hoard for himself. He knew something. The question is, what? Did he really remove the whole S1 line over a couple early grow reports? Is he starting to see SAG in a new light?

I am reserving judgement about what happened until Gu clearly explains it.

This thread is getting sidetracked with appeals to emotion. Hotwired (got it right that time) posted the best, most recent summary of a growing list of questions to be addressed. Focus on facts, not emotions. The group-think in this thread is ridiculous.

Those of you claiming @whytewidow lied should be ashamed of yourselves. As if you are the gate-keepers for weed related knowledge. As if you personally know that situation enough to cast doubt.

Those of you advocating a nanny state, (pigeon-holing me into my comment about medical vs critical), where every single adjustment of a strain or CBD to THC ratio must be run by a doctor, costing parents or family members of admittedly sick people money they don't have for a process that isn't necessary, are being deliberately obtuse just to try and prove me wrong.

The treatment of children with seizures is, en masse, done outside the medical system and against medical advice (AMA). No doctor built the Caladrious network. When no doctor in the world would help children with seizures, Forrest Hurd found, cultivated and connected the right plants with the right children, all often without the help of doctors, who refused to be involved. The Silas project is real and is a categorical refutation of most of your statements about the merit of CBD regarding seizures. Even after moving the goal-posts and redefining the argument as narrowly as possible, attempting to limit this current issue to a discussion about children's seizures, you are still wrong. That must feel terrible! Terrible!

Some of you peculiar people even claimed to know, with 100% certainty, that the only thing every single child with epilepsy needs is a pure CBD distillate. Forest Hurd and the Silas project proved you wrong, but you guys are too narcissistic to consider that you may be wrong. You're getting high sniffing each others farts and false logic.

(Forrest begins at 9:00. But the abject refutation of any criticism of my argument begins at 1:02:00. If you do not watch the five minutes following 1:02:00, you are an asshole. A loose, leaky asshole dripping on the legs of society. He clearly states that CBD alone is not enough; a full spectrum, often tailored to individual patients, is required.)

"Not a single tonic clonic or atonic seizure in the 18 months since we found the THC:CBD ratio that works for Silas." That is a direct quote from the mouth of Forrest Hurd, who is the father of Silas Hurd, for whom the Caladrius network began, which pairs disabled children with providers that can, completely without the input of the medical community, develop unique THC to CBD ratios that work for individual children. And yet you guys want a nanny state where every decision must be run by a doctor, where me using the word "medical" necessarily implies that home growers couldn't provide medicine, that only doctors can help children find the right CBD to THC ratio. There were a list of weak arguments over the last few pages. All pertaining to my use of the word, "medical." You were still wrong. Damn...

The argument so many of you made: that @whytewidow was both lying and doing something wrong by trying to grow strains with THC BECAUSE THC cannot contribute in any way to the lessening of seizure disorder, is categorically false. A child didn't have seizures, or had his seizures reduced by 99%, for 18 months because of a unique THC to CBD ratio. Forrest talks about how people believing the bullshit you are spewing, about CBD being all you need, has literally brought him to the funerals for children whose parents operated using the very false logic you continue to push. Did you not take the time to become informed on this issue? Are you really radical ideologues, tricked by fake-news from CNN, and content for years since to wallow in ignorance?

To those of you who made this argument, who talked about doctors doing dabs of CBD in the operating room to ridicule my posts, are you not men enough to admit you were wrong? You don't need to admit that you were spiteful. Or that you were childish and petty. Or that you claimed to have knowledge about no child ever benefiting from THC to the point that you would ridicule my post, but that you didn't do the rudimentary research to establish the facts. Can those of you who lambasted the use of THC and terpenes, in addition to CBD, for childhood seizures admit you were wrong?

Remember, this began because I posted the questions to be asked of Gu. Instead of addressing the questions, you made emotional appeals and ad hominem attacks.

@Tangerine_ , I did use both epilepsy and cancer, given that you decided to include cancer. And then I gave you the video of a man who built the Caladrious network, and whose work thus completely obliterates your statement. I do know what (the fuck) I'm talking about. CBD and THC, in addition to terpenes and probably unidentified factors, play a tremendous role in saving the lives of children with seizure disorder. Never mind the utility of the entire spectrum of the plant for a variety of issues. Everyone here tried to pigeon-hold the debate in the most narrow topic possible, thinking they had it all figured out regarding CBD and seziures. These petty attempts to be right, rather than to find and know the truth, are counterproductive.
$0.02 = find me a business owner that has not ever made a mistake, ummm ya there are none, so ya there's that.

$0.02= 10 for 17 females with gps gear.

$0.02=GPS pulled all s1's off my orders and replaced them with my requested regular packs.
Well, I hate to say it, but out of the 14 S1 seeds I popped, I have 5, possibly 6 males. I cant confirm the 6th yet as it was about 2 weeks behind the rest of the group due to being a runt in the beginning, but I'm pretty sure it's a male. I'm not intending to stir the drama pot here, just reporting my experience.

1-2/6 Wedding Cake, 3/6 Mimosa, and 1/2 Purple Punch are male. And I'm talking ball sacks on every node, no female preflowers anywhere. This is pretty disappointing, but I will continue on to see if these remaining females are worth a damn.. Gu said these seeds were all tested and had pics of the supposed test run. That was either a lie or whoever tested them lied about their findings or just plain didn't test them.

On a positive note, these plants have been extremely vigorous for the most part. I am hoping for some keeper females to make this run not a complete waste of time. If they end up being garbage, I'll probably be returning the rest of the S1 packs I bought for a refund. I don't like having to pay to be a guinea pig. Here are some pics of males as promised in my last post.

Mimosa #3
View attachment 4135841
Mimosa #4
View attachment 4135846
Mimosa #6
View attachment 4135848
Purple Punch #1
View attachment 4135850
Wedding Cake #1
View attachment 4135851
Very dissapointing, if this happens to me, I guess I'll have to get in touch with Gu ....Gu has always been great to deal with and a fair man, which built trust with me. Part of trusting him, is trusting his judgement also.....I think he made poor judgement here......Anyways I think he will make it right regardless and hopefully he makes better judgement next time.