But, I should also mention, temperatures also play a big role in mycelium growth, I've found in super hot and humid environments. The growth explodes, and in cold and dry environments the growth is way less, and alot slower. But again less is more, if your soaking the top too much, that could also be why your growth hasnt taken off. Unless your starting with fresh bagged soil, I would not recommend spraying down the top with water. Just fill the rez, it will soak itself. Also if starting with fresh bag soil, it cant hurt to add in some extra life to get things rolling, like recharge, or maybe adding a compost tea to the soil before setting up and filling the sip. This way, your soil already has life moving and being active. The microbes and things in bag soil are present, but if that bag sat there for God knows how long, they could be dormant, dead, maybe just low in numbers, so a small boost, of adding life before getting started cant hurt.
Remember you should be setting up your sips, and they should just sit there, for atleast a week or 2, I like to go longer, but it gives the life your creating time to anchor down and grab some footing. Once you have that entire soil food web, kicking ass and making magic. Toss in a decent size, established lady and let it be! Hands off and you will see.