GroErr Grows...

The misinformation is really obnoxious. Scott's Miracle Gro bought both Botanicare and GH, IT IS NOT MONSANTO. While Scotts has a relationship with Monsanto, because it markets some products for Monsanto, THEY ARE NOT THE SAME COMPANY. This is like saying Foot-Locker or Amazon is Nike because they sell Nike's shoes. Why slander a smallish nutrient and soil company when Monsanto is the problem. Consolidation is a natural part of economic markets, the unnatural issue is the monopoly and control Monsanto has over the GMO seeds/herbicide market for factory farming.
Scotts-Miracle Grow and Monsanto been working hand in hand since the 1990's , to me they are the same entity. Monsanto even owns a portion of Scotts-Miracle Grow. They share their secrets and work together on many projects.

1998 - Monsanto: Scotts entered into a collaboration with the Monsanto Company to apply products of biotechnology to the multi-billion dollar turfgrass and ornamental plants business. Under the agreement, Scotts and Monsanto agree to share technologies, including Monsanto's extensive genetic library of plant traits and Scotts' proprietary gene gun technology to produce transgenic turfgrasses and ornamental plants.

1999 - Ortho/Roundup: Entering into the pesticide industry, Scotts completed agreements with Monsanto Company for exclusive U.S., Canada, U.K., France, Germany, and Australia agency and marketing rights to Monsanto's consumer Roundup herbicide products and for the purchase of the Ortho and related lawn and garden businesses.
Monsanto already bought out a lot of the companies in the hydroponics industry (just bought botanicare and general hydroponics), they just bought gavita too so they are working their way in the lighting business as well, wonder if they will get involved with LEDs.

Actually I was under the same impression and it's not Monsanto it's the parent company of scott's miracle grow that bought the controlling interest in gavita. And I'm sure like @ttystikk thinks it's for funds to develop a new light think (LED)
Scotts-Miracle Grow and Monsanto been working hand in hand since the 1990's , to me they are the same entity. Monsanto even owns a portion of Scotts-Miracle Grow. They share their secrets and work together on many projects.

1998 - Monsanto: Scotts entered into a collaboration with the Monsanto Company to apply products of biotechnology to the multi-billion dollar turfgrass and ornamental plants business. Under the agreement, Scotts and Monsanto agree to share technologies, including Monsanto's extensive genetic library of plant traits and Scotts' proprietary gene gun technology to produce transgenic turfgrasses and ornamental plants.

1999 - Ortho/Roundup: Entering into the pesticide industry, Scotts completed agreements with Monsanto Company for exclusive U.S., Canada, U.K., France, Germany, and Australia agency and marketing rights to Monsanto's consumer Roundup herbicide products and for the purchase of the Ortho and related lawn and garden businesses.
Citing nearly 20 year old stuff is not very helpful.

Yes, just as i am sure Footlocker has agreements to sell nike shoes, are you going to start slandering Footlocker for running sweatshops in china? Im just saying its hard to blame one company for doing business with a company in COMPLETELY DIFFERENT INDUSTRY (retail products mainly) when the problem you have with the other company, Monsanto, is their large scale herbicide and GMO seed monopoly. I am not defending Monsanto, i think its an example of failing capitalism, but i dont agree with blaming Scotts for the sins of monsanto. Scotts main association with monsanto is the sale of Roundup in big box retail stores, this is a TINY percentage of the roundup Monsanto makes, Monsanto is an industrial producer, Scotts just sells it to your neighbor to kill weeds in his driveway, thats not the problem anyone has with monsanto.

Place blame in the proper location, thats all i ask.
Actually I was under the same impression and it's not Monsanto it's the parent company of scott's miracle grow that bought the controlling interest in gavita. And I'm sure like @ttystikk thinks it's for funds to develop a new light think (LED)
Ya scotts has been buying up stuff, but its not Monsanto. Scotts is not a subsidiary of anyone, its a publicly traded independent company.
Ya, lots of people are missinformed on Scotts, im no fan of their product, but lumping them in with Monsanto really isnt fair, Monsanto is a huge problem. Scotts is just a shitty fertilizer/soil company.

I never lumped Monsanto with Scotts my post was about Monsanto and the issue with destroying genetics in the future with cannabis how they have been weeding out the crop industry save for their own seeds.

But anyhow, it's all a big issue for all of us.
Scotts-Miracle Grow and Monsanto been working hand in hand since the 1990's , to me they are the same entity. Monsanto even owns a portion of Scotts-Miracle Grow. They share their secrets and work together on many projects.

1998 - Monsanto: Scotts entered into a collaboration with the Monsanto Company to apply products of biotechnology to the multi-billion dollar turfgrass and ornamental plants business. Under the agreement, Scotts and Monsanto agree to share technologies, including Monsanto's extensive genetic library of plant traits and Scotts' proprietary gene gun technology to produce transgenic turfgrasses and ornamental plants.

1999 - Ortho/Roundup: Entering into the pesticide industry, Scotts completed agreements with Monsanto Company for exclusive U.S., Canada, U.K., France, Germany, and Australia agency and marketing rights to Monsanto's consumer Roundup herbicide products and for the purchase of the Ortho and related lawn and garden businesses.
Where did u see that Monsanto owns a portion of SMG? If this is true, which is quite possible as its a widely held stock, it is less than 3% stake, but i can find no information on this, interested where you found it.
I never lumped Monsanto with Scotts my post was about Monsanto and the issue with destroying genetics in the future with cannabis how they have been weeding out the crop industry save for their own seeds.

But anyhow, it's all a big issue for all of us.
no but LOTS of people do, sorry didnt mean to imply u were.
Yeah I hear you, they tried to do something similar here (lock in the medical MJ market for a few large producers, all buddies of the previous administration) and disallowed home grows for a while. It was challenged and went to the supreme court who told the government to re-instate home grows. The new program kicked in last week but it took a couple of years. Even now though they're trying to limit the availability of seeds and clones to a handful of large producers - yeah right, like I'm not going to produce my own seeds, ha. Just in case they clamp down on seed purchases I just bought a bunch of genetics to have enough breeding stock to last me until I kick it, those will be passed on to my son :)

I've been under the radar for about 35 years and will remain that way unless there's a free/open market, including home grows when we legalize recreational next year. I don't trust governments and even less so when big $ are involved. The only databases they have my name and address are my passport, drivers license, and tax department, that's all they need to know about me.

Welcome to how business is done in America today.

Despicable, tilted towards the already rich while the poor and sick are ignored, AGAIN.

It's a fundamental problem with how our country is run and governed, thinking the fastest growing, most profitable business to come along since the dot com bubble would be any exception is folly.
I believe Scott's actually created Hawthorne as its subsidiary for indoor hydroponic stuff, it is just a branch of Scotts that they are buying up a lot of hydro stuff for.

Hope my GH products dont go by the way of miracle grow and start being total shit.
I use general hydroponics products too, best for the price in my opinion I particularly like their 3 part and maxibloom. I also really like their diamond nectar for the price its great stuff for my hydroponic system. I tried advanced nutrients and didn't see much of a difference at all, I still use the 3 part gen hydro.I Don't like funding them but I also don't like funding Walmart but sometimes you just cant help but to save yourself some money :)
I'm not one of the tin foil wearing guys but I'm not oblivious to my surroundings either. And if you guys think legalization in this country will happen without Monsanto trying to eliminate the competition of seeds then you're crazy. I also have stocked up on genetics beans wise a lot for the same reasons. I really could grow for ever taking clones and beans but part of me fears what the big corps will be trying to do here...............
Yeah, don't know about the Monsanto angle but there are enough greedy politicians here in Canada to warrant having my own genetics. All levels of government from the feds down to municipal are lining up for a piece of the tax grab when recreational comes next year. The new drug lords want it all and can setup (or at least try) their own rules until they're challenged in the courts. Interesting times to come...
Yeah, don't know about the Monsanto angle but there are enough greedy politicians here in Canada to warrant having my own genetics. All levels of government from the feds down to municipal are lining up for a piece of the tax grab when recreational comes next year. The new drug lords want it all and can setup (or at least try) their own rules until they're challenged in the courts. Interesting times to come...

When it's all said and done it will be like when they legalized liquor so yes VERY interesting times to come. Here in the US one of the biggest groups lobbying against the legalization is the liquor industry, and in some states they're pushing to get first crack at the dispensary licenses using their status as licensees for LS as a bonus like one thing has anything to do with the other lol.
I use general hydroponics products too, best for the price in my opinion I particularly like their 3 part and maxibloom. I also really like their diamond nectar for the price its great stuff for my hydroponic system. I tried advanced nutrients and didn't see much of a difference at all, I still use the 3 part gen hydro.I Don't like funding them but I also don't like funding Walmart but sometimes you just cant help but to save yourself some money :)

Its like the southpark were they burn down wal-mart and then the local grocery store just becomes the new wal-mart.
Welcome to how business is done in America today.

Despicable, tilted towards the already rich while the poor and sick are ignored, AGAIN.

It's a fundamental problem with how our country is run and governed, thinking the fastest growing, most profitable business to come along since the dot com bubble would be any exception is folly.
No different on either side of the border, greed driven policy never works for long. Will be interesting to see where it goes but lots of turmoil for a while I'd think for all of us.