Final weight?
I'm running 1000w on my two tubs.
pics are of week 3 flowering
I see you're putting your cuttings in rockwool; i've heard that's not very effective. what kind of results have you had?
would it be a good idea to establish roots using neoprene disks and later transplant them into rock-filled cups?
or do you just put your cuttings directly into rockwool and then in the cups?
I'm trying to find the best setup possible, it seems that the plants couldn't get very big using your aeroponics system, but maybe they don't need to be very big?
i was thinking of having the mothers under a 600W MH, in soil with drip irrigation, then putting cuttings in a homemade areoponic tub with neoprene disks under 200W fluorecent, then 3 weeks later, after they had roots, transplanting them to a flow 'n grow system, which has 2 reservoirs with pumps and individual buckets filled with rock connected to the reservoirs, all under 2 1000W lights... what do you think?? am i over doing it?
are you using this exact rubbermaid? if so just flip the lid upside down... you lose about 3-4" of interior height but you get zero leaks without doing a damn thing to the lid... works wonders.