Grow-A-Long with Dick

Wow well you can hear a pin drop in here. Its all fun and games until someone ends up in the pokey. Maybe it’s time for a reset. Time to flush this thread down the proverbial toilet like a bad case of mudbutt….but
Hey we had a great run. Thread came out the gate strong in January 2021; I’d like to personally thank all who contributed to this thread. I invite you to join me for the next iteration of Dick’s grow-a-long; this time with new rules.
Hi Richard!
I didn't want to go off topic on the other thread. I'm going to start a grow sometime in Sept. I started a thread in the general section to ask members what strain they like to smoke for pain relief. I was wondering if you have grown any strains that worked for you or someone in your circle when smoked?
Why does there have to be rules?
I hate rules. Yesterday I was in the express line up at the grocery store. The chick behind the till was so slow yacking with everyone. Took forever. I really wanted to say something like shut the fuck up and get to work. But no. Rules say I can’t do that!
Fucking rules.
Hi Richard!
I didn't want to go off topic on the other thread. I'm going to start a grow sometime in Sept. I started a thread in the general section to ask members what strain they like to smoke for pain relief. I was wondering if you have grown any strains that worked for you or someone in your circle when smoked?
Sour diesel strains always seem to work for me. Then again I must admit I typically do not smoke weed for chronic pain relief; I seek only a brief respite from the stress of modern life.
I do have a very potent Strawberry Sour diesel cross I’ve been running for years which is among my favorite of all time. If you can find Devils Harvest Strawberry Sour Diesel order a pack; you won’t be disappointed. Not much of a yielder but it is a strong and delicious hybrid. Good night time smoke; a true day wrecker. Whatever strain you decide on I would make some edibles or topical salve for pain relief…
Sour diesel strains always seem to work for me. Then again I must admit I typically do not smoke weed for chronic pain relief; I seek only a brief respite from the stress of modern life.
I do have a very potent Strawberry Sour diesel cross I’ve been running for years which is among my favorite of all time. If you can find Devils Harvest Strawberry Sour Diesel order a pack; you won’t be disappointed. Not much of a yielder but it is a strong and delicious hybrid. Good night time smoke; a true day wrecker. Whatever strain you decide on I would make some edibles or topical salve for pain relief…
I have a strain that is a 13-week strain and it makes a great coconut oil topical for muscle pain relief, couldn't be happier with the results.
I can get by without smoking for pain, but my wife's arthritis pain is making it difficult for her to sleep so after trying a variety of let's say daytime smokes without success I'm going to go for something that is a good bedtime smoke as you are suggesting. I'll probably pick two or three strains to run this time along with the 13-week strain that is great for edibles and a great daytime smoke.
Thanks again!
I hope there's a big light at the end of the tunnel for you :hug:. I hate seeing good peeps go down for a bullshit law. I'll be pulling for ya!

Thank You.

I know there is a somewhat morbid curiosity when peeps are fed into the Justice System Machine so I thought to give y'all a little.
If they are taking it to the limit, November is when I can say more. It simply has to go through the belly of the beast.

By the way @Richard Drysift I will need to grow like you do when I grow up. I tried clicking my heals three times but I am not in California anymore.
Your latest photo is wonderful looking.

Does anyone have an opinion of Green Crack Auto. I am curious about that one. Never done ruderalis


Y'all have heard folk wisdom like "Don't Run With Scissors", "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" and even more sayings. Well I heard a new one out here in Illinois that took me a while to understand.
When I asked a local with who I was having a conversation with about the history of corruption in Illinois, did he think the county police here were corrupt he replied in a snap with "Always check the toilet for Alligators before you sit down." That one took me a few weeks to understand.
I believe he was saying that if they are watching you and they don't like your shit then your ass is in danger.
I got a gator on my butt.
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It's planting season around here!!!

Just put four seeds in some small pots with my 2022 home made compost.
I have been watching the weather and folks it is once again going to be a La Nina cycle. That means that the waters in the Pacific Ocean down around the equator are colder than normal. This means we will have another winter like we have for the past two years Most Likely. So not so much snow etc.
So it is a bit early but it looks okay for starting an indoor legal medical garden.

For those of you that followed me last year my priority was to do a seed grow from ten year old seed stock that is my medical strain. I did that rather well. You can scroll back up this thread to see what that looked like.
So with a little luck I won't have to be a guest of the State so I am doing the dropped in of four F2s' and I hope to get two females if not I will need to clone later on if I get only one. Worst case all boys and bummer city.

Speaking of clones. Some of you may remember the unbelievable bad luck I had with last minute cloning. I mean I could not for the life of me figure how all those clones did not root. Let me say I believe 100% I had a guardian Angel killing them off because if you have pulled up a chair you know I could have had my ticket punched for a stay at the big house for a lot of plants. Mind you my sole reason was for breeding but what does Johnny Law care right?!
So, this season is all about tent grow, a couple plants and LED light. I hope to be like @Richard Drysift and keep it low and dense. Trust me it's not the grow style I would prefer but I have been violated and they know my gear and setup. So I have to walk their walk or join the Perp of the Month Club.

For those curious I am not charged with cannabis crimes. Well at least not yet and I have confidence that what I am charged with will be dropped. So more on that story in the coming months.

Well let us see the germination rate of last year's seeds.
I'll post the hopefully "Pop-N-Fresh" when I see them.
They are in cool compost so it may take 10 to 14 days.
I will wait a couple three days for them to start to swell then put them under a warm light.

By the way Organic Compost lovers, I totally had my Happy kicked in the Balls and it has been bent over in pain since last May but I was happy to open the porch Compost tumbler to find rich black compost! I then went out to the shop and opened the big boy compost tumbler and it had gifted me the same. I mean turning the tumblers was not on the top of my list with my Happy on life support. Where I was wondering if I could even stay in the house I bought but nonetheless the Organic Soil Gods worked their magic so I have plenty to mix in with the used organic soil from last year.

Anyway if no one wants to risk getting cooties from me I get it and that makes me Dick.
So suit yourself. I just remind the adults that real people have real life experiences. We can't all live in High School forever.

Peace and Happiness Y'all
Happy Winter growing too!
Live until you die friends just remember to live!

I have one doing the pop-n-fresh.
Not bad. Three days and Bobs your Uncle.
I'm tagging that as a Male. I shall see if my guess is right.
The females, in my opinion, spend more time sinking some root before they push up into the wonderful world of ?? LED it would seem.
Hey @Richard Drysift
Do you want me in this thread?
It is your original real estate after all.

You just might hate me after all. Let me know.
No not at all but I have been tryin to leave this thread for dead. I just don’t have time to post as much anymore. No fucks are given here and certainly no hate…
There are many other helpful users here in this section who give excellent growing advice. That was not always the case in the organic section. At one point it seemed to me like many were making organic growing seem much more complex than it is; soil nerds tend to complicate things. My goal here was to showcase organically grown pot plants at all stages of development from all over the world. But I feel it’s run it’s course….mercury is now in retrograde; maybe it’s time for a change
No not at all but I have been tryin to leave this thread for dead. I just don’t have time to post as much anymore. No fucks are given here and certainly no hate…
There are many other helpful users here in this section who give excellent growing advice. That was not always the case in the organic section. At one point it seemed to me like many were making organic growing seem much more complex than it is; soil nerds tend to complicate things. My goal here was to showcase organically grown pot plants at all stages of development from all over the world. But I feel it’s run it’s course….mercury is now in retrograde; maybe it’s time for a change

Well, I'm going through some legal shit. I expect it to be dismissed next month.
I'm 100% organic stuff and I started my F2s so I can post here. I can keep this thread alive and we can see what happens.
I just checked and 4 out of 4 so 100% germ and sprouts out of the compost in 3 days. As it should be for 6 month old seeds.

I need to walk the walk. This is not the free state of California. As people say it is all about the Benjamins'. Even for Medical folk.
I can still do the breeding project. It will take three years but I can do it.
I dono. I figure there are those out there that really want to see what old timers do. I did.
I'm all about Guinea Pig manure composting. That is my thing. I have three different compost products here now. Worm Casting based compost. Guinea Pig bedding and recycled organic soil mix compost and high mineral, high NPK compost.
The GP compost soil mix is for mixing with other "last year's" used organic soil.
Add to that some of the earthworm based compost stuff. Then as a top dressing use the high mineral - high NPK compost.

Once an Organic Soil gardener has a proper program going the living soil systems produce plenty. I totally abandoned the compost tumblers and they still produced black gold. A big ol Gomer Pyle "Surprise!"

So it is all LED and tent this go around. I was not motivated to do the work on the flower room this summer.
Maybe I can find the strength to do some work on it this winter once I know how the legal stuff plays out.
I would like to grow some Jalapeno peppers as well so I can do that in the flower room when it's done. I have a love for Jalapeno Cheese bread and out here in the Mild West.. er Milk Toast Salsa-ville there is no JALAPENOS in the stores nor Jalapeno bread at the market.

So the joke is then, I'm a dick eh :hump:
Okay I'm cool. Perhaps there will be a Club to join when you visit. That is if you leave.
Well folks.

I sure hope @Richard Drysift sticks around.
I understand how I need a break sometimes so I get it.
This thread was the funny one I came to right away so I'd like to see it continue.
If that makes me a Dick I'm cool and you can Grow along with me.
You can be a Dick too.

My update: Well I sure as hell need to be able to pass inspection after being violated this last May.
Not violated for my garden but a thing I hope I can tell y'all about soon.
If the new reader to this thread looks back in time they will see that I did a seed rescue of a 10 year old strain I bred for my medical use. It was a big success and I have plenty now so one less thing to worry about.

In the next few days all four of the random seeds I pulled from that F2 jar should be all the way out of the handmade compost, standing tall and I can snap a picture. As they are right now they are just coming out of the compost after three days.

I need to grow them in tents under LED so it will be a new experience for me to keep them short. I'm sure I could use some advice on tent growing from seed to weed. I'm a big space HPS kind of guy.

This is a thread for growing 100% organic and I agree with @Richard Drysift getting too whacko with organic additives is not necessary. I think he and I share the same view. Simple works well.
I'm medical and must watch out for and to keep my freedom so I need to keep things small and simple. As I said this is not the Free State of California where you can have 12 plants as long as only 6 are flowering. It's five and only five flowering or not which doesn't give much room for horticulture. It would seem they wrote the law with the Benjamins' in mind. Benjamins for them that is.

My compost soil mix uses Guinea Pig bedding / manure compost products and recycled organic soil mix.
I do add materials into some of the compost mixes when I start it cooking.

What I can say about the last grow is that it was wonderfully tasty. I broke off a cola by accident so I roasted it in the toaster oven. I ground it all through a strainer and rolled long wasteful joints.
The flavor was wonderful and that included a lot of leaf material.
Those plants were four weeks shy of starting to be harvest-able but it was still rather beneficial to me.
I can tell you all that what is sold in the dispensary around here in not very good.
I mean they say it is 20% THC but I call BS on what I pay $60 for. 20% my butt.

So please join in and let us keep a historic thread alive.
Well Boys and Girls and fellow "Dick" people I have a baby picture to share.

In small pots and in a Guinea Pig Manure compost mix here are my 2022/2023 medical grow plants.
Naturally I can have 5 plants under Illinois law and I have only 4. Four is an even number and easier to work with.

They appear healthy and hopefully I have the LED settings right for this distance of about 18 inches at a setting of about 12% of a MarsHydro 3000. I'm not experienced with LED so I welcome suggestions.
Have a look and see if I should turn it up to say 25% right now.

Okay so what is Organic soil?

In the simplest terms it is the natural decay of organic stuff like plants and manure.
In the case of the efforts to utilize soiled Guinea Pig bedding I harvest the Poo and Pee soaked materials.
At this time of year the bales of hay are not at the hardware store so I have to use all pine shavings.
Wood is a natural material and it does break down plus it supports Making Fungal Compost By Jack Kittredge
Hay also seems to do it too. At least in the bin.
So, today was harvest day. I cleaned out the cage and got two and a half bags that I will add to the green bin now that the material has reduced in it.
The amount of usable compost on hand is excellent and perhaps enough to top dress an out door veggie garden next year. I want to get to that.

So for those that want to be more old school Farmer John style grower please enjoy what I love to do.

Future_Black_Gold (2).JPGEmployee_of_the_Month (2).JPGAll_Clean_With_Mellon (2).JPG

Poor piggers. They do have to put up with dirty far longer than they should but that is the terms of their employment.
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