Grow-A-Long with Dick

For bagged soil you don’t have to amend it beforehand; it should work as is for the first run. You can always lime it after harvest. Can usually get away with just adding fresh worm castings but if you already put extra fertilizer then wait a few weeks at least to use it.
30 days is usually all you need to cook for even if you amend the soil heavily. D-lime needs a little time to work but if you go with something like crushed oyster flour for now you can just toss it into the containers directly when you build them to help buffer ph from the extra fertilizers. Consider also aquiring some garden gypsum; a great source of macros and the fungi love it.
Hey Dick, loved the tips I picked up from you in the past! regarding the above thought, are you saying that organic ferts are probably too acidic when adding to used mix? that's when you suggest crushed oyster flour? and crushed oyster is better in that case than dolomite? i didn't know organic ferts were all that acidic. not saying they're not just didn't know.
No I’m up here in the northeast corridor as it’s known; the tri-state area. Smack in the middle between Boston and New York. Still illegal here to grow if that helps narrows it down although it looks like they will be letting big weed inc slide in and set up shop by next year. No plans for allowing home growers to grow for themselves. It’s about revenue not doing the right thing so as a result the black market will continue to exist. Not everyone can pay $50+ an 1/8 plus taxes for weed.
Was just saying stay tuned to Coloradohighgrower or anyone else for that matter who is interested in the aforementioned donkey dick pics that will hopefully soon be coming all over this thread. Can’t stop myself; the jokes write themselves...
What? You're in CO too? Or you're just talking to @ColoradoHighGrower, lol. I'm kinda slow, lol.

Anyways I think you might be on to something with the mix not being mixed up enough. That would make sense.
Looking better after 2 rounds of aact. I had gotten away from giving teas for a long while but then restarted over with a few bags of ocean forest. It has not been recycled enough plus I had to add more spent soil to spread it out. Thinking this plant was the last to get potted. The next tote of fully amended mix I’ve got cooking is much stouter; they will be transplanted as soon as I figure out which ones are girls.
Hey Dick, loved the tips I picked up from you in the past! regarding the above thought, are you saying that organic ferts are probably too acidic when adding to used mix? that's when you suggest crushed oyster flour? and crushed oyster is better in that case than dolomite? i didn't know organic ferts were all that acidic. not saying they're not just didn't know.
When you add a bunch of organic fertilizer to an active soil mix the ph will drop slightly acidic. Minerals act as ph buffers and raise ph slightly. It’s more complex than just that because it also takes time for the tiny living things in the soil to go to work. That’s why ph is slightly different at different points of a given container and why you should allow for cook time when you amend the soil heavily. It is the microbes actively decomposing organic matter at the molecular level that lowers ph slightly.
Oyster shell flour breaks down super slowly; it is a good source of calcium and phosphor but also acts as a ph buffer when slowing decomposing in the root zone. So if you layer the pots like I do you can sort of adjust for adding extra fertilizer that will go the distance by adding crushed oyster shell. What I like to do is mix in a handful or two of chicken manure to the bottom layer of recycled base soil, sprinkle some oyster flour, and cover with more base. Then sprinkle a pinch of granular mycorrhizae on that like nuts on your sundae and place the root ball cherry on top. Fill in with soil and mulch it. For bloom phase the final size pots get 2 Jobes organic spikes.
When you add a bunch of organic fertilizer to an active soil mix the ph will drop slightly acidic. Minerals act as ph buffers and raise ph slightly. It’s more complex than just that because it also takes time for the tiny living things in the soil to go to work. That’s why ph is slightly different at different points of a given container and why you should allow for cook time when you amend the soil heavily. It is the microbes actively decomposing organic matter at the molecular level that lowers ph slightly.
Oyster shell flour breaks down super slowly; it is a good source of calcium and phosphor but also acts as a ph buffer when slowing decomposing in the root zone. So if you layer the pots like I do you can sort of adjust for adding extra fertilizer that will go the distance by adding crushed oyster shell. What I like to do is mix in a handful or two of chicken manure to the bottom layer of recycled base soil, sprinkle some oyster flour, and cover with more base. Then sprinkle a pinch of granular mycorrhizae on that like nuts on your sundae and place the root ball cherry on top. Fill in with soil and mulch it. For bloom phase the final size pots get 2 Jobes organic spikes.
I read "Your nuts on a sundae" and thought damn thats cold, wait what did he just say.... Another dab for me...
Mini update, not much to say. Gorilash kept on stretching! Much taller than White Domina, and it's like 1 month younger or so.
White Domina seems like a good plant for my indoor garden because of her structure, will keep it on the list for future grows.
These plants are not in my house so i'm not cheking them as frequent as i could. Thrips are taking their toll on several leaves.

Did some bocashi top dressing, which i liked, but it also formed some "crust" on the top of the soil and it's harder to give a good watering.


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The hours of daylight have been reduced from 15/9 to 11/13 in the main grow room. Time to see what’s what. Since they will be monster cropped we don’t want to go to full flowering mode just yet. They will be flipped back to veg mode for a week of two once they throw pistils or they will be worm food. Two plants are femmed but all bets are off for the other 8. Fingers crossed; we need at least a few girls to make into momma plants.
In other news the newborn baby pot plants are here. Got a Gorilla Girl and 2 Sweet Skittlez from Sweet Seeds popped up so far and one out of four KOS Coma Cluster. It’s been over a week now but I’ll give the other 4 CCs a little more time before starting something else... TGA gear on deck....
The hours of daylight have been reduced from 15/9 to 11/13 in the main grow room. Time to see what’s what. Since they will be monster cropped we don’t want to go to full flowering mode just yet. They will be flipped back to veg mode for a week of two once they throw pistils or they will be worm food. Two plants are femmed but all bets are off for the other 8. Fingers crossed; we need at least a few girls to make into momma plants.
In other news the newborn baby pot plants are here. Got a Gorilla Girl and 2 Sweet Skittlez from Sweet Seeds popped up so far and one out of four KOS Coma Cluster. It’s been over a week now but I’ll give the other 4 CCs a little more time before starting something else... TGA gear on deck....
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Why am i this old and just now seeing this? What in the actual fuck? I love this. Im going to save some of these. These would be perfect to give clones away in.
Never knew weed could smell and taste like blueberries until I grew gear w/ DJ Short lineage.
I heard dj shorts blueberry is nothing like it used to be because he lost the original cut and he had to start from scratch. Is it safe to say dj shorts gear is worth looking at again?