grow box setup ideas please :)

high people,thanks for looking.

Right my box has been built a while now,done a succesfull grow and now lookin to upgrade it a little.

It is a wooden, 1m deep, 2m wide, 3m tall box. I have 2 centrifugal fans, an oscilating fan and an air cooler to go in it and plenty of ducting.
I had a bit of a problem with heat last time so the basic extra is the second centrifugal fan kit with extra ducting.
I am wondering how would be best to keep the temp lower with it?
running it so its cooling the light,
Running it so its pulling air out the box
Pulling air into the box etc etc etc

Any ideas would be a great help :)
Also i may buy another air cooler as its not amazingly cold. Which also brings me too whether the air cooler should be in or out of the box?

Thanks you
You want to have an air cooled reflector so that it is a closed system. IN other words have a direct air flow from one side of your box through the box through the light and out the other side into your fan and exhausted away from your room.

then you can have one of your fans as an exhaust with CF attached pulling the hot air out of your grow room through passive vents and exhausted away from your grow room.

Just painting you a picture for you to see.

I'll post the pic in a second

Pic of setup

Just make sure that your Carbon filter is at the opposite end of your passive intake vents.



  • SETUP.jpg
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With this kind of setup and the right sized fans your Grow box temps should stay within 2C-3C of your ambient air of the room where your grow box is located.

thank you so much jondamon :) thats a fantastic explanation!
The only thing that is a little different on my box is that my carbon filter is in another room, closet next to my grow room to be precise. I had it set up so the exhaust fan at the top of the box was pulling the smell out and ducted into the filter.could i keep it set like that and run an air cooled hood off the same exhaust but put my intake at the opposite side? So then its still taking the majority of the smell (which isnt a major problem because of where i live) but still keeping the light cooler?
As far as i know you should always pull through a carbon filter and not blow!

As long as you seal the air cooled hood as per the pic and have an exhaust in the room with passive vents it will work.

You may have to run some testing on your version to make sure it works with temps etc.

Just try and make sure that your exhaust and passive intake are at opposite ends of your grow box otherwise you wont get any airflow!

Sorry i just read your post again.

You want to exhaust warm air from within your room through your air cooled hood!

If you do this you will have to have 2 carbon filters to control the smell.

the way i have it in the picture you only need one carbon filter.

The picture is the ideal but you could play around with it as long as you do enough testing before using it all!

hmmm, i agree with ur idea, rearrange of the room i think,im gunna put the filter back inside the room, u obviously know what ur talking about :) thank you so much for your help mate ur a star!