Grow Dots and Recharge for the Real Growers Challenge 2022

Day 35 - Continued for Double Grape
Magnesium Deficiency
Likely Cause - Low pH in Coco

I noticed late last night that one of the leaves on Double Grape was showing early signs of a Magnesium Deficiency.

Off to Google I went, because I can never remember deficiency photos (except calcium - most of the time).

The first thing up was an article from Sensi Seeds: (Click Here: Magnesium deficiency in cannabis plants)

My gut tells me my issue is not a lack of Mg in the soil, but excessively low pH.


Here's Why:

pH in 12-gallon Reservoir stays consistently around 6.2 (ish). Below are the readings for the last 5 days in the Rez.

12 gal Rez: 6.16; 6.24; 6.23; 6.20; 6.20 (Average: 6.21)

pH in the AquaValve Reservoir for the last 5 days:

AquaValve Compartment (AVC): 5.56; 5.73; 5.56; 6.00; 5.19 (Average: 5.61)

What my Excel Chart Leaves out is that yesterday it was 4.39 pH at the AVC. I corrected it to 6.00 and this morning it was 5.19 pH

Question: What Nutrients (or supplements) are known for bringing pH down?

I know Silica supplements "can" bring down pH, but I don't use Potassium Silicate for my Silica. I use mono (ortho) silicic acid and it has never pulled pH down like this.

Could it be one of the N-P-K or minors doing this?

I do add supplements such as Recharge (twice), and Ca/Mg (once) as a drench, but I always pH them to the low 6's (6.10 - 6.20). Then once the fluids drain throughto the AVC, I remove the fluid from the AVC and lower its E.C. (which was raised from passing through the Grow Dot infused Coco), and I restable the pH. Within a day or so, I remove the fluid again and go back to very low E.C. Rez Water that is about 6.20 pH.

I know things like this happen in a grow, but I would like to be better about knowing why?

What I have Done So Far:

I have Microgenics 0.75 as my go-to foliar for most common situations. So, I localized the treatment by spraying my fingers and massaging it in to the affected leaf. I gave both plants a little spritz, but I made sure to treat the leaf to see if it can draw up into the leaf.

1660666346284.pngClick Here to Learn more about: MicroGenics 0.75

What I Plan to Do:

Run some RO Water through and collect the run-off from the AVC. I'll check EC and pH, then lower E.C. to about 1.5 and pH to about 6.2 (if needed).

I don't have a Soil pH attachment for my Apera Pen, so I'll depend on the run off water for now.
Day 41 - A New Day

Follow up to: Operation Raise My Damn pH

• This morning my AutoValve compartment pH was 5.18. At least it is out of the 4's.

• After recycling and treating (adjusting pH & EC) the Runoff Water, my 12-gallon reservoir is almost full and measures 19" deep.

• The Reservoir now has an EC of 1.16 (3x the usual 0.350 EC) -- 6.00 pH

• I wasn't going to waste the dissolved Grow Dot nutrients by dumping runoff water

• The fluid was reused over & over during the runoff exercise

• Then pH raised and dilluted to keep under 1.5 EC (because there are still nutrients suspended in the soil)

• The water was filtered of Coco debris and the ocassional Fungus Gnat

• There was surprising little coco to filter. I must have washed it well to start

Now it is Day 41 for the Super Skunk and 36 for the Double Grape
Notable: (Thinking Outloud)

• At Day 41 there is almost no sign of impending flowering for the Super Skunk.
• Not gonna sweat it for now
• It better not turn out to be a Regular

On the other hand:

• The Double Grape is sprouting pistils all over, just no organize cluster yet.

Day 41 and 36 Montage.png

Not really flowering yet.
The pistils are very much on the move with Double Grape.
However, the SS is just adding bio-mass.

Last week I took pictures of what I thought were Super Skunk pistils, but now I am not so sure.


Yes, those are the ages from germination. With AutoFlowers I don't assign a flower-change day because there is no event like switching to 12/12 lighting.

Look Better:

They are doing very well now. A few spots on a couple of leaves, but overall pretty good. I did address a magnesium deficiency yesterday with multiple flushings to raise soil pH. There is plenty of Mg in the coco, but the soil pH was incredibly low (still a mystery).

Are you flowering now Or are those the overall ages? they look a lot better than the last time.
Day 42 & 37

More Spots Thursday

Last Day of Week 6 Overall
  • Still getting leaf issues.
  • My guess is that they were in the process (but not as visible) when I discovered the others yesterday.

Recap on my choices for corrections.

From Before:

  • Coco was super "hot" and very acidic (pH on average about 4.2) in the AquaValve Compartment (AVC).
  • I started siphoning out liquid from the (AVC).
  • Then I raised pH of siphoned liquid back to 6.4 (ish) and pour back through coco.
  • Once the mixture settled back in AVC, I would raise pH to about 6.2.
  • Re-open valves, replace cover and call it a night.


  • I'm not ready to throw blame on the Grow Dot nutrients.
  • For now, I am going to blame very low pH Coco.
  • Still perplexed as to how I can pour RO water that is pH'd almost to 7.00 through multiple times and still get pH in the 4.xx range
  • Maybe I didn't charge the Coco enough. Next time I'll do an overnight soak with Ca/Mg at 1.5 bottle rate for gallon
  • My new technique is working at bringing the AVC fluids to the higher 5.xx's.




Day 43 (SS) & 38 (DG) - Notes & Stats

Beginning of Week 7

Thoughts on Week 6:
  1. Obvious issues with pH in the coco
  2. Which meant nutrient take-up issues
  3. I think I have found a solution by taking a little more time with recycling valve compartment water

What "Taking a Little More Time" Means:
  • Remove AquaValve Compartment water (about a cup)
  • Add 100 ml of Ca/Mg Mix (Cal/Mag, SLF-100, Mr. Fulvic & mono-silicic acid) to removed cup of water
  • pH to 6.4 (ish)
  • Return to Pot in the Stem Root Zone (there's not enough to get it to edge of pot roots)
  • Then add another 100 ml of Ca/Mg Mix to Valve Compartment (200 ml total)
  • Give time for mixture to drain back to compartment
  • Re-pH and get it to about 5.9 - 6.2 (so far that is raise it to goal #)
  • If I start seeing compartment readings in the high 5.xx to low 6.xx then I'll just add Ca/Mg Mix (no recycling)
No Conclusions Yet:
  1. I've only been doing this technique for a couple days
  2. I already see a difference in the base number when I check pH in the valve compartment
  3. SS was 6.03 this AM
  4. DG was 5.11 this AM (was in low 4.xx's)
  5. After adjustments both compartments averaged 5.95pH
  6. I feel pretty good this is going to stabilize nutrient take up

Day 46 (SS) & Day 41 (DG)

Low Stress Training Engaged

  • I started low-stress training a couple of days ago.
  • The plants bounced right back.
  • The AquaValve Compartment pH issue is under control.



Originally Stunted, But ...
How are They Doing Now?

I did this before in the beginning of this grow when I stunted the heck out of these two plants. Here's a look at them now compared to other plants of the same (ish) age.

Super Skunk is way behind.

But, Double Grape is not as dramatically behind.


Day 47 (SS) & Day 42 (DG)

Grow Dot Drama - Sort Of

  • AquaValve Compartment Dropped Back into 4.xx range
  • This happened even after removing water, then replacing with higher pH pour through.
  • Pour Through was Recharge pH'd to 6.4
  • About 500 ml total
  • I checked pH once the fluid passed through the coco (6.2).
  • By overnight, that stagnant fluid had dropped back down.
  • Solution: Emptied the compartment and placed that fluid in the master reservoir.
  • Opened AutoPot valves and filled the chambers from master reservoir.

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch
  • Otherwise, the plants look great.
  • The branches are comfortable in their initial LST positions.
  • I've done some light defoliating, mostly underneath.
  • Some leaf-tucking
  • Most solar panels are still in place.




Day 47 Stats - Week7

If you read my post above, these numbers represent after I addressed the issues with pH, etc.

Day 48 (Super Skunk) & Day 43 (Double Grape)

  1. I let the AquaValve Chamber go dry.
  2. Put 1300 ml of a Recharge mix through the Coco.
  3. The main Reservoir Valves Are Still Off, while plants take up the over pour.
  4. Applied a little more LST to the main stem (you can see leaning more left (plant to right).

Day 54 (SS) & Day 49 (DG)

I'm A Big Fat Liar

Why am I a liar?

Because I am pretty sure I have posted before that, I was going to stop at Topping & some light LST.

Throw that claim out the window. I just went medieval on my Super Skunk.

There were so many minor bud sites trying their best to see the light.

First, let's look at some of the early "stretch."



Now, let's look at some of the LST of the Super Skunk

Note: These photos are in-process and not all finished product.



Top View of Double Grape



Pairs - (L) Double Grape - Day 49 & (R) Super Skunk - Day 54

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Cal/Mag Experiment

So, I decided to mix a new batch of Ca/Mg, mixed with supplements that I like. I was curious how much each product increased the E.C.

I should have included how much these ingredients affected the pH, because after I was mid-experiment I noticed the pH dropping dramatically.

Here is the recipe:

(1) 3 ml of regular Ca/Mg mix
• 2.0% Nitrogen
• 3.2% Ca
• 1.2% Mg
• 0.1% Fe

E.C. Sub-Total: 0.349



(2) 3 grams of PeptidesSp (Protein Hydrolysate Biostimulant)
• 13% Nitrogen

E.C. Sub-total: 0.440



(3) 7.5 ml (1/2 dose) MicroGenics

Guaranteed analysis of .75% Magnesium, .75% Manganese, .75% Zinc, .75% Copper, .75% Boron, .75% Nickel and .75% Iron

Just a light dose insurance policy.

E.C. Sub-Total: 1.061



(4) 5 ml Stout MSA (mono-silicic acid)

E.C. Sub-Total:
1.061 (unchanged)



(5) 2.5 ml SLF-100 (Enzymes)

E.C. Sub-Total:
1.061 (unchanged)



(6) 1 ml Mr. Fulvic

E.C. Sub-Total:
1.061 (unchanged)



(7) 2.5 g Recharge

E.C. Sub-Total:



(8) 1 gram Bio-Clean (Cellulose Enzyme)

E.C. Sub-Total:
1.201 (Unchanged)




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That shit used to happen to me anytime I used calmag. I stopped using it. Haven had a problem since. Also if you have Scotty’s new formula of dots. It’s been re formulated with more calcium nitrate and magnesium. So whatever your adding could be overkill and locking out. Not lacking.

great recovery tho. I thought they were toast!
awesome job. They made a great turn for the best under your care. Impressive.
Thanks. I gave them non-stop love, sometimes more love than they needed. But, now I think I will be ok.

I just took this picture and the Super Skunk has already recovered from the LST from this morning.

That includes 4 hours of lights out from noon to 4.


That shit used to happen to me anytime I used calmag. I stopped using it. Haven had a problem since. Also if you have Scotty’s new formula of dots. It’s been re formulated with more calcium nitrate and magnesium. So whatever your adding could be overkill and locking out. Not lacking.

great recovery tho. I thought they were toast!
awesome job. They made a great turn for the best under your care. Impressive.
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Quick Update: COVID is in the House

I got hit with flu last Thursday. So, I have not been as attentive as I normally am.

I've managed to get my environmental numbers and take a few pictures, but haven't had the gumption to process them.

My fever is back down to about 100ºF. It stayed above 102º for almost 60 hours. My symptoms were ever changing, too. It seemed complications were moving all around in my head and body.

"Science" tells me it is just another flu with a 99%+ survival rate, but it has been a hell of a ride.

Thankfully, it never attacked my lungs. I am very respiratory-comprimised with asthma. Had it gone there, my wife had instructions to get my ass to the VA in St. Louis.

I'm feeling better enough to write this post, so I should be back on track by this evening.
Day 55 (SS) & Day 50 (DG)
From August 31, 2022

I'm still recovering from COVID, so I'm not going to create much commentary, but I do have a few photos to share.

"Pairs" look:

Pairs_D55&D50_0314D55 & D50.jpgPairs_Top_D55&D50_0303D55 & D50.jpg


Double Grape -- LST Treatment

DG_D50_LST_0310D55 & D50.jpg

DG_D50_LST2_0311D55 & D50.jpg

DG_D50_Post LST_0315_NikD55 & D50.jpg


Flowers - Slow But Sure

DG_D50_Flower1_0307_NikD55 & D50.jpg

SS_D55_Flower1_0308D55 & D50.jpg


Double Grape -- Still Angry with Grow Dots

DG_D50_Leaf Color_0313_NikD55 & D50.jpg
Day 60 (SS) & Day 55 (DG)
COVID is leaving my body. The worst is behind me (fingers crossed). Still no real hungery, and I am super tired most of the time.
Onward and upward.


Super Skunk
should be renamed Honey Badger. From a stunted little twiglett to the largest "bush" I've grown. I trained it last week and it is still shooting upward.

Double Grape, on the other hand, is more like the the sickly little runt of the litter. Ok, I'm being a little dramatic, but it constantly displays evidence of some slight deficiency (or toxicity).

About Photos: Day 60 & 55 was yesterday. These pictures are "over" processed for my enjoyment. Meaning, don't take the coloring and try to diagnose anything. Enjoy them for the texture and filling out of each plant.

P-K Boost: Yesterday, I decided to do a little P-K boost, using Flower Fuel. This morning (Day 61 & 55) I swear the pistils were whiter and more abundant.

Real Growers Challenge: Because of all the issues along the way, I am no longer posting photos for the Real Growers Challenge with the appropriate hashtag on Instagram. I don't think my experience with Grow Dots truly reflects the potential for this method of nutrition application.

My reasoning: I like and respect Mr. Real and the Real Growers Community too much to present my (most likely) growing errors into the mix. I've been open and honest this whole grow on this Journal, so it's not like I am glossing over anything. I hope most people have a much more positive experience with Grow Dots. However, for me, this has not be a set it and forget it grow ... just add water, etc.

Now, on to the entertainment:

Pairs_Day 60_Angle_0325_Nik_openWith.jpeg


