Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

whoa 2 posts while I was typing mine.. lol

Kludge: I believe its for real man.. its been talked about and examples shown many times on quite a few message boards but believe me I had my doubts as well.. the theory is very possible.. but results.. who knows.. we'll see I guess..

CGM: Dude, thats defiantly another option.. I could head over there.. either way I'm hitting up this hydro store tomorrow or Friday..

Thats 1 vote Fox Farm.. and 1 vote Organic.. Anyone else ??

One more question for Wolf (Carbon Filter Related) Or anyone else...

Ok heres what I have...


My question.. If I slice her open and fill the bottom (feet portion) of the pantyhose I choped up for my Intakes.. and taped it to make "pillows" could I just lay them over my exhaust fans as filter ? Or would you just suggest I go ahead and recreate the ones in Your (Wolfman's) DIY ??

What do you think guys ? Thats 2 questions in 2 posts.. No rush :)

Thanks in Advance,
Sorry to whore up the threads here but my headache is causing my mind to over work, i guess.. So I called the store I planned to go to tomorrow and they don't carry Fox Farm, however I did find a store downtown that sells Big Grow and Tiger Bloom both for 22bucks for 1L.. I'm going to the store tomorrow regardless to me Superthrive and see what nutes they have.. If they have something nice that's priced in around or under the FF stuff I might pull the trigger.. we shall see..

Oh, I noticed you were talking about Superthrive and wanted to mention:

Superthrive is another one of those religions, like the banana one. There are no peer reviewed independent scientific studies that support Superthrive's claims. This stuff has been around since the 40's so you'd think they'd have had it tested by now if it actually worked. I know if I invented a miracle I'd want everyone to test it to verify my claims.

Hell, I'm not even sure what Superthrive's claims are. Here's some of the stuff it says on the bottle:

"#1 Plant Health"
Huh? Is that a statement about the product? And how do I measure that?

"Billions - PROVEN"
Proven what? Balanced? Balanced with what? A healthy breakfast?

"Extra-Life-Maker for Plants"
Wow, so it's actually able to create life? For plants of course.

"Superthrive saves plants from waiting to make many life-process complexes, carbon-hydrogen-oxygen groups."
What the fuck does that even say?

But my favorites, and the reason I didn't buy it in the store when I first saw it, are these two.

"'Two years' growth in one'?"
"For earlier, heavier, bearing?"

Do you see what's wrong with these "claims?" They aren't statements of performance, they are questions. They aren't saying they do these things, they are asking if anyone has every in the history of this product ever actually gotten it to do those things.

Remember, there is a LOT of misinformation floating around so you really have to be skeptical with anything you read or hear regarding pot. Heck, even old growers get it wrong some times. ;)

(P.S. I'm a newb, not an old grower)
Thank you.. lol.. on a day where I'm feeling rather ill.. that just made me laugh my ass off.. Its funny you know I was at Lowes last week looking for Superthrive and I asked the lady who worked there... she then asked me what exactly it was.. my exact response went something like this..."......*blank stare*...., You know superthrive.. its like uhhh fix all or something..."..."you know what maym, thanks for your time.. i'll be on my way now"
*exit with head down*

lol, so thats why it caught me.. Between now and tomorrow I'll search as much on superthrive and see what I can find.. I'm going on the opinions of 2 of my rather trusted Wisdom Elders...My Highest Council so to speak.. I trust them, and if they say a few drops will help and not hurt.. for 12 bucks, i'll try it atleast once :) If you haven't noticed already with my thread I'm totally down for experimenting and documenting, so other newbs like us can read it for what it is.. Not speculation and blabbing.. this is me doing something while you all watch my excessive pictures daily.. I dont leave anything out so the way I see it is.. well it is what it is..

I will however take very heavily into consideration what you've just broken down for me.. especially those 2 Question/Statements.. lmao...

btw, welcome to the thread Kludge, nice to have you here !

Oh and for nutes I vote organic. Hard to fuck up the plant with organics.

Plus there's the taste. I've tasted an early harvested plant that had grown on artificial fertilizer and it was HORRIBLE. But I've early harvested other plants grown using only organics and while they didn't have much taste they didn't taste like burning chemicals in my mouth either.

-- edit --

Early Harvest = Experiment gone wrong
Alrighty, so lets get a little more specific then people, shall we... This is the link to the store i'm going to tomorrow, who wants to be a great person and check it out and possibly make a suggestion or two regarding nutes ??

Organic Nutes

That link will take you directly to the organic nutes available at this specific store... Any help would be awesome.. And remember I'm looking for 1 for Veg and 1 for Bloom if I can.. if its just not possible organically let me know as I'm not sure. I will be doing some reading though..

Thanks in advance,

PS: Kludge: Sorry to hear about the Experiment Gone Wrong man. lol.. shit happens my first sprout died from me learning so I feel ya !
He is right about the superthrive it is something that is argued all over the internet, the fact that it has been around for 40 years and still sales is a pretty good sign, I personally have seen a noticeble improvement since I used it, ( when I first started growing I also thought it was all hype) but my seedlings looked sad and I figured it couldnt hurt and everyone cant be wrong, and all i can say is I use 2 drops per gallon every time I water and will do so for as long as I grow.......
I'm going to go ahead with the Superthrive regardless as its been said.. It can't hurt only help or do nothing.. I'm willing to give it a shot.. maybe I"ll give it to one plant and not the other for a bit and see what happens ??

As for my previous link and question, I'm leaning towards a product called Earth Juice Grow Formula Organic Fertilizer NPK of 2-1-1 perfect for veg if I understand correctly...Veg = Higher N lower P K.. Flower = Low N, High P&K

Made a second reflector and am now using 2 more bulbs for a total of 6 the new bulbs are 1 2700K and 1 6500K.. I did this for 2 reasons.. First to add more light as my plants get bigger and secondly after my outside garden was freaking torched, I've started a few new plants in my grow box with the extra room.. I started a few cucumber plants a tomato plant and 1 pea plant.. I will move them to my dresser box downstairs as they get larger and they might join my mother room.. Time will tell.. as for now my primary focus is my 2 girls :)

More light and a 2nd reflector can only make them happier :)

Thanks D and Doc... I figured it'd work just as well and I had it here so why not atleast try it.. I think it'll let more air through than the masks as I don't think my fans are THAT powerful, lol...

As for the FF nutes Doc.. Unless the store has them for cheap.. I'm probably not going to go that route.. I don't wanna be spending 50 bucks on nutes for just Veg.. maybe 50 for veg and flower.. the Superthrve is 12 bucks for 2oz bottle.. and then I'm aiming to spend maybe 20 - 25 for my Veg Formula.. I'm going to be straight up with the guy in terms of what I want.. not nessecarily for what plant.. I'm going to assume we'll be on the same "wavelength" there.. otherwise i'll say tomatos, lol.. I'm not too worried..

How does one store Rockwool ?? I'm considering get a little bit for when I attempt clones, however thats not for some time.. so should I save my cash and get them when I'm ready ? or just grab them while I"m there ??


I jsut set it on the shelf in my closet (grow room). I don't think this affects anything. Just make sure you keep them in a dry spot and youll be fine. It's very cheap so don't worry too much. Here i can get 15 cubes for 2 dollars.
Uploading pictures for evening update... freaking hell... RIU only allows me to do 2 at a time, so this is what takes the longest for each update...

8/27 Evening Update

Good Evening Everyone !

Well, not much new to say tonight..just a recap of what was posted all day.. First Up, made a 2nd reflector for my other socket and added 2 new bulbs to the setup...Looks like I'm leaning towards buying a Organic fertilizer by the name of Earth Juice - Grow.. I do suppose I'd follow up with Earth Juice - Bloom, but that remains to be seen...The plants are doing great I'm hoping that since I moved the lights up about an inch yesterday that the plant will get a little bit of height on top of the girth HK is showing.. Seems TH has slowed a bit, but just in comparison to HK. Alrighty well for pictures tonight I went with a usual Top Shot.. I took 2 nice Side Macro shots, showing the new growth galore.. even what still looks like little hairs.. lol...and then atleast one sharpie per plant and the final shot today will be my 2 plants side by side.. So again, everyone who's new can see Indica V Sativa or Hybrid...And away we go...


Side - Macro

Sharpie - Length


Side - Macro

Full Plant Shot

Last but not least...
Side by Side

Guess my "slower" growing "roof raising", "crane kicking" Indica was kinda the ugly duckling turning into a beautiful swan, lmao.. ok sorry I"m high.. But yeah I hope every single morning I wake up that HK will be a little girl.. Time will tell...

Thats about it for tonight guys, Feel free to leave any questions or comments I'll be around for a bit longer or I'll get to them in my morning update :)

Have a great night,
Thanks Doc.. I'm SUPPOSED to be able to do the same on RIU it has space to upload like 6 - 8 pics at a time.. however if I put more than 2 files in I get some random security error.. its just a mild annoyance.. no biggy but thanks for the suggestion

Hey FT, those are some pretty little seedlings, good to see the start of some side shoots they're growing pretty quick. I am starting to think that Thornhillium is about a 50/50 sativa/indica hybrid. It has some pretty wide individual leaflets to be purely a sativa, but that color screams sativa. Can't wait to see them progress. Oh, and I think I'm stealing your reflector idea, but I need something larger than a paper plate... hmmm...