Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

Whats up Dank !

Thanks for the compliments, they're really starting to take off now and the nutes to come will only help out !! Shes defiantly got some Sativa in her.. I was thinking 60/40 but I could see 50/50 as well.. Either way Its exciting to have 2 varieties growing side by side !! Steal away ! Please, thats why I put the idea here for others to use as well !!! Bigger than a plate. lets see.. Have any Cardboard boxes laying around ?? You could make one as big or small as you wanted !! Just cut out whatever size circle you want and there you go.. Good luck, keep me posted I'd love to see the finished product !!

I just caught on to this thread - it makes for some great reading. Thanks for taking the time to entertain us.
So FT... Is there any reason you dont want to LST? It really helps strengthen the stem and encourages side growths, if you want to have some mad branches all over tha plant. Topping is something controvercial that I could see someone not wanting to do, but LST is perfectly harmless. I'd say try it on TH to see how it works, and maybe if you like the results give it a try on HK. I really recomend this method, as you may be able to tell. But if you decide against it, it'll work anyways lol. Well, I guess I'll just chill and wait for the morning update :D
I just caught on to this thread - it makes for some great reading. Thanks for taking the time to entertain us.

My pleasure man, I really enjoy doing my updates as much as I hope some enjoy reading them...So thanks for stopping by !!

Doc: Thanks man..:roll: I dunno about 5 star lol Its only 1 vote hahaha.. But thank u :)

CGM: To be completely honest man, I don't have a single good reason as to why I'm not interested in LST'n.. Well on HK the way shes growing, I don't think I'll need it really.. However, It might be worth giving it a shot on TH as you said..Seeing as shes my experimental plant...I'll do some more reading on it and let you know.. Do you have a link to any videos showing in good/great detail the process ? That'd probably help me some...

Anyway Folks, The lights went on not too long ago, I'm a take the camera over and see how my ladies to be are doing... Update coming shortly..
Smoke a J while you wait CGM :)

8/28 Morning Update

Goooooood Morning Everyone !!

Or is it.. I have no weed.. So no its not.. lol, However on the FAR more positive side of the coin.. Todays pay day.. and that means a few things.. first I can get more bud, but more importantly (yeah I said it...) HYDRO STORE !!! lol.. Time to get my little friends their Veg Nutes, and I will be feeding either a 1/4 or 1/2 solution to my plants probably 2 days from now..According to my stylish new grow calendar, lol. I'm telling you folks, if you didn't hear me yesterday, hear me today.. MAKE A JOURNAL.. not like this one.. I mean physically pick your ass up a pen or pencil, hell use a crayon I don't care.. just keep notes and records.. when u watered, how much, with what in it.. blah blah, it'll make you consistent, and consistency = happy plants...On to ma update,

HK - Well as I looked at her this morning a terrible joke came to mind, lucky for all of you I'm going to skip the joke and just talk about my plant. Looking at HK from my regular view of the top shes getting bigger for sure at a good pace (nute should "kick that up a notch" lol) However, when I moved a few leaves to the side for my usual side or side macro shot... HOLY CRAP, mucho growth, and I mean A LOT.. I was blown away to see all the little leaves and hairs and all kinds of stuff shooting off the main stem. You guys will see what I mean as I took what I think is a nice macro of it.. infact today I went a bit different with my pics for the morning.. I skipped the sharpies.. and for only 1 reason.. Camera batteries died on me.. lol.. So for Wolf whos making me that animated gif I'll have the required picture later in my evening update..Alright enough ME, time for what you are really here for.. the plant shots



Side - Macro

TH, well as its been talked about in the past page or two of the thread TH is going to become my experimental plant... Time to explain Experiment #1...As you all know, TH is growing nicely but slowly as we can all speculate shes atleast 50% sativa so its too be expected. Now for experiment #1 heres whats going down.. This will not be agreed upon by all and thats ok I'm going to do it anyway. Believe me when I say, most ppl who haven't done this a while or read for a while are bound to go out to a home depot/lowes/walmart/etc.. and buy a regular brand nutrient such as Miracle Grow, or Plant-Prod (comes colour coated (red ,pink, yellow) or Schultz.. Anyway for my own personal knowledge AND for the any/all the new growers reading this.. heres my experiment.

TH will be getting fertilized with Plant-Prod All Purpose Fert 20-20-20...Where as HK will be getting Whatever I get at the Hydro Store today.. This experiment will be happening at the very least during Veg.. I haven't decided what I'm doing for Flower. Like I said, I know not everyone is going to agree with this.. but I'm pretty sure it'll help more ppl than "kill" my plant.. I'm going to start off with 1/4 of the 20-20-20 and see how TH takes it and go from there, if I notice terrible happenings the experiment could be halted immediately but something tells me it'll be A-OK, just not optimal.. same plan for other nutes for HK

ok and now on to TH pics for the day...



Here is todays version of my new shot.. Side by Side

And finally a picture thats only relevant if the asshole who burnt my garden should be reading.. This is one of 3 new Cucumber plants that have already popped above ground.. So screw you for torching my garden, its already back and stronger than before !!!!!!

(not bad for under a week)

Well everyone, thats it for this morning, I'll be around to answer questions or comments for about an hr or two, then to work I go.

Have a Most Excellent Day (Said with Keanu Reeves - Bill and Ted voice)
*plays air guitar*
Yeah Kludge, I've been reading and helping others grow for about 5 years now.. not that I'm claiming anything other than to have done a lot of reading.. nothing helps like experience. However to answer your question Yeah, the leaves the way shes growing..

If you take a look at HK.. we know shes 100% Indica.. Short Stalky plant, Wide Darker green leaves. 2 Tell Tale signs of a Indica

For TH, shes taller and lankier, a true or pure sativa would have long very thing leaves.. I'm talking like one of HK's blades would be 2 sativa leaves. As for telling the %'s. Thats more of a guess than anything hell it could be anything really, what I am sure of though is its defiantly a hybrid of some sort.

Trying posting a picture of your bag seed and see if me or someone in the thread can't help you out !!

Another helpful tool.. Jorge Cervantes.. Get his Grow DVDs (however u have too, pay, torrent, whatever....) And check them out.. Same goes for SeeMoreBuds (cept you should buy his stuff as his stuff is all reasonably priced by far) Its covered in both videos the differences as well as some examples..

One last "tool" check out the various seed companies, read about whats what in terms of %s and then check out the pics.. Lots of way :)

I hope that somewhat helps Kludge..
Get us some pics and we'll see what we can do !

Hi all, Nice pics this morning FT your ladies are looking good! Just thought i'd chime in with a few observations from my girls....

a) I was trying to work out exactly how far behind you i am.....i couldn't. No journal or calender or record of any kind, and damn i wish i had!!! So i'd like to 2nd FT's shout for all first timers to keep SOME SORT of record. (My best guess is mine are about a week to a week and a half behind yours, All just sprouting their 1st true leaves.)

b) Thought i'd comment on "Raising the Roof", my girls have spent the last 2 days doing the exact same thing......until now i've had no fans at all running on my cab (The fabled british summer has cooled and vented my cab perfectly well all by itself!!!) but i WAS starting to get worried about the temps, so i put my 1st pc fan in, taking air out of the cab from directly under the lights which dropped the temp down to 80-82.
I shit you not.....not even 15 minutes later ALL raising the roof had stopped. I couldn't believe how quick it was! Could it be that the roof raising is a sign of seedling stress? I dunno.....just thought i'd post what i'd seen of it and leave it open for further discussion!!

c) Thanks FT for offering to help with my camera probs, but i've solved it (ok so the wife solved it!) Those charming people at Nokia put a pc connector lead thingy in the box with the phone! Bless them. So i WILL be able to post a pic of my girls (I'd quite like to hear wolfs and bigds opinions....after they've stopped laughing!!!)

Anyways, have a good day all!!
Good to see your going to be a regular now Mount4inMatt !

A) I know man, thats why I put it in caps.. My suggestion for you.. start one as of today then ? atleast for the rest of your grow you can be spot on.

B) I'm going to agree with you m8, not that either of us have any real scientific proof, but I'll go with out life experience this time. I'm thinking its a heat stress related thing but we could be wrong.. either way its definitely a stress indicator of some sort.. Bet you were glad to have already seen me go through that problem to know in the end.. it'll be ok :)

C) All you had to do was tell me which phone your using and I could have told you that bud.. specially nokia.. quite possibly the most user friendly phones on earth. The software should be there too...

Can't wait to see some pics of your ladies Man, Feel free to post them here if you aren't going to start your own thread, and if you do start your own thread post up a link for those of us here to check out !!

Best of Luck,
FarmingT: Thanks, that's what I've been reading. I guess what confused me is I definatly have some mixed plants and some have leaves that look nice and fat like a full indica, some look thin as hell like a sativa, and some look halfway inbetween.

I don't want to hi-jack your thread so I'll start another and post pics. Camera's broken right now but should have it back today hopefully. Stupid gravity.

Mount4: Great advice about the journal. I started one after about the forth time I said to myself, "When was the last time I feed them?" Best thing you can every do.

I started by using a simple paper note book but that was actually more of a pain in the ass than just doing it in a spread sheet. That's what I use now.

Oh, and what does "Raising the Roof" mean? I think you are saying your plants are stretching; growing really fast and getting too much space between nodes. Just wanted to make sure i understood.
Kludge: the "raising the roof" was a term coined by Wolfman back earlier in my thread.. to save you the time and effort of having to go all the way back , I'll repost a picture example of what we are talking about...


Notice how all her leaves are pointed straight up.. Not "stretching" as you've suggested but literally leaves pointing straight up. It was rather bizarre but my plants got over it and glad to here so did mount4ins...

Thanks for not hi-jacking :) I was trying to be nice anyway hehe.. but please do post a link to your thread in here when its ready to go. !!

Minor Update as I have something to report on

Using Pantyhose as a "filter" for intake PC fans.. Fanfuckingtastic idea... Mind you any filter gets that same comment.

Big thanks to BigD for that suggestion... +rep for that one man !!

I just decided to go over and take a look at them and see how they were doing if they were doing... To my pleasant surprise there were large clumps of fur stuck via the suction to the new filter but not making it through. I was able to just easily scrape off all the fur and have clean filter again. It wasn't much effecting the airflow however If I left the fur gather for too long I"m sure it'd cause problems.

So yeah just wanted to let ya's know that filter on intake.. its a great idea !!!

FT, quick far away from your plants do you have your lights? And at what point did you move them as close as they are?
No prob man,

So to start I had my lights about 1.5 - 1.75 inches away from even the top of the soil
(keep in mind these are 26W CFLs)
After doing some reading as of late (I think in Dr.Chrons thread) and wanting to do a little experiment, I decided to move my lights UP a bit with my new reflectors in hopes of having my plants stretch a tiny bit as opposed to the massive little bush I have. Now I'm not talking about a lot of a stretch, maybe an inch.. inch and a half.. so now my lights sit roughly 2.5 - 2.75 inches above the plant tops.. so I guess i really only moved it one inch.

On a side note, I have been using DVD cases underneath my pots and have been messing about with them a lil more than the lights in the past. Its documented in here as I'm not 100% sure. However right now they are both on 2 dvd cases with the lights where I just said. I could always put the pots on the ground and lower the lights, but I kinda like it as it is, lol..

Hope that helps,
hey FT glad the filter is working I try to keep my grow box like its own self contained are well on your way friend and to think just weeks ago you needed seeds...pretty soon you will have something like me, and wolfmanbongsmilie
Notice how all her leaves are pointed straight up.. Not "stretching" as you've suggested but literally leaves pointing straight up. It was rather bizarre but my plants got over it and glad to here so did mount4ins...

Ahhhh, gotcha. Sorry, I should have done a search on the thread.

I've seen that once before too, when I had too much heat in my veg room (mid 80's to about 90). I put a cheap ($100) window A/C in there and I haven't seen it since.
Congrats on the nutes. Make sure you tell me how good that SUPERthrive works, cause i was thinking about getting some. Botanicare is really good i heard, allegedely one of the best organic nutes on the market. Im probably gunna try some Botanicare Liquid Kharma.
oh its all coming together now..........take it easy with the nutes at first, and with the superthrive 1-2 drops per gallon is all you need