lmfao, dude I almost spit my coffee all over my moniter
"Yeah that indica I had mentioned before has got balls all over it, more balls than a locker room."
I'm very sorry to hear about your balls too man !! As for the Step by Step.. I've been searching for one myself.. my good buddy Wolfman_Zen, is going to be working on one as far as I know.. However, I'll let you in on a little secret Dank (since no1 else is looking..

) I've got a pretty much perfect DOLLAR STORE solution for a DIY Butane Hash Extractor...Here are 2 pictures of the setup so far.. I did a minute test last night on a gram or two of bud.. Didn't go quite as I had planned.. needs a bit of tinkering (think i used too much filter and too little butane) but thats most likely the route I'm going to take HK through in about a weeks time.. I'll cut him down, chop him up, let him dry, then run him through the extractor.. even if I get 1 lump on a cigarette and a tiny buzz, its better than you'd expect from a male.. and hey if it doesn't work.. same thing. its a male !
Here are the pics, I'll do a brief explanation cause this isn't a walk through.. yet
Thats right folks, a FLASHLIGHT.. from the dollar store
Hole poked in top to allow for exact fit of butane adapter (perfect seal is created and NEEDED)
Its not in the picture but basically I took 2 coffee filters and taped them to the open end on the bottom, fill the tube with plant material and then follow standard butane extraction procedures.. As i said if wolfman doesn't come out with his in the next little while, I'll put mine out... Or We can work together either way I'm happy... OH and a little note **IF YOU USE MY SUGGESTION** Keep in mind the metal will get EXTREMELY cold..I wore a silicon oven mit and still felt some cold.. so becareful guys..also WELL VENTILATED AREA. and don't smoke lol
Hope thats a slight push in the right direction Dank

and anyone else interested.. Go ahead and ask any question you'd like guys !!