Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

lol... don't let them fool you FT... my plants would show me all kinds of UFO's (Unidintified Floral Objects).. lol

Wait about 2 1/2 - 3 weeks into flowering... and look more in the branch tips.. Thats were all my girls showed...

Oh and I thought I would share this... not sure if it's true.. but wouldn't hurt to try...


The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style
The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style
Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker

someone need sto do some research and chek if this is real perhaps a seed breader
he i kuss skimmed thru ur journal and i couldnt see how much light bulbs ur usin or wats ur reflective material btw hows it goin
he i kuss skimmed thru ur journal and i couldnt see how much light bulbs ur usin or wats ur reflective material btw hows it goin

Hey welcome to the journal, we're in the later stages now as I'm sure you can see from my last update !

Earlier -# of bulbs = 6 (5 x 26W + 1 x 42W) for 2 plants-- Until I broke the 42W this morning

Now - # of bulbs = 7 x 26W (5 X 2700, 2 X 6500) for 2 plants but soon to be just 1

As for reflection.. the walls are flat white and if you looked through, I made a few ghetto reflectors they're made of with Mylar.. I also have this random piece of cardboard covered in Reflective tape and mylar that I randomly position around the box from time to time..

As for how its going.. just read the update I did this morning, a few posts back.. that should sum it all up :) But in a few words.. Things are goin well

sucks to have a bulb broken doesnt it, i rember bak in my first grow i had juss bought a new bulb for flowering, open the ppackage and droped it the same day than the next day i was moving my cfl to a different spot and broke that one to got me pretty pissed and hey bout that ghetto my lar is it the present wrappin mylar called polywrap???? and im guessin ur puttin out like 12k lumens ???? and if u are using the present wrappin mylar juss paint the bak of it black so no light can pass thru since its so dark on the other side
The mylar isn't ghetto, the reflectors for my lights are what i was calling ghetto :)

The mylar is straight mylar I purchased at a Hydro store... As for Lumens.. honestly. I have no from what I've read you can't add them up so I'm not really sure without a true meter to read it...I will however say if you go back through my journal and check the pics you'll notice that my plants have stayed short and squat and bushy as heck, unlike what everyone "THINKS" CFL's should do.. Thats why we created the R.C.C as a way to inform those that CFL's aren't really that bad..

Thanks for stopping by :) If anyone is using the wrapping paper n00b is talking about read his tip, it sounds like it would really help out !!

Hey FT I've got an idea, you could do a DIY step by step of that ISO hash process, CAUSE I'M GOING TO FUCKING NEED IT TOO :( Yeah that indica I had mentioned before has got balls all over it, more balls than a locker room. Shit I almost wish I was a seed breeder because its a beautiful plant. Plus you should see how fast this fucker is growing, the things doubled in size since flower(which was only 6 days ago), it really wants to bust a nut all up in one of my other plants faces. Good luck with TH though man, shes all you got treat her right!
lmfao, dude I almost spit my coffee all over my moniter

"Yeah that indica I had mentioned before has got balls all over it, more balls than a locker room."

I'm very sorry to hear about your balls too man !! As for the Step by Step.. I've been searching for one myself.. my good buddy Wolfman_Zen, is going to be working on one as far as I know.. However, I'll let you in on a little secret Dank (since no1 else is looking..:roll:) I've got a pretty much perfect DOLLAR STORE solution for a DIY Butane Hash Extractor...Here are 2 pictures of the setup so far.. I did a minute test last night on a gram or two of bud.. Didn't go quite as I had planned.. needs a bit of tinkering (think i used too much filter and too little butane) but thats most likely the route I'm going to take HK through in about a weeks time.. I'll cut him down, chop him up, let him dry, then run him through the extractor.. even if I get 1 lump on a cigarette and a tiny buzz, its better than you'd expect from a male.. and hey if it doesn't work.. same thing. its a male !

Here are the pics, I'll do a brief explanation cause this isn't a walk through.. yet

Thats right folks, a FLASHLIGHT.. from the dollar store :)

Hole poked in top to allow for exact fit of butane adapter (perfect seal is created and NEEDED)

Its not in the picture but basically I took 2 coffee filters and taped them to the open end on the bottom, fill the tube with plant material and then follow standard butane extraction procedures.. As i said if wolfman doesn't come out with his in the next little while, I'll put mine out... Or We can work together either way I'm happy... OH and a little note **IF YOU USE MY SUGGESTION** Keep in mind the metal will get EXTREMELY cold..I wore a silicon oven mit and still felt some cold.. so becareful guys..also WELL VENTILATED AREA. and don't smoke lol

Hope thats a slight push in the right direction Dank :) and anyone else interested.. Go ahead and ask any question you'd like guys !!

That's cool i dont know what its for but its creative!!!
lmfao, dude I almost spit my coffee all over my moniter

"Yeah that indica I had mentioned before has got balls all over it, more balls than a locker room."

I'm very sorry to hear about your balls too man !! As for the Step by Step.. I've been searching for one myself.. my good buddy Wolfman_Zen, is going to be working on one as far as I know.. However, I'll let you in on a little secret Dank (since no1 else is looking..:roll:) I've got a pretty much perfect DOLLAR STORE solution for a DIY Butane Hash Extractor...Here are 2 pictures of the setup so far.. I did a minute test last night on a gram or two of bud.. Didn't go quite as I had planned.. needs a bit of tinkering (think i used too much filter and too little butane) but thats most likely the route I'm going to take HK through in about a weeks time.. I'll cut him down, chop him up, let him dry, then run him through the extractor.. even if I get 1 lump on a cigarette and a tiny buzz, its better than you'd expect from a male.. and hey if it doesn't work.. same thing. its a male !

Here are the pics, I'll do a brief explanation cause this isn't a walk through.. yet

Thats right folks, a FLASHLIGHT.. from the dollar store :)

Hole poked in top to allow for exact fit of butane adapter (perfect seal is created and NEEDED)

Its not in the picture but basically I took 2 coffee filters and taped them to the open end on the bottom, fill the tube with plant material and then follow standard butane extraction procedures.. As i said if wolfman doesn't come out with his in the next little while, I'll put mine out... Or We can work together either way I'm happy... OH and a little note **IF YOU USE MY SUGGESTION** Keep in mind the metal will get EXTREMELY cold..I wore a silicon oven mit and still felt some cold.. so becareful guys..also WELL VENTILATED AREA. and don't smoke lol

Hope thats a slight push in the right direction Dank :) and anyone else interested.. Go ahead and ask any question you'd like guys !!

haha lol... I'm glad you are tinkering with new things FT... keep it up.. and remember... even if it doesn't work, it's a win win situations, cuz you are adding major brownie points to your experience =]

Speaking of brownies.... Making some cana-butter is another option =]

Keep the creativity going and do post a step by step... I won't get to mine till I harvest... I still don't know what I'm going to use as a filter.. I was thinking of using a fine metal screen, but don't know if it will be enough... and it sounds like coffee filters are too much... hmmm I'm going to have to play with some things... I wounder what butane will do to pantyhose?

The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style
The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style
Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker
Whats the butane method? I only found the iso method. Is the butane method better? I cant imagine its easier then the iso method, cause that was some easy stuff and made some great smoke. Let me know, I am curious now.
Hey GTG,

I'm just going to go back and read your info about the ISO methods.. the only problem I find is that I can only find about 70% ISo and not the 90% usually reccommended... Butane Extractions are pretty similar.. Do a search for Butane Oil.. basically I'm going to fill that flashlight tube with ground up plant matter (bud, stem, leave) whatever.. and the small hole in the top is to run the butane can and push it in so all the butane gets released and slowly makes it way through the filter and onto a glass dish..

The basic chemistry is the same.. Solvent + THC + evapouration of solvent = Gooey THC mess

Whether you use ISO or Butane.. its more or less the same.. I will post a step by step when i decide to hack down HK in about a week or so.

Hope that helped man,
Hey FT, keep the instructions coming for your hash maker! Im still hoping not too need it, but its allways better to have a plan B!

Still got everything crossed for TH!
i was searching on the net a year or two ago on how to make hash and came across the butane method...i saw a video on youtube of some guys with a PVC setup, it seemed to work pretty well. Anyway i just went to search again to put it up ther and there seems to be a few videos...try typing in BHO(butane hash oil) or butane hash, anythign liek that....good luck
9/10 Morning Update

Hey everyone heres my morning update for this lovely september morning. So after yesterdays watering and switching TH and HK's positions in the box (HK had the prime spot) TH has a nice growth spurt yet again...Today I took a pic from the Top, then side, then one with my measuring chopstick.. If you look close at the pic you'll notice a black line on the stick.. Thats from 9/6 so all the growth happened in the past 4 days...Anyway I've got to work early today so i'll be cutting this short.



Chop Stick - Height

Jungle Under Growth

Thats all !! Keep your eyes open for a R.C.C CFL FAQ coming later today/early evening

Have a great day,
Thanks Dr...

If you realllllly wanna try to induce a stretch (and I know you do) try moving your lights like 3 - 4 inches above the plants.. its not necessarily "good" for them but it'll sure make them reach for what little light they can get. By "not good" I just mean less intensity.

So just a minor afternoon update !
HK has more balls on it now than a gay strip club ... So I'm going to probably cut him down on friday afternoon, if not sooner... I'm not sure how I'm going to go about drying him out... but I'll work on that when the time comes...

As for TH, well .. someones starting to show some teeny tiny signs of sex.. still too small to differentiate with my magnifying glass, but I will say (and this is partial wishful thinking) They are starting off a bit different than Hk's Balls did.. so I'm crossing my fingers !!.. I'm debating getting the cheap Nexxtech ones from a Radio Shack or Source.. that are like 60X - 100X for like 9.99. If so I'll grab it after work.. Anyway, thats about all for now.. Talk to you guys later !!

lets keep those fingers crossed and hope that plant is a chick! i'm going to have to check on mine tomorrow probably or friday to make sure they're not dead lol... havent seen 'em in about a week. it's tough when you're doing guerilla grows and don't have a car lol it takes like an hour for me to bike there! but its much more stealth to hide a bike than parking a car at the side of the road...