Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

Thanks DWR.. we have a thread called R.C.C if your interested in the "organization" or "crew" lol... Feel free to come around anytime :)

Whatchu u laughin at Cheetah lol

Semi - Update -- HK's Demise

The reason this is only a semi update is because my freaking batteries died in my camera so I wasn't able to take shots of TH in all "her" glory now that she has my entire grow box and lights to herself... the little sex nubs I see on her are still there getting only slightly bigger and still not looking like what formed on HK. It occured to me earlier today that I had planted TH about a week after HK so as for "sexual maturity" this extra week seems to be making sense...I'm still hoping its a girl though !!!

Anyway, I decided to go ahead and take out HK now as I'm 100% its a male AND don't wanna mess up the one plan I do have left.. I did go ahead and take Wolfmans idea well sorta.. instead of letting the balls develop more, I grabbed the 5 - 7 biggest ones I had and then some smaller ones.. I figure there must be SOME pollen amungst them and if I have to bust them all up and dab my Qtip well then so be it.. Anyway I took a few pics of HK through out the cutting down process as well as a shot of the roots, which I thought were more tangled than it turns out they were still lots of room which is great for TH and then I finished my "ghetto ass drying box" which is basically a cardboard box with a few holes cut on one side at the bottom with my old 12" fan outside the hole and then at the opposite side of the box near the top I cut some passive exhaust holes.. This allows for a perfect air flow from low to high and out of the box.. the leaves have a very slight sway in the box so I know its working perfectly.. So now I'm not worried about potential mold.. I also don't think its going to take tooo long to dry out as its not dense like a bud.. Anyway enough talking my neck is still fuct and I need to lay down.. here's the pics..

HK's Last Shot

Balls, Balls, Balls, Balls, Balls... :(

Chopped Top to Extract Balls

Everything All Chopped Up :(

Saved Balls (hopefully with enough pollen to pollinate 1 if not 2 buds)

HK's Roots (well some of them)

Everything Hung up In Ghetto Dryer

Passive Exhaust Holes

Intake Holes with Fan

Well thats about it everyone ! Hope you enjoy my photo cut down and hanging more than I enjoyed doing it ?!? But hey its good experience either way !!

My only questions are:
1) Roughly How long should drying completely take ? (few days ? or a week(s) ?)
2) How often should I be checking ? Few Hrs ? or not till atleast this time tomorrow ?

I ask this because a long time back (3 - 4 yrs now) a buddy gave me 2 lbs of his trimmings and so instead of straight drying them what I did was slowly grind them all down in my coffee grinder into powder then spread it out under a heat lamp (old gecko light) with a fan blowing over it.. Took less than 24hrs that way.. However I'm trying to do this "properly" this time.. I guess if its not dry within 24 hrs I can always do the same take them out of box grind them and let them dry that way .. Either way I have to grind HK down to make the Butane or Iso (whichever route I go as I found 99% ISO at my hydro store) So much to decide, lol

Have a good afternoon,
Farming Toronto.. Ive looked through the thread as much as I can at work and I am still trying to figure this out...

What is your light setup? How many, what wattages, and color temps?
Hey man,

I'm sure the info is in here infact I believe someone asked me not a few pages ago.. However I can understand 53 pages is a shit lot to read through so I'll answer that up here again just for you :) lol

Presently I have
8 x 26W bulbs in my cab

Colour Temps are... 6 x 2700K and 2 x 6500K ...Keep in mind I"m in flowering (12/12)
When I was doing Veg, I had it not just reversed but only 1 2700K and the rest were all 6500K

I hope that answers your questions.. I've really been using "minimal" with great results.. I did have a 42W 2700K bulb for about a week, but I broke it the other day so it was replaced with 26Wers.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask :) I did have another thread on the building of my box.. if you click on my user name and check for all threads started by me, you will see it.. might have more info.. I don't remember to be honest lol

Hey man,

I'm sure the info is in here infact I believe someone asked me not a few pages ago.. However I can understand 53 pages is a shit lot to read through so I'll answer that up here again just for you :) lol

Presently I have
8 x 26W bulbs in my cab

Colour Temps are... 6 x 2700K and 2 x 6500K ...Keep in mind I"m in flowering (12/12)
When I was doing Veg, I had it not just reversed but only 1 2700K and the rest were all 6500K

I hope that answers your questions.. I've really been using "minimal" with great results.. I did have a 42W 2700K bulb for about a week, but I broke it the other day so it was replaced with 26Wers.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask :) I did have another thread on the building of my box.. if you click on my user name and check for all threads started by me, you will see it.. might have more info.. I don't remember to be honest lol


Dope... Thank you. I'll check that out.

You know, I think a rule should be implemented that in every first post... or maybe under user profile or SOMETHING people can put their light setup. Its great seeing all the plants pictures - but shit man.. Sometimes you have to spend an hour+ just trying to find out what ONE grow is using for lights.

Anyways.. Thank you for the reply and I will be checking out your box... lol "checking out your box"... rawr...

ok.. bye. haha
When I try to view all of your posts this page comes up that says

"Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms."

Whats up with that??? IM just trying to see the guys BOX HERE!
Yeah, that amount of light should suffice depending on how many plants your going with.. heres a link to my other thread I was talking about..

Hope you find something useful in there too :) it covers basically from start to finish

**edit** hrmm, for some reason its not working... thats the link and the thread is still there maybe try copying and pasting to the address bar ?
Hey Farming Toronto sorry to hear about the males! It would be pretty cool if you get some pollen out of the sacs and can apply it latter on and get some seeds! Save you some money in the long run if you dont clone. How far along is the female plant? Looks pretty short and bushy in a good way! Hope everything goes well man! I am a full CFL guy also so I will be watching.
Farming Toronto - Just checked out your box. Looking nice. Almost the same size as my box. Mine is 14"x24"x48"

Is there a way on here to upload multiple pictures at once? The only way I know is to do them one by one by one and you have to fill out details and put them in categories and shit. It takes forever. I want to make a thread about the progression of my box.
Looky What I got...


Scratch the more dangerous Butane Extraction... Say Hello to my little friend ISO OIL lol

HK is drying nicely in my ghetto box.. still looking a bit "wet" but at the same time definitely drying out... I'm going to take a piece that I have hanging and take it to my other box that has lights 24/0 with my veggies and see if the light makes it any quicker cause there is also a fan in there too.. just a lil test...

That's all for now !!
Hey FT...
Just wanted to say that I think it's really cool... you know what you're doing... along with Zen and a few others...

Much more than +rep... :clap::leaf:RESPECT:leaf::clap:

You guys rock...

Thank You ... :leaf:

Be Well...


"Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age 18." - A. Einstein
Looky What I got...


Scratch the more dangerous Butane Extraction... Say Hello to my little friend ISO OIL lol

HK is drying nicely in my ghetto box.. still looking a bit "wet" but at the same time definitely drying out... I'm going to take a piece that I have hanging and take it to my other box that has lights 24/0 with my veggies and see if the light makes it any quicker cause there is also a fan in there too.. just a lil test...

That's all for now !!

Iso hash rocks!! I would love to know where you got 99% iso from. I should have shopped around but was a typical lazy stoner and just went to Walmart and all they had was 91%. I think the 99% will work better as you will have a drier end product from more Iso and less H2O. SWEET!!
I have a couple plants porbably like 2 or 3 days behind yours. Yours look a little better then mine. Just a couple bagseeds i thought i'd try.
yea no shit FT all I can get is 91% but Iso hash will rock your world a small amount will take you a long way..............almost makes me happy to see a male from time to time............