Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

MAN O MAN do I love that "quick" dryer...

As I'm sure you can tell its helping the evapouration go SUPER quick..

I thought I"d post a tiny 3 picture Sneak Peak of what I've been up to this afternoon

First up is a "before" shot, of the liquid goodness right after the extraction before any drying has occurred.

And the first "after" shot.. the far end looks much "wetter" than it actually is

And the last shot.. look at all that gooey goodness

I'm willing to guess I get in and around a gram, which really aint bad considering the amount and quality of what I started with.. but thats all for the tutorial

That's all for now, I'm sure updates to come later tonight.. I'm going to leave it alone for at least another few hours

Thanks man.. yeah it was such a nice colour of green, I wish I coulda just rolled a joint dipped it in that green solution and get rocked.. unfortunately I'd get rocked with being sick from smoking straight alcohol, lol.. but damn it looks good.. even as its drying out its looking nicer and nicer !!

hey FT you can use a hair blow dryer to speed up the process, thats what i do, and also make sure you are in a well ventilated area whne drying the iso
ahh, interesting tip...

Hey D man, is there a "sure fire" way of telling when its ready ? like do I want a gummy consistency or more almost a dried out powder type ? I've seen both final products online but am not 100% sure which I'm looking for in my own final product.


Alrighty thank you.. I don't wanna let it dry for the extra 24 hrs.. lol. .I'm trying to figure out how if at all possible I can test a bit of it tonight maybe on top of some bud in my bong.. I'll give it a shot.. whats the worst that happens.. I puke alot ? Meh, former Heroin addict here... not afraid of a little puke, lol

I'll report later on how it went !!
Yeah, I'm not embarrassed or afraid of my past.. However, it was only a passing comment... Has nothing to do with my grow...

Alrighty.. thanks D

I'm just waiting for my lady to get home with some new razor blades so I can start to scrape this up. Its got a nice golden hue to it now.. I just hope its remotely potent..coming from a male and all... I figure a nice bit of it sprinkled inside a joint and I'll be a happy, mellow man

Alrighty.. thanks D

I'm just waiting for my lady to get home with some new razor blades so I can start to scrape this up. Its got a nice golden hue to it now.. I just hope its remotely potent..coming from a male and all... I figure a nice bit of it sprinkled inside a joint and I'll be a happy, mellow man


Or you could go where I got my tinting done.... They dude left a fresh razor blade in my damn door handle!.... I'd call him an idiot but Im trying to not attack people... So, instead I will say... THAT WASNT A GREAT IDEA!
Jeez.. LoL left the damn thing IN your door handle ?? I wouldn't worry too much about "attacking" ppl not on the board but just in case i'll do it for you.. What a retard.. seriously.. who does that.. at least you didn't slice a finger or two .. or did you ?

Jeez.. LoL left the damn thing IN your door handle ?? I wouldn't worry too much about "attacking" ppl not on the board but just in case i'll do it for you.. What a retard.. seriously.. who does that.. at least you didn't slice a finger or two .. or did you ?


Pft.. Dude.. It was in the PASSENGER handle.. So, I pick up a friend one day and she goes "What the fuck is this? You doing coce in your car?" and Im like "Wtf are you talking about" and she pulls it out...

I'm like "SERIOUSLY?? THE DOOR HANDLE?? Next best thing is he could've put it on my damn seat!"

He also left tons of little scraps of tint all over my car. And I got my shit done through the dealership!!

Either way.. It had totally skipped my mind that the razor was there and I guess my friend decided to leave it there.. So a few weeks later my buddy is in the car with me and he goes "Why the fuck do you have a razor blade in your door handle?!".... HAHAHA.

One day I was working on a project and I needed a razor blade so I ran out to the car and grabbed it. So, it's safe now! LOL
That is some great looking Iso. I swear it ruined me for a day. Damn I wish I had another male to make I am interested to see how it works out for you.

this thread is starting to make me wish I moved my males to a different spot instead of fucking pullin 'em lol... oh well :p

Good on you tho FT, for getting off the heroin n all. +rep for that!

LOL, Morning everyone !!! Today was a fucking great day for a Wake n Bake.. so I'm pretty stoned at the moment.. and listenin to some bumpin music I'm in a great fuckin mood which I'm sure will be reflected in this post.. my neck is still fucked though.. lol

On to what you came for, not my blabs about myself.. TH.. TH.. TH.. the bagseed that I expected nothing from. Still don't have 100% confirmed sex on this plant.. however as each day passes what looked like a single nub is now 2 thinner "things" I can't really tell with my magnifying glass just yet.. but I have high hopes for this one as I'll show in a bit there is a definate differeance between HKs development adn TH's sexually. Anyway TH has a nice growth spurt vertically in the past day or two, which you'll see in the photo with the chop stick... TH is now officially Taller than a Chop Stick.. lol.. Some how I gotta get Chop Stick recognized as a real unit of measurement.. but anyway.. so yeah getting nice and tall and not as bushy as HK but thats most likely because TH is a hybrid and has more Sativa in her. Thats kinda exciting as I wouldn't mind a nice combo stone. This plant will be a true test of how I did as a grower.. The bud it came from wasn't particularly grown well and I'm sure it could have been done much better with some TLC and real knowledge so thats why I decided to try the seeds along with HK.. Anyhow.. I watered yesterday and here's what I did.. a bit of a change up..

I gave TH her usual 20-20-20 at just under full strength along with 2 drops of superthrive (all in a gallon and then poured into smaller bottle to water with).. However, I was given a bottle of Bloom Nutes from a buddy who used to grow.. THe problem is, its meant to be an A+B type set and well I only have A.. the NPK however of this one part is perfect for flowering.. its 1-5-8, not to mention there are some micronutrients in it that I don't have coming from elsewhere... anyway I mixed up a super lightweight batch of it in a large bottle again using distilled water.. and after I fed TH the usuall 20-20-20 but less of it.. I gave her a little drink of the new ferts.. No real logic behind it other than I wanna see what happens.. Needless to say so far so good.. It helped fix a bit of b urnt tips that TH was having problems with and so now for next watering I'll have to figure out what I'm going to do.. I still wanna go buy PureBlendPro Bloom and use that and only that for the remainder of flowering.. its just a matter of money.. Anyway I've spoken more than enough time for some pictures..

Top Down (Getting bushy like her older dead friend HK..RII - Rest In ISO, lol)


Chopstick Height

"Possible Girl Parts" - What I'm noticing is that at the top of the "nub" its got what could be "hairs" where as with HK it was just balls and balls and balls

And last but not least is TH in the box in all her Glory (Please Note I've had to raise the lights atleast once a day for the past 3 - 5 days)

So thats about it for this morning.. the ISO is still kinda gummy, and to be honest guys I dunno if I did something "incorrect" but I didn't find it got me that messed up if really at all..I'm going to give it another shot very soon on a cigarette.. but it could also have been the fact it was one small male plant.. might have had a verrrry tiny amount of THC.. Either way I got almost a full Litre of 99% so expect many more experiments in the future :) with more trimmings !!

Thanks for stopping bye,
Have a great day

So here's the end of the ISO and how I'm using it as my final test/hope for a smashing high !!

Gentle Heat to Liquify and then spread on paper of Choice (White Zig Zag for me)

And then All Rolled up.. you can see the difference in colour of the black and white

I'm presently smoking it as I type.. it doesn't taste bad at all.. its kinda "hashy" but I still don't feel particularly any higher.. I do smoke quite a bit though and this weed I have isn't very good AT ALL.. so we'll see if I catch a nice buzz I'll give it to the oil. if not.. well then.. whatever.. another good experience... if you guys still want me to type up a step by step just ask.. I took enough pics to do so... But I'll only do it if its wanted or requested

Take care guys,
Sorry to here you had a male FT, but glad to see you put him to good use.Enjoy...lolThe TH is looking sweet though bud.Fingers are crossed it`s a girl for ya.ccb