Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

9/14 Mid Day Update

The bills game is kinda boring here so I though I'd do my update now. Well guys its not even a question at all anymore that TH is a little lady. I guess its a good thing I had 2 plants going 50/50 and I got one of each. Anyway, I'm not entirely sure how the flowering phase goes in what order as I had asked in my previous post but I would have been under the impression that the plant would grow vertically instead or before starting to form a "top cola". Well not, I guess maybe shes done growing up although I doubt it. There is a nice little bundle of pistils all starting to form right up top which looks to me like the early stages of the top cola. I took a picture with a magnifying glass in front so you will all see what I'm talking about shortly. I took my usual Top and Side shots of the plant today, as well as a shot of her in the box all happy looking and such. I also have a shot with her now old chopstick.. shes out grown it by about an inch, Taking any suggestions for what to use next to measure my plants vertical growth. Anyway, thats really about all there is to report its really nasty hot and humid here today and so its making the room with the box hot and sticky.. temps are a bit higher than I'd like but not much I can do for just one day I have 2 fans blowing on the outside of the box for the time being... On to the pics !!



Chop Stick

TH in all her Glory !

Early Development of "Top Cola"

(In my head I'm hoping that it forming this early will mean it should be rather large as it'll have almost the full 2 month to just get fat and dense..sounds theory at least)

And Finally a few "Canna-Porn" shots.. Enjoy the show !!



Alrighty.. There it is, my update.. all the pics.. !! Time to get back to the grid iron...I'm around all day so feel free to do the comment or question thing. I be here !

Have a great afternoon
9/15 Update

So guys, doesn't seem like much new is going on today..The lady is DEFINITELY drinking more, I only watered her on Saturday or Friday and shes light as can be already indicating watering probably tomorrow. Ok so I had started typing this before I went to try and take some pics (my neck is still a mess) Anyway looks like TH needs water NOW, as her leaves are sagged out.. So I've been doing some reading and since the very tips of TH are browned out it would appear I'm feeding "too much" so I'm lighten up a bit today and see it that helps things out.. I'm still in the stage where N is important but thats quickly ending.. Anyway here are the pics I could take without my neck/back tweaking on me..

Top Cola


[See what I mean about wanting water - she was like this when she "woke up"]

Chop Stick - Still growing Vertically !!

[Yeah, the temps dropped back to "normal" again at a nice cool 83]

A new bud site I found today... I was going to chop the lower ones in hopes for a bigger main cola.. but I think I'm going to let nature run its course on this one...

I'm going to repost a picture as well becuase, well I just really like it lol

Since tomorow is my day off, thats when I'm going to attemp my 2 clones.. I'm not sure where I should cut them, but I'm going to take PROBABLY 2 lower brances that have the smallest bud sites I can find.. so as to not hurt her too much.. I think I'm going to give the Jiffy pellets a try only cause I just don't have the strength to drive to the hydro store and get 2 or 3 rock wool cubes.. so if it doesn't work I'll blame my neck, lol

Thats all for this morning sorry its not as big as usual but I just can't sit here, hope you guys understand !!
Hey Mount4in !!

How you been man ?? Hows the little girl doin ? Thanks for the compliments.. I wish I could get a picture of the entire plant that was a close up for you guys.. There are a lot more white hairs than I have shown as I'm having somewhat a hard time getting good pictures. Anyway, I'll say a lil ganja pray for your lil plants in hopes you get at least one lady !!!

Thanks for stopping by again bud,
Lol thanks matey.........ive got another 3 hours and 40 mins before "sun up"....grrr its torturous!!

All is well with us thanks, my daughter is doing great (she wants to try sleeping a bit more though!!!) Now im just hoping for some more daughters lol!

Oh and one final germing 4 wee little Hindu Kush seeds!!! If i get any females....i'll clone them and post one over to Canada, a new baby HK!!!........Hindu Kush - The Next Generation lol.....sorry.....stoned.......babbling.....bye!
lol, no worries buddy, i just smoked me a nice little joint myself to try and calm these damn neck spasms...Thats awesome your given the HK a shot.. its a beautiful strain, and the highs as good as a indica gets. I'd love a clone man.. dunno how well it'd ship overseas.. but I know ppl actually do ship them... I just can't figuire out how.. ppl don't like to "share their secrets" which I suppose I understand.

Part of the reason I take so many pictures is so I can "stare" at my plant whenever I want lol even in lights out. I take over double what I actually post for you guys. If anyone ever wants more just check out my gallery or just shoot me a pm :)

Since tomorow is my day off, thats when I'm going to attemp my 2 clones.. I'm not sure where I should cut them, but I'm going to take PROBABLY 2 lower brances that have the smallest bud sites I can find.. so as to not hurt her too much.. I think I'm going to give the Jiffy pellets a try only cause I just don't have the strength to drive to the hydro store and get 2 or 3 rock wool cubes.. so if it doesn't work I'll blame my neck, lol
Plants look really good man! Just a reassurance boost but when I use the Jiffy pellets I have a 100% survival clone rate as where when I use the rockwool I have a 40% survival rate ..... I would say Jiffy pellets for sure because they are a ton easier and need less ideal conditions then rockwool. Good luck looks good!
Im still learning for my first grow and i decided i was going to go big and do the lowryder automatic hk. This post helped me alot but ill buy the feminized seeds when i order them to be safe. This is a amazing thread i will be following for future referance. I litterally just read from page one to now.
Finally we both got girls. I was going to be realy disapointed if i didnt because since your just a few days ahead of me its nice using it as a reference to mine. So far i have picked up a ton of shit i didn't know. Thanks toronto i would rep you but i have way too many times already lol.
Plants look really good man! Just a reassurance boost but when I use the Jiffy pellets I have a 100% survival clone rate as where when I use the rockwool I have a 40% survival rate ..... I would say Jiffy pellets for sure because they are a ton easier and need less ideal conditions then rockwool. Good luck looks good!

Wow, surprised to hear that about the rockwool. I bought like 30-40 cubes in the hopes of setting up a nice little cloning cycle, I cant afford to lose 60% of my clones though. If rockwool isnt going to work well then I am not going to use it. Anyone else have any input on rockwool vs jiffy pots?
Im still learning for my first grow and i decided i was going to go big and do the lowryder automatic hk. This post helped me alot but ill buy the feminized seeds when i order them to be safe. This is a amazing thread i will be following for future referance. I litterally just read from page one to now.

Wow, thanks bro !! That really means alot man.. Thanks for sticking through like 60 pages !! Its only going to get better from here on out !!

Finally we both got girls. I was going to be realy disapointed if i didnt because since your just a few days ahead of me its nice using it as a reference to mine. So far i have picked up a ton of shit i didn't know. Thanks toronto i would rep you but i have way too many times already lol.

I appreciate the rep as always Doc.. I'm a bit surprised to hear that my thread had helped you BUT.. I'm glad.. as I love watching your grow as much as my own for some reason !! CFLS RULE !! R.C.C FOREVER !!!

Wow, surprised to hear that about the rockwool. I bought like 30-40 cubes in the hopes of setting up a nice little cloning cycle, I cant afford to lose 60% of my clones though. If rockwool isnt going to work well then I am not going to use it. Anyone else have any input on rockwool vs jiffy pots?

GTG, dude.. I'd not hesitate to say that more ppl use Rockwool with BETTER results than jiffy pellets, I've tried the pellets once before to germinate and start a tomato plant..didnt work AT ALL infact it was a big ol failure.. I couldn't keep the damn pellet wet enough it just dried out WAY to quickly.. What I plan to do this time is have the humidity dome for the clones anyway so that should help with moisture levels.
Do some reading you'll see what I'm talking about :)

9/16 Update !

Well, well, little TH is starting to get all grown up, just last night I caught her trying to leave the house in a low cut shirt and fish net stockings.. Man do these girls grow up fast ... On a serious note, TH is starting to develop white hairs faster than I can keep track. It feels like every time I close and reopen the box door White Hair production has quadrupled. Its crazy ! So needless to say I did my best to get as many pics of that stuff for you guys as I could....

I still haven't gotten an answer to my BIG question, but I'm guessing that because more ppl want to know the answer themselves.. To repeat, I'm looking for a general outline of how things happen week by week in flowering. Just a general response is great. Example like.. Week 1 - White Hairs form vertical growth still happening. Week 2 Vertical Growth slows Bud density increase... and so on...PLEASE !!!

On to the Pics !!!


[This was actually the first time I had to Stand Up to take the top down shot]

Side with her Choppy

Undergrowth - Where I will be hacking 2 clones from later today...look at the bud sites

And I decided to take like a bunch of random Bud to Be shots for you guys :) Enjoy !!








Alrighty, that took forfuckingever because I can only upload 2 pics at a time.. Killer, so don't be expecting another "photo spread" like this one anytime soon lol.. unless of course its asked for :)

Anyway folks, have a great day and I'll report back on my cloning as it happens later !