Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

I just read through your entire journal (good stuff, keep it up) and I am so glad you got a female. Can't wait to see what the harvest is going to be like. Good luck, brotha!
Thanks CGM, if you want more spreads then I'll work on that for you bud :)

SafariAri: First.. dude I love that name.. Its got me in stitches laughing.. fantastic.. anyway, I appreciate you taking the time to read 62 pages, even if it was just my daily updates that's a shit load of reading. So thank you :) And thanks for the kind words, I'm pretty damn glad I got a lady myself lol.. I'm also pretty excited to see the harvest.. time will tell !! Thanks again for coming round, and get comfy the fun part is just starting !!

Ok so this afternoon I went ahead with Operation Clone TH.. otherwise known as Operation Make a Mommy, lol.. So I had 1 specific branch in mind and after I cut that one I will look for another. So that was the original plan..As it went down after I cut that branch I really couldn't find another one I wanted to cut that wouldn't hurt my harvest. I know what some of you are thinking/going to say.. that getting a mother is more important than my first harvest. I agree and disagree on the point as I know I will be getting some seeds in the coming future and will have to go through the "sex dance" again regardless. So I hope my one clone takes and it will then become a mother and I'll have nothing to worry about.

The steps I followed were as follows:
1) Cut the branch I wanted but left about a 1cm nub on the plant (why not, lol)
2) Put my cutting in a glass with some distilled water till i was ready
3) Laid out some cloning powder and had my little cup of soil mix ready
4) Cut my clones tip on a 45 degree angle
5) Dipped it in the powder, tap the stem to remove excess powder
6) Put clone into hole in soil and use soil to help it stand up straight
7) I watered with plain distilled water with a drop of Superthrive (just cause)
8) Put in my Vegetable (24hr CFL Cab) With a Plastic Cup Humidity Dome

I'm fairly confident that this process should take and work. The only real drawback is using soil, I can't really check for root growth as early as most of the other cloning methods. However in due time if/when it takes it'll start to grow and it should outgrow the styrofoam cup thats its in quite shortly, In which time I'll transfer to a larger pot and so on. I took a bunch of pics that I'll post after I finish talking here and you can play match my words to the pics :p

Any how, lets cross our fingers and hope this works so I'll have a TH mommy for as long as I please !!

Picture Time,

"Pot" with Drain holes

Clone Powder

TH before the cut

Rooted Watered "clone"

Another shot of Baby TH 2

TH2 in her new home beside a cucumber and tomato plant

TH2s Head Gear

Woo, ok that took way to long to post. I hope you guys enjoy and I hope this works out !!!

Have a great rest of the day,
That is awesome FT!!!!!:clap:

Looking real good...

I like the veggies too...

I am having waaay too much fun playing with the water to even think about bringing the dirt inside... But I wish you the best of luck...:weed:

Your grow has been a blast to follow... and I am sticking around...bongsmilie:eyesmoke:

Catch you later man... stop by the water farm some time... hehehe...!:shock:

Hey thanks Gypsy

Dude, I checked out your farm.. :clap: AMAZING.. I'll come post over there now.. but simply amazing..

Anyone reading this, check out the Alpha Beta Project.. its going to be super exciting to follow !!

lol never seen people use a clear plastic cup like that and it looks like ur not juss growin MJ and BTW is this the thread that somsone posted a pic sayin that u cant tell the sex of a MJ plant by the shape of the seed
9/17 Short Update

Anyway guys, I can't really do the update very well today as my cpu crapped out on one of my home pc's last night. I took a bunch of pics this morning but only can get 2 nice ones to you guys..

First I got a nice Top Cola "porn" shot

Secondly, Check out the vertical growth on this bad boy.. go back a page or two and check yesterdays chop stick pic and now look at this one...

Anyway guys, I'll have my other pc fixed up later today and I'll get the rest of my awesome shots too ya...

Have a great day !!
hey i whispered that dank guy and still havent got no reply yet and damn thats a large growth from juss yesterday and i tried lookin for that thread but no where to bve found
So I got my pc back up and running.. had to take the entire motherboard out of the case JUST to fix the damn cpu fan.. what a pain in the ass.. Anyway back up and online !!

So I dunno WHAT the hell is going on, but someone snuck in my room here and gave TH a shot of plant steroids or something. I haven't watered in 2 days now and I've noticed as flowering is going on shes "drinking" more and more, like I probably should have watered her today, unfortunately when I got home it was already lights out..Meaning first thing tomorrow morning I'll be watering her. My theory for this crazy vertical growth (other than natural during flowering) is that POSSIBLY there has been a build-up of all these different nutrients in the soil and now TH is able to pick and choose exactly what she wants and needs and its looking good. On the opposite side of that coin is the fact that a few of TH's lower fan leaves are yellowing...Could be natural from flowering or could be nute related.. I'm not 100% sure and thats why I'm posting here with my thoughts for other experienced minds to discuse. Needless to say it appears that TH has put on roughly 3 - 6 inches in the past 3 days.. its crazy.. Tomorrow morning when I take a "side" photo I'm going to attempt to make a single shot showing the vertical growth side by side over just the past week or two. Its incredible !! So far TH2 (The clone) hasn't flopped over and died or shrivelled up. So far, So good !! I did a TINY bit of trimming on some of TH's older "dieing" leaves.. not cut them off but cut them down a bit as if it was a clone.. Maybe 4 cuts max, not enough to cause any stress. Anyway, this evening you guys are getting something from me that I haven't had the pleasure of being able to do yet !!

Enjoy :)



[I really hope all 3 nodes grow together and form the top cola !!!]


[Smaller bud, it grows from the bottom.. I have between 4 - 6 of them !! ]



There ya go.. Now that I have all these hairs to take pics of, I could take pics all day long. Thats all i got for tonight folks, time to pack the bong and get rid for a great night of UFC !!!

Have a good one everybody !
:leaf::leaf: A couple of my lower fan leaves are started to yellow as well so i just flushed her. I think it was because of nutrient lockout. Im gunna see if it helps or not, but it should considering i havent flushed once since i started the grow. :leaf::leaf:
I 1/2 agree with you buddy... too be honest, I haven't done a flush once either.. I was planning to between veg and flower, however here's almost verbatim what my hydro guy said " I understand why you think it'd be best to flush between, however think about what we're trying to do here. We are trying to recreate nature to our best ability. So in nature its rare that a plant is constantly receiving something to then have it taken away." So in his opinion, a flush at this point would more likely cause stress than be beneficial. My bad, I forgot to ask about potential nute lockouts though. I'm planning to feed my lady tomorrow but I'm going to change up the nutes a wee bit to see if I can make things "better" for her during flowering. Not that shes not doing great.. but It can always be better !!!

hey i would really appericiate it if u did do the step by step ISO please.

So here's the end of the ISO and how I'm using it as my final test/hope for a smashing high !!

Gentle Heat to Liquify and then spread on paper of Choice (White Zig Zag for me)

And then All Rolled up.. you can see the difference in colour of the black and white

I'm presently smoking it as I type.. it doesn't taste bad at all.. its kinda "hashy" but I still don't feel particularly any higher.. I do smoke quite a bit though and this weed I have isn't very good AT ALL.. so we'll see if I catch a nice buzz I'll give it to the oil. if not.. well then.. whatever.. another good experience... if you guys still want me to type up a step by step just ask.. I took enough pics to do so... But I'll only do it if its wanted or requested

Take care guys,
I 1/2 agree with you buddy... too be honest, I haven't done a flush once either.. I was planning to between veg and flower, however here's almost verbatim what my hydro guy said " I understand why you think it'd be best to flush between, however think about what we're trying to do here. We are trying to recreate nature to our best ability. So in nature its rare that a plant is constantly receiving something to then have it taken away." So in his opinion, a flush at this point would more likely cause stress than be beneficial. My bad, I forgot to ask about potential nute lockouts though. I'm planning to feed my lady tomorrow but I'm going to change up the nutes a wee bit to see if I can make things "better" for her during flowering. Not that shes not doing great.. but It can always be better !!!


:leaf::leaf: Yeah bro lockout is i think why im getting deficiencies. I have feed it like 5 different chemicals since it started growing so i figured some clean soil will do it some good and start fresh. :leaf::leaf:
Enjoy :)



[I really hope all 3 nodes grow together and form the top cola !!!]


[Smaller bud, it grows from the bottom.. I have between 4 - 6 of them !! ]



There ya go.. Now that I have all these hairs to take pics of, I could take pics all day long. Thats all i got for tonight folks, time to pack the bong and get rid for a great night of UFC !!!

Have a good one everybody !

oh, shes gonna be a hairy bitch :hump:
hah, thanks a lot guys !! I appreciate the comments !!

Cron: I'll get around to that iso tut sooner than later, in the mean time feel free to PM and ask me anything you'd like :)

9/18 Morning Update

Well, it sure seems like TH is on a nice growth spurt.. There are no real signs of her stopping any time soon either. I can't remember the exact measurement of TH back then but I'm willing to bet it was in and around 5 inches.. well this morning, shes up to 11 inches.. just under 1 foot !! I had originally planned to veg till this time.. but I can only imagine how long it would have taken. I'm still really hoping that my clone pulls through and I'll have a mommy plant in no time ! Shes definitely growing more hair/longer hairs on a daily basis.. Its really neat to watch all the changes that occur on even a daily basis. This morning was watering time, I gave her a bit of a switch up on the nutes. I'll see how it goes, if its bad news later I'll give her a big ol flush tomorrow and then rewater in a few days..So thats about all the blabbing I got for now guys.. Its seems like the thread is trailing off on your end :P but I definitely appreciate those who have been sticking around. Thank you.

Anyway, here are the pics I took this morning



[Chopstick is still there as a reference in this pic, but from now on.. Tape mEasUre TiMe]

Measuring Tape - The plant tops just above 11"

Lower "Budsicles"

And my 2 favs.. Top Cola, and Top of Top Cola.. Enjoy !

Can't wait to see that grow 3 into 1

Time for a quick coffee, then off to hell.. work.. bah.. they're both 4 letter words..I'm sure I could come up with a whole bunch more 4 letter words to describe my boss and work. But I'll save that for the "therapy forum" lmao...

Have a great day guys !!