9/19 Update
Good morning everyone ! Well, that is whoever is still trucking along with me here !! Thank you I appreciate it

Seeing reply's and responses is what keeps me wanting to continue posting.. oh, and to have a record of everything.. but I have a side one on paper.. none the less, Thank you all who have been with me for a while and those who are new and haven't found this yet.. Thank you too
So, TH is starting to grow, grow, grow.. and I mean vertically.. The odd thing, atleast in my head... is that there is already the top cola forming.. so it seems like the growth is coming between the nodes. I find that rather fascinating and interesting that shes still growing up but in a new way, not the same as it looked during veg. Today I used a measuring tape to do my photo instead of the now retired chop stick and original sharpie..It feels like its been a very long time this plants been growing, but I added it up on my calendar and well, it's really not that long a time.. lol... For my next grow, the one MAIN thing I'd change.. well not change but "tweak" would be a longer veg time. Thats all, I'm very happy with all other conditions of my grow .. but inorder to yeild more next time (not that I know my yeild now) but its safe to assume a taller (or LST,Topped,etc..) plant will have more oppertunity for bud growth. My TH is now a total of 36 days old..more than 1/2 of those (19) have been in flowering (12/12). I'm quite happy with the size of her at 36 days (1 foot) However, as I said.. next time.. I'll go a bit bigger.. I was concerned with the vertical growth in flowering so I didn't want to outgrow my area.. it seems my concerns are well warrented with the vertical growth during flower, but I doubt I'll be filling my total height. Yesterday was watering day, I changed up my nutes a bit and so far it seems to be working out well, very well. Over the last 3 waterings I've been giving TH her normal 20-20-20 with Superthrive but a bit less volume and then I'd follow up with my General Hydroponics Grow B ( 1-5-8 ) to sorta let the soil get in what it needs...Anyway yesterday I switched it up a bit and used far more of the GH Grow B and a LOT less of the 20-20-20. As I said TH has responded very well putting on more height and a bit of size on the top buds, All over night...Anyway thats really all I have to "report" on whats going on here.. time for PICTURES !!!!! lol
Height (side shots aren't as fun anymore)
Top Bud
Same Bud but Macro
The Top Cola Development
Some of the Lower Buds
More Bud Shots
Here is the distance I have the lights from the top of my plant
Thats about all I have for today, I'm battleing a pretty terrible cold at the moment and will probably be in bed for the rest of the day, however if anyone has comments or questions I'm sure I'll check RIU atleast a few times
Oh, shit I almost forgot.. Take a look at what I picked up yesterday....
"Purple Haze"
That's it for me, bed is calling..
Have a great day everyone !!