Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

Farming Toronto - Just checked out your box. Looking nice. Almost the same size as my box. Mine is 14"x24"x48"

Is there a way on here to upload multiple pictures at once? The only way I know is to do them one by one by one and you have to fill out details and put them in categories and shit. It takes forever. I want to make a thread about the progression of my box.

The way I do my pics man is I go to My Rollitup then to Picture Albums.. create an album.. and then upload pics.. however you can only upload 2 pics at a time or it gives you some bullshit pain in the ass security error.. Then you can either just post them as pics or attachments

Hey FT...
Just wanted to say that I think it's really cool... you know what you're doing... along with Zen and a few others...

Much more than +rep... :clap::leaf:RESPECT:leaf::clap:

You guys rock...

Thank You ... :leaf:

Be Well...


"Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age 18." - A. Einstein

Gypsy...dude.. Thank you.. Truley from my heart man.. Thank you.. I appreciate the words very much man.. before I ever took seeds and put them in between paper towel I read for literally about 5 years.. I read and read and read and read.. I used to live on Overgrow before the shutdown..So I believe in research and preperation:)

Iso hash rocks!! I would love to know where you got 99% iso from. I should have shopped around but was a typical lazy stoner and just went to Walmart and all they had was 91%. I think the 99% will work better as you will have a drier end product from more Iso and less H2O. SWEET!!

yea no shit FT all I can get is 91% but Iso hash will rock your world a small amount will take you a long way..............almost makes me happy to see a male from time to time............

GTG and BigD.. you guys are both luckier than me.. atleast your walmart and other stores sell 91% Iso.. Up here atleats in Toronto, at like Walmart and other drug stores sell is 70% Iso... Which from what I've read is really just not worth using as it also leaches out Chlorophyll. So anyway, I got it at my Hydro store.. I was looking at their website today seeing what the price of something else was and noticed they had this stuff.. I got 1 L for 8 bucks.. HK ain't really THAT big a plant so I'm sure i'll get quite a few batches of ISO outta the litre.

I appologize to those who follow my journal daily for not having a full update on TH today.. I was just really bed ridden most of the day and couldn't get around to it.. You have my word regardless of how bad my neck is tomorrow morning I'll do my usual update. I'm hoping that she hasn't grown too much into the lights.. I think i'll be ok though.. Anyhow here's to hoping that pistils develop tomorrow !!! :bigjoint:

Have a great night everyone,
Wow 99% Iso... that is nice =]
Thats to bad about HK... but I like your dryer box =]

I hope you get some pollen from the balls.. not sure if they were ripe enough though.

Damn FT you are on a roll man... keep it up =]

The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style
The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style
Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker

9/12 Morning Update

As promised, regardless of the shooting pain in my neck right now that I'd have to take a look and a few pics of TH and report back to my journal here.

TH, seems to be loving the new space she has in the box.. is like going from a single bed to a king size so I can imagine. The little nubs that I has seen are starting to form in pairs... in my eyes that can mean only one thing.. but I'll wait another day or two for that to be confirmed.. I will however say they look nothing like what I saw on TH :)
Another pleasant surprise with TH is that the plants always had a kinda weedy/skunky/fruity type odour but very weak.. well after handling today I can smell that shit ALL OVER my hands and desk.. All good signs pointing in the "right" direction.. Anyway i gotta get bak to my bed I'm dieing here so its pic time !!



All Alone

I can't seem to take a close enough macro or even a clear picture with my magnifying glass to show whats growing on TH, but I guess it'll be larger and more visible in a day or two...

Thats it for me ! At least for now.. I'm sure i"ll be around later today !
Have a great day everyone,
hey hey... very interesting/entertaining thread you've got on the go here man! quite a fun (and time consuming!) read:clap: def' picked up a few little hints and tips that'll help make my thumbs that little bit greener!

good luck with the hash and your current sexing issues! i dont know why i didn't make a little nug of iso brown with my males... better than nothing!

anyway keep on cflin mate!:weed:
Hey isn't it cool how the leaves of a plant will ALWAYS run parallel with the lights. Take your plant for example FT, pretty sure its leaves hang to duplicate the exact angle of the socket splitter you're using.
taytheday: Thanks for the kind words man, very much appreciated.. I'm actually rather impressed you took the time to read through.. kudos to you man :clap:.. Most ppl skip through don't read and then end up asking me the same 4 questions I've repeated answers to countless times over 50 some odd pages lol.. So thank you :)

Dank:....I can't believe I never noticed that myself...I mean I do rotate the plants some but even still then end up in the same pattern of the splitters I'm using.. very interesting observation man.. I mean, it makes perfect logical sense that the plants sending its "Light Receivers" well to the light !! lol

I just took a look at TH, and there are definatly things starting to grow in on a few of the nodes... one of them is very interesting to me, however I'm waiting for it to get bigger to see if its green or white...I hope its white, I really do.. but I'm just not certain yet.. damn Radio Shacks so unreliable I checked the entire city for the 60X - 100X magnifyer they sell but everyone is out of stock and won't order me just one.. What the hell do I need a minimum of 10 for ?!?! I only have 2 eyes lol

Anyway, time to go check on how HK is drying out.. I wanna start the iso procedure already as that could take up to 24hrs to dry out.. although I'm hoping with the high % stuff I got that it'll evapourate quicker and I mightttt just try using a large bowl of hot tap water to speed the process up.. we'll see...I will however take a step by step pictures of the process and post them in here.

Have a great one,
Thank you Icurbyou

So I have a question for any of you guys who've done the ISO thing (GTG or bigd921)or just plain have "the" knowledge..Why do I have to completely dry the plant out ? I mean its not connected to anything like roots or what not to still get nutes and therefore further develop any thc ? I can understand why we dry it before we smoke it .. buds that is.. but for this purpose I"m going to be soaking it again there after.. does it being dry mean the solvent will pull more thc out ? and if so.. how ? and why ? I've been pondering this all day and can't really come up with any valid reasons as to why it should be perfectly dry .. However, to speed up the dryin process since i"m not drying buds here.. I went ahead and gave HK a little chop up with my pruning scissors and then tossed him into my trusty coffee grinder and gave him a nice fine chopping.. I then layed it out in a tupperware container in a thin even layer and now have it in my dresser garden about an inch or two away from a single 26W cfl.. I figure this should help dry him out in about 1/3rd the time there is also a fan in there so there is circulation and no worry of mold or mildew or anything of the likes.. I did take pics of everythign I just mentioned above however I'm going to save them for when I type up the ISO step-by-step.. Hopefully with the new drying I'll be able to start the process of ISO that much sooner and then have a final product again that much sooner...

Whew, that was a lot.. Ok so if anyone can help me out on the drying thing and the why's and how's that'd be greatly appreciated otherwise I might not wait for it to completely dry out..

Thanks a lot in advance,
The way I do my pics man is I go to My Rollitup then to Picture Albums.. create an album.. and then upload pics.. however you can only upload 2 pics at a time or it gives you some bullshit pain in the ass security error.. Then you can either just post them as pics or attachments


I dont see "Picture Albums", where on MyRollitup is it?
lol.. I was just about to type a response saying sorry its Pictures & Albums, but I saw what you wrote...The uploading 2 pics at a time is a real pain in the arse, but it could just be my account..Give 3 a try and if it doesn't work, just remove one and it'll go through fine..

Good luck !
hey FT I honestly have no idea why it has to be dry (or even if it does) I just assumed it did so that what I went with.............
I tried 3 at first.. they worked... so then I tried all 6 and it worked! I was so stoked! :)

So, I have a thread to make about my growbox and I am undecided whether to put it under JOURNALS, GROW ROOMS, or in the CFL section here....

It's just the building/manufacturing of it. Whatchya think?
Hey D, thanks man.. yeah I just can't figure out why .. either way my "Quick Dry Solution" worked.. its been 45minutes and HK is all ground up and dry as its going to get without being dust.. EXTRACTION TIME !!! I'll continue to take some photos and my Step by step should be complete well whenever the shit dry's but I'm a try to speed that up a bit too.. we'll see how it goes !!

icurbyou: Thats a tough call man.. heh, seriously.. if you want just input from CFL growers (generally without attitude) then you know where to post it. However it your looking for a wider spectrum of viewers and potential contributors then go for the journal section. I went with CFL as I wanted to get help from atleast those who were doing the same and not every time I had a problem having to hear "well ya know if you had a HPS"...
So yeah, thats just my opinion on the matter :)

Anyway.. I-S-O T-I-M-E ! ! !
Thats basically where I am... I want the input of the more open-minded "others".... But I dont want to hear the shit-talk on CFL because I don't care. I know the benefits to using HPS/HIDs, but I dont have the money, space, or give a shit to use that right now.

Maybe I will make a journal, but makea thread on here asking CFL people to check it out.
TH is looking happy =]
As for why to dry before iso hashing... There is other plant matter that you don't want in your hash, just like there will be in your bud... The best thing is to dry out the plant mater... but after thinking about this I came up with a solid plan for when I get ready to make some hash...

Water curing... I will water cure all my trimmings for few days, then dry for 1 day before trying to make hash... I would like to use the butane method, but i'm up for the iso method as well.. but only if I get 90% or stronger iso.

Water curing should leach out anything I don't want in my hash better then just drying.
The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style
The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style
Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker

Good call Wolf,

Water curing would absolutely get rid of some of the icky crap you don't want.. not to mention its just one more technique you get to practice within one single grow.

My ISO extraction is complete, and is now in the same spot I had my trimmings drying, a few inches away from a CFL that doesn't exactly give off "too much" heat and a fan blowing directly over the top of the dish. There's a good bit of ISO in there so I can only imagine it'll take at the very least a few hours to completely evaporate. It will go quicker this way than just leaving it beside an open window. I'm also considering floating my dish in a much larger bowl full of as hot as I can get tap water which is clearly below boiling so any worry of burning the good stuff of causing a fire are a non-issue. I'm going to go check on it in about 15 - 20 minutes to see what if any progress is made and then I'll either leave it or try a quick "water bath". I've been taking pics the entire way, so when all is said and done and I've scrapped up my final product I'll post it all.
