Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

Hey FT...
I used the macro setting on my camera, set it to maximum resolution (10MP) and got the shot as close as I could... then I uploaded it to my computer, where I zoomed in until I started seeing the pixels, backed off a notch and used the "screen-shot" feature on my computer... in effect taking a picture of a zoomed in picture...

Does that make sense to you?

Hey guys. I've been talking to FT and he wants you all to know that he's got a lot of shit going on right now and he apologizes for slacking lately. He'll be back up and going as soon as he's ready :D
was wondering what happened to the updates, hope all is well FT. Look forward to seeing your progress when u return.:clap::weed:
heres a pic of my hindu kush grown (with other plants too) under 648 watts of cfl's baby! good luck on your grow bro!

I haven't been able to get a hold of FT for the past couple days... I'll try to get him back on soon! I hope he's no neglecting his plant the same as he is with posting on RIU!
10/4 Update

Wow, guys.. not having been posting everyday after doing if for well over a month and a half left me feeling like my days weren't complete without a post. I apologize very much to everyone. The past few weeks have been really tough for me, some new medical diagnosis and just trying to wrap my head around everything and what not. I needed some time to myself. Rest assured that I did not Neglect TH as much as you might think I had. TH was/is like my true love guys, you don't fuck with true love, lol.

I'm currently uploading the pics as I type so this post will take a little while to complete. The vertical growth has unfortunately completely stopped on TH but the buds are starting to Pack it on. REALISTICALLY, if I get about 1/2oz dried off this plant I'll be very very happy. I have learnt SO much from this that look out future grows I'm coming to kick your asses. Sadly, I don't think TH2 took root, so I'll have to start my search for a viable clone or 4 in Toronto again so I can have me a proper mommy plant. I'm going to try gypsy's idea of my best macro zoomed to pixel then out a bit to see if I can get a shot of the gland colours.. as I'm guessing I'm getting rather closish to harvest...

So, I decided since i'm still far from 100% instead of putting captions and title and all that goodness your used to from me, i just wanna get the pics out there for you guys to see. So here is roughly 14 pics I took this morning. If ANYONE would be so kind as to right click and save one and zoom in and see if they can gtell me ROUGHLY how long I have left on this plant I'd be super appreciative. I'm guessing about 1.5 wks of reg nutes and then maybe 1.5 week pure water flush then 24 hrs of dark then chop chop.

We'll see what you all think ! Here are the most update pics of my baby !!











Well thats it folks, as I said PLZ savea pic and check the crystals out its madness !!

I'll try to get back on my daily horse for these final few weeks. That way everyone can see proper "flush" , harvest, and dry !!!

Have a great day guys/gals !!
finally man glad to see u bak hope everything str8 wit ur personal life ill save one of ur pics (one with the magnifying most likely) but ey man how close do u have ur lights to ur plant cuz the closer the light the stronger the intensity of the light mening more penetrating power=FATTER BUDS and more complete resin produc trust me i know from experience BTW plants are lookin ggreat like froted fllakes
good to see you back FT, the only way to really tell if they are ready is by taking a close look at the thrichs, cant really tell from your pics, but at a glance I think your time table is right about another 3 weeks give or take.............what happend to the clone? sometimes they look a little dead right before they take off, have you pulled it up yet?
you would be very proud i just got 2 hindu kush plants !! o ya
