Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

Thanks Doc !! I was laughing my ass off when I made it at work today, everyone kept asking me what the hell I was doing. I just kept responding with "none of your business.. but I will tell you it part of my new crack making device..." That usually gets rid of them.. lol... night all,

Lol.. I like the idea. pretty stoner-like! reminds me of my friends when they started getting into pot in elementary school... all they did was sit around and make bongs and pipes out of whatever they possibly could :p
8/22 Morning Update !

Good morning everyone !! Time for my daily 7:30 - 8am update.

I don't see too much difference in HK this morning, I had tried a bit of an experiment yesterday night for the last hr or 2 my lights were on. What I did was change the little plastic cup thats over HK and used instead a Cut Water bottle. The reason I did this was because the water bottle is just "more clear" than the cups I'm using. I mean clearly the cups are working as my plants are still growing. However I can't help but wonder if its blocking some of my already limited light. I might take both cups off for today and see if that makes a difference. So anyway HK is just continuing to form new leaves and the stems is growing up every so slightly. As for pictures today I have a nice top shot of HK and then my 2 usual sharpie shots. As for TH, I defiantly noticed some new growth today, more in height than "girth" but growth none the less, also to be expected as I'm not 100% its a sativa or sativa dom hybrid. There is the same pics of TH as HK with one added Macro shot of new growth... The very last picture will be a side by side of the 2 plants so new growers or those who just "dont know" the diff between Indica and Sativa can see it at a very young age... Enough talk, on to pics !!


That light green has turned nicely from a "minor worry" into new leaves :)
Sharpie time,

and length

And on to TH, first up is a beauty Macro shot I took, just cause I'm trying to learn to "master" the macro.. lol

I really hope its a female, cause shes a pretty plant..

And Sharpie Time,

Sorry its a bit dark, theres a better pic of TH height coming in the comparison shot..

Shes getting long there, If you have the time go check a few pages back for the same shot and notice the difference in only a few short days.

Ok, so next up is going to be 2 pics, first will be the 2 plants side by side but a shot from Top Down. There is also a picture side by side of their height, now for newer growers or those who are in the learning/research phase still... The plant on the right is HK (hindu Kush a 100% indica) notice how its short and compact, the leaves are starting to be a bit wider than longer. The plant on the left is TH (Thornhillium aka Bag Seed from my area, if you notice how much taller its growing and the leaves are thinner than the HK these are Sativa Dominant traits. I can't be sure if its a straight Sativa or Hybrid until later on in growth but I'm going to guess its a hybrid. Which is key so I can grow it in my box without the height becoming to much of an issue. So anyway I hope this helps even just one person then it'll all be worth it :)


So I'm doing a small experiment for a few hrs today. Since I only have a short 1/2 shift today 9 - 1 (its nice I know, lol ;P) I'm going to let the plants sit in my box WITHOUT they're little plastic cups. I want to see if they get "more" light that the cups could possibly be blocking. Anyway if nothing noticeable happens or it goes bad, I can always toss the cups back on right when I get home. Anyway, thats it for me till later update after CO2 Day 3.

Have a great day Guys !!
Lol.. I like the idea. pretty stoner-like! reminds me of my friends when they started getting into pot in elementary school... all they did was sit around and make bongs and pipes out of whatever they possibly could :p

Ahhhh hahahahahahahahahahahah, CGM Dude I'm almost 30 and I still have friends that sit around and do that kinda shit. I've seen sooooo many wasted apples and bananas and damn you name it they've smoked from me I'm a joint guy, either way, that was funny shit.. lol

Joints are the way to go for sure. My bro came to me the other day and was like "yo check this out." and whips out a little dollar store modle pirate ship thing that he drilled holes into so he can smoke from it. what the fuck? he owns a perfectly good pipe, why make one out of shitty wood that will burn and be a shitty smoke? lol stoners...
hey looking good farming, I have never used the co2 before, but from what I have read it is normally for the flowering period and honestly I dont think your temps are high enough for it too matter, I am not positive on it, what is your plan for the ladies are you going to try and clone them? how long are you going to veg for?
Thanks D for the compliments man... In regards to the CO2, well from what I've read its all over the place I've seen ppl use it in both veg and flowering. The main thing I researched however was to make sure it WOULDN'T hurt my plants by doing it. It is in a very small quantity so it won't hurt them, and as long as it wont hurt I'll give it a shot for now. My temps run close to 90 man, they can get quite hot although I've been messing about with the box the past few days to get the temps in the low 80s high 70's so far I'm almost at 80 during the hottest point. But then again it depends on the weather outside, we've had some crazy hot days as of late and that makes the box go up, not much I can do on those days...

my plan.. Hopefully they are both ladies, but at the least just one.. and if I get one lady.. yes the plan is to Make her a MOM and take clones for a few months worth of personal stash. I've started to build a 2nd box in my basement thats an old dresser. It'll either become my veg/mom/clone Box or Flowering I haven't decided yet. It all depends on which I can make light proof easier.
As for Veg time, I'm not going to do it for a set amount of calendar time per say, I'm going to do it till the plants are between 12 - 15 inches so that I can keep they're height within my box. If clones don't work out I'll just flower the plant as I have quite a few more seeds to go with. I could just flower these enjoy them and then try a new experiement next round.. I'm not sure now.. lol.. this post has got me thinking and now I'm up in the air.. either way, I have some time to decide my plants are still very short.

Just a minor update before I forget as we were talking about it yesterday... Today was/is watering day. I was watching Jorge Cervantes Ultimate Grow (1 or 2) yesterday and he was talking about a soil mix very similar to mine he went on about how it can hold a lot more water than normal soil and that water should be a bit heavier with this substrate. He suggested watering till the entire top stayed wet looking as well as water should be draining from the bottom. So, with that "new knowledge" I went about water today. I checked the pH of the distilled water first, then used a very small amount of lemon juice to adjust the pH to roughly 6.2-6.4 and proceeded to give both plants quite a hefty watering. I don't think they'll need water again in 3 days as I had been doing but thats because I used more water this time than ever before. I'm wondering if that is part of the Crane Kick leaves on HK... I guess we'll know by tonight as if they were thirsty they'll take in lots of water and I should see growth...Anyway, next update after CO2 tonight.. I'm going to CO2 from about 4 or 5 - 6 or 7.. Update with pics after...

Have a good day,
Alrighty, time for my nightly update !

I really don't think the CO2 experiment is doing anything however like I said in a previous post as long as its not hurting them I'll continue to try it. I'm rather frustrated ths evening though as I was all happy and thought I solved HK and the "raising the roof issue" well guess what its happening again... Think its too much water ? since I watered tday maybe ? Or maybe water brings out the natural nutes in this specific soil and it hurts the lil guys ? I dunno, I still think maybe heat is a factor... Anyway I took 2 pics of each for tonight, 1 from the top down and another from the side.



ANd now...



Thats about all for tonight, since my usual morning update is only about 6 - 7 hrs away.. Post then,

Take care
Morning Update 8/23 8:15am EST

Good morning everyone !!

Well not too much new to SAY to today but new growth to see. HK is defiantly showing Indica, Indica, Indica... nice short and healthy, seems like the raising of the roof has stopped for now we'll see if it comes back at night like usual..As for TH, just nice steady growth, she seems to go up a bit more than out but not in a stretch way more a sativa way...Todays goal is to go on a mission and find me some Superthrive and maybe a super light organic fert for the future.. If I'm correct during Veg we want Higher N lower P & K, and then in Flower it reverses ???

I took about 9 pics this morning, so away we go..
First up is a Top Down shot of the leaves and new growth, then we'll have a side shot of the same thing. After that we'll be looking at the usual daily sharpie shots of height and length, and one final shot for HK.. a really nice Macro of the middle of the plant.


Sharpie Time,

and another,

And now for the beautiful Macro shot..

So many pretty shades of green in that one.. in the end I'm pretty sure the leaves will all turn a nice deep green like the lowest ones. In fact by the end of today the Yellowish ones will be a nice green, same thing happened yesterday ! Thats it for HK .. on to TH !!



Sharpie Time,

and length,

Thats all for this morning guys, hopefully I'll have an update this afternoon saying I found me some Super Thrive... One question though.. Since I watered yesterday, I'm kinda screwed for adding any superthrive till next watering aren't I ?? or can I do a super little watering with some ST ? Let me know !! Thanks,

Have a Great Day,
I have to find the damn stuff first, I just checked 2 separate Lowes and a Home Depot. Next stop is a Hydro store if I can fit it in my busy day...

I bought Super Thrive at Wal-Mart. You can also get these cheap OMRI listed organic fish emulsions there. Although I was pretty pissed when I went to buy some they were out...
Hmm, maybe I'll take a trip to a few Wal-Marts for my night time drive n burn... we'll see, I have about just under a week before I have to water again so I have some time to find SuperThrive.. I was also wondering guys.. they have these boxed nutes at all walmarts and homedepot's and lowes I was going to get a box of Blood Meal, which is high N low P and low K... Would that be advisable to add to my watering ? or is it more of a soil additive ??

Yes bone meal is good for vegitation. Just remember a little goes a long way. It is easy to feed too much of it and give the plant nute burn. Be careful.