Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

Morning update 8:00am 8/20

Good morning everyone !! Time for my daily morning update,

So, last nights HK transplant is looking to be a success so far. It also seems to have potentially solved the problem as you'll see in the new pics of HK, not only have the leaves gone down but in the macro shot you can see at the core/center of the plant how nice and bright healthy green its now turned. That excites me, as its a good sign.

Ok so heres shot #1 of HK

See the nice green I'm talking about in the center of the plant. That has to be a good sign...right ?!?
Now on to HK and her best friend Mr.Sharpie, lol... This is probably the best Sharpie shot I got with HK as her leaves are now out and not up.

I took a lot more pictures just to document the transplant but I don't' think you guys need to see them all, if anyone is interested in more pictures just PM me or post up here and ask, I'll happily post them.
Now on to my new "Star" Thornhillium aka TH :D
Check out this new vertical growth..

Looking tall thin and sexy, just how I like em.. (hope it doesn't turn out to be a dude, that'd be embarrassing :P)
Now for her close-up with Mr.Sharpie

I'm saving a same angle sharpie shot each day, I'm wondering if anyone can make either an animated gif of it (Wolf ?) or if they can shrink it and make a side by side by side by side... as I'm not a photoshop person !! Let me know :) plz n thnx !
One last picture of TH, more of the "new growth"

Well, thats all the pics for now. Unfortunately the transplant kinda messed up my watering schedule as they were both being watered together on a 3 days cycle. Now that I did the transplant last night HK is still nice and moist in her new soil so I don't dare water her today thus over watering and possibly killing. However, TH is nice and light and most defiantly will be getting a watering later this evening when I get home from work. Thats about it for now guys, I hope the ppl following are enjoying so far. And please feel free to post any sort of comment. There are like 3 to 1 views to posts so I know your out there, lol.. just stop and say Hi :) haha,

Take it easy guys, and have a wonderful day !!
dont fret abouut the number of post you get in your journal thats just kind of how it is people like to come by and read but mostly look at the pics.....looks pretty good after the transplant, the only ohter thing I would suggest too you is to go ahead and spend the $10 and get some superthrive, I admit I thought it was all hype, but I am now a beleiver, I use 2 drops per gallon in all my helps with stressed plants and lets face it when growing indoors etc...the plants are stressed quite a bit...
I couldn't agree anymore, infact other than online i"ve been trying to find some superthrive for the past 2 weeks. Help !, lol... Is it a hydro specific store kinda thing ? or should any "good" garden center carry it ? I checked everywhere even home depot and lowes, just incase... So ya, where too ??

Thanks D,
I think the transplant did help as well, just goes to show.. Soil MAKES A DIFFERENCE, I think, lol.. well Soil mix does.

I'm not too "upset" about the lack of others posting but reading, I was just trying to encourage some of them to speak up, so to speak.. I do appreciate those of you who do post, makes me feel like I'm doing the journal for a reason other than my own documentation.

Have a good one !
They are looking good FT

I see what you mean by the lighter green in the middle.. could be bad/ could be good.. only time will tell.. but I bet it's just part of the stress, and nothing to worry about.,

Don't worry about the time lapse, I got your back on that... just keep taking those nice shots... when they are about 2 weeks old.. I'll do a mini time laps for you... then another one a week into flowering.

I agree with bigD on the superthrive... Over here Walmart used to carry it.. but they don't any more... I kept asking them if they were getting any more.. and they kept saying yes.. finely one person told me the truth... they just order a case each spring.. and thats it.

I haven't found it any were else either, but hope to stumble on it... if not, I'll break down and order it online.


The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style
Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker
I found superthrive at my local OSH. Not sure if you have those out there. If not....I'm sure HTGsupply could hook you up. Good luck with the ladies.
Just got home from work....

Light green, I'm thinking... Good thing... no more words I'll let the pic do the talking.. then I'll blab after...

and another,

Right, now for my words, So as it appears in case the pics aren't clear in showing, the earlier "green spot" has no turned into the beginning of the 2nd node !!! Its hard to see well in the pic but the stem is starting to grow and separate the 2 sets of leaves. This is quite exciting, however whats not exciting is the leaves are starting to droop a bit on the ends, I'm assuming thats just left over stress from the transplant otherwise how would the plant have the "energy" to put into this new growth !! At least thats the logic I'm going to follow until told otherwise.

I found a localish hydro store that sells Super Thrive.. $13CDN for the 2oz bottle, if I don't see it elsewhere before my next pay cheque I'll head downtown and grab that.

Thanks for the kind words Geeshmagee, and welcome to the thread.. stick around, smoke a j !! lol I put up new pics once if not twice daily :)

Thats all for now, most likely more to come later !!
Have a Good one !
they have superthive at my home depot and loews and any garden store should have it. Did your soil mix have any nutes in it already? The yellowing could come from it getting shot of nitrogen if your leaves start to turn a really dark green thats probably it, I did some tranplant and used MG perlite it had nutes in it and thats what happend yellow new growth that turned dark green and a bit of burn on the tip.....
looking good man! only thing, the leaves look like they're drooping a little. not a big deal, probably just happens when you havent watered for a little while.
As far as I know the soil I am using does not have any pre-added nutes. However to be 100% I just went out to my shed where I kept the old bag ( I don't know why, but it turned out to be handy ) And I took 3 pics..

First is the front of the bag,

Next up is the Back part of the bag which shows what the contents are,

However further down at the bottom of the back, I found this...

What this last one says kinda conflicts with whats written further up, but at the same time this picture also says to add nutrients as per your plant. SO I'm going to assume there is no extra added nutrients anywhere in the soil... What do you think ??


*edit* Hey thanks CGM, yeah shes been a bit droopy since yesterdays transplant, I watered yesterday during the transplant, however if the droop doesn't get better later I might give her a lil mist see if it helps.. we'll see. Thanks for stopping by :) !
Let me go look for a NPK, I don't recall seeing one, however I'm going to check, I'll post that and something else I wanted to ask in a few min...

Ok so, no where on the bag and I mean absolutely no where does it state a NPK value, which would lead me to believe there is no fert or nutes, however its hard to think that with a "starter charge" mind you that was in the Fertilizer Recommendation area. None the less I'm not sure...

Now to the question I wanted to ask, am I too early on to say make a small water bottle DIY CO2 ?? I'm thinking about a little experiment. I have some yeast and corn syrup and a small water bottle. I'd like to shake it up to start the reaction and take my humidity cups off for approx 1 - 2 hrs then take the co2 out and put cups back on... A) too early ? B) Necessary or not ? ... I feel like experimenting, let me know guys ?!?!

A.. not to early

B.. not necessary... but then again ... why not =]

I say go for it... I've been wanting to do one myself... but there is too much airflow in my cab for it to be effective.

Good luck man... and let us know how the experiment goes.

Besides.... it will add to your experience.. and that is always good.

The BEST DIY EZ walmart carbon filter for MICRO grows Zen style
Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker
Thanks for the input as per usual Wolf !

Welcome to the thread Dr. !! Good to know we now have "Dr" around ! lol

Ok so as for my experiment, I was going to go ahead and do it regadless, lol but was curious if it was going to mess shit up so thats why I asked. The way I'm planning to do it is as follows...

I've followed the typical DIY tutorial, Water Bottle +Water + Active Yeast + Sugar Source (In my case Golden Corn Syrup) + Vigorous Shaking = CO2

So what I planned to do is for 2hrs every evening, more or less when I get home from work, I will take the plastic cup/humidity dome off my 2 plants and shake up the CO2 bottle and place it in the box in front of one of my pc intake fans, which should then blow the co2 all around the box allowing the plants to use whatever they should need. After my 2 hr alarm goes off I'll remove the CO2 Bottle from my Grow box completely and replace the plastic cups. I started this little experiment tonight from 6pm - 8pm EST. And because I love to, I took a few pics of the growth this afternoon on my 2 plants.

HK ( 2 pics you can see the new growth, amazing the difference 24hrs and a transplant makes guys, its crazy.. Thanks for the idea and lil "push" in the right directions !!.


And Another,

You can fully see how the leaves "split" to start growing out to the left and right and in the middle the "new stem" is starting to form.. its really a nice phase to see, And I took one picture of TH, not as exciting as shes been growing like this since day one. They do seem to be going at a somewhat even pace now as far as development of the next node.. not vertical growth... I know that will b diff as one is a pure indica the other showing Sativa dom traits...Right the pic...


So I'm not going to give any credit to the CO2 today, however I'm going to carry on this experiment for at least 1 week and see if there is any real significant difference.

Stay Tuned !
Thanks again Doc !

By the way I forgot to mention earlier... In my box currently I have 9 x 26W CFL's going. I'm pretty sure thats WAYY too excessive for this point of my grow and its also the #1 culprit for my higher temps. So I decided to axe 3 - 4 of the lights. They are still in the box just unplugged their timer. The temperature dropped about 4 degrees within the first hour. I'm not at a nice even 81 - 83 which in my opinion is was getting up to 88-89 max during the hottest time of the day. Now hopefully it won't go above 85 even at the hottest point of the day. Just another little thing to help dial this grow in. I wanna get as much experience as possible from this little grow to take on with me for future endeavors.

Take it easy,
Cool that's what i like to here. Im veg'n with 5000K. Its a whopping 105 Watts so im gunna go with that over multiple 26 or 42 watters because i can keep within an inch of the leaves and still not suffer any burn. I wanna add another 105 Watt CFl except 6500K because its better for vegging. Anyways toronto my friend have you considered higher watt CFL's that emmit more lumens than those 26 watters?