Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

Thanks wolf, exactly the person I was hoping would stop by and say all is well lol Not to say I wouldn't highly appreciate other opinions as well :D
I'm sooo going to take the photos now and we'll get that time lapse down. I think it'll look awesome all said and done...Do you think I could cut a water bottle in half and use that over the plant for hunidity as opposed to a plastic cup that I can't seem to freakin find without buying a 100 pack, lol. I think that my low humidity is really the only "problem" I'm facing at the moment. I'm going to try putting a bowl or cup of water in one of the rear corners to see if that'll give the humidity a lil bump. Thats about it for now. See ya tomorrow unless there is something good tonight !!

Yes man.. cut up a clear plastic bottle.. make sure there are holes or a jagged edge so it doesn't make a seal with the soil. That should work perfectly.. simply mist the inside of the bottle and place it over your little one and you should start seeing results.


Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker
Right on, thanks man... I actually was at my buddies grabbing some nug and noticed he had some plastic cups. I grabbed 2 of them, I'm going to put a picture up of one just to see if you think its "clear enough" if you understand what I mean.

As for my grow... guess what, we have a new player in the race lol. El BagSeedo has popped above ground !! I decided to give the "strain" or plant I guess a name since its just random bag seed. I'm calling it Thornhillium kinda like a new element. Anyway I tok a nice little picture of the new baby. Question, should I wait for the sheath to fall off and leaves sprout before putting a cup over the new plant or can I put one as is ? and now for the pictures...
First up is my new lil one "Thornhillium" or "T-Hill" for short..

And for Wolfman... Is this cup and cuts ok ??

Thanks !!
You shouldn't have to wait for the sheath to fall off, go ahead and throw the cups on em. Seems like they are developing somewhat slow, but every plant does have a different life cycle, kinda like humans. I have a little indica number that looks healthier than any of my other plants, but is growing slower than all of them too. Even slower than the ones that suffered nute burn. Kinda weird huh? Maybe you are over watering, which is tough to tell because they do like moist soil early on, tricky call.
Thanks guys, much appreciated.

I threw cups on both the lil guys and like the idea that it'll have a mini humidity dome to help my levels. I have a feeling based on the fact that Thornhillium is already above ground that (hopefully she) will be growing much quicker than #3.

#3 is Hindu Kush a pure Indica, That could possibly be the reason for the slow growth however I still think its the temp/humidity which we'll see if the cups solve. The T-hill is bagseed and could be Who knows what mix. This will be quite interesting to Document how a true "old school" strain grows side by side with some bagseed from a random dealer, lol. Can't wait too see !

I just realized something else... The 2 plants are in different soils... The soil that #3 is in is some generic mix of soil that i had in my shed which has been used for countless other plants and quite successfully I might say. T-hill is in a soil called BM1 that I got at home depot for my new Vegetable garden.

When I can afford to do so, some pH testing equipment will be purchased like a soil tester and one for my water. However, I'm piss poor and have ppl beating at my door for money so soil testers aren't exactly on the top of my list. lol.

Just some thoughts..
Afternoon Pic Update:

So, I wish I'd have tried the cups a bit earlier on with #3 as she seems to be taking to it. However not nearly as much as the thornhillium. The T-hill, took off like a bat outta hell once I put the cup on. This morning when I left for work it was just a skinny stem with a seed sheath on the top.. This is what it looks like 6 hrs later when I got home.


Looking good !! Things are going well, its just a matter of waiting now and watching. Tomorrow is 2nd watering day ! I'm going on a pretty much 3 day basis as they still get some water when the cups get misted. Thats all for now !!

Alrighty guys, I was cleaning up around my basement this evening and came upon something which might be useful to my grow. I found an old and not that old Aquairum Test Kit, inside it has a Low and High Range pH test solution and cards. I should be ok to use this as a tester for my water aren't I ? I'm going to also take the pH of some distilled water which should be close to neutral 7.0 then add some of my soil mix and let it mix then take that pH to get a very crude/rough idea of my soils pH range.

What do you think ?!?!
Thanks for the Kind wishes guys ! Much Appreciated !!

So I did the pH tests I had talked about earlier... Seems my pH is a bit high, just above neutral. So its around 7.0-7.4 give or take. From what I know doesn't MaryJane like more acidic water ? So I'm wondering if just a few drops of lemon juice will work as a pH down ? then I can leave it over a few hrs and retest pH. It might help ? Or I could no t worry about pH and just grow ghetto ?!?

Yeah man, I'm pretty stoked about the pH kit, could make a big difference getting my plants in the correct ranges. I'm going to mix up a 2 - 3L batch of dH2O then add cap at a time of Lemon Juice till I get my pH down to 6.0 roughly and then I'll water my 2 plants with it. Hopefully it'll change up the soil pH and just make the plants a lil bit happier.

Just some updated Pictures cause I know everyone loves pictures. Just wish I had More to show !!! all in due time though...

First up is todays look at #3 which I'm going to just refer to as HK from now on as its my only Hindu Kush growing.

Defiantly growing slow but I can notice growth in the past 2 days, so I'm sticking with the plastic cups as I'm guessing thats helping a lot, then todays pH'd water should help a bit as well.

Now for 2 pics of T-Hill, this plants growing like a weed I must say. Now the stems getting a bit tall almost like its reaching however the bulbs as close as I can get it without frying the plant, I guess I'll just leave it for now and let it correct itself, I have a feeling that T-Hill is going to be Sativa or Sativa Dominant just as I can ALREADY notice slight diffs between it and the HK.

And another,

Thats all for now, I'll update again an hr or two after pH water is fed to plants !
Yeah it seems pretty clear which are going to be the sativa and which the indica shortly after they sprout. Biggest difference I noticed is the leaf color, you'll either get this bright tropical green, or its almost as dark as green gets. You're little reacher their surely is showing signs of being the former, my sativas took off like weeds(haha) compared to the indicas. If you get too worried about it getting overly tall, just fill in with soil around the base till it seems a little sturdier. Looks good man keep it up!
Looking good man. Looks you came back strong from the passing of your one plant. Very nice. Keep up the good work.

Mine just finished their 15day veg cycle and went to 12/12 today. We will see what is what in a few weeks im sure.
Thanks very much TheDankness and GTG, your comments are much appreciate !!

Its too true, I can see these 2 plants being totally different genetics which is quite cool and interesting. The HK which is a pure indica is short and as previously stated Dark dark Green. Now my Thornhillium (bagseed) Is growing tall fast and is nice and light green Sativa much ? hehe Anyway time for some Updates !!

Todays Pictures are with a Sharpie Marker as a reference Point. I took a pic of the plants Height and Length. You'll notice that Thill is defiantly going to grow "up" as opposed to HK which seems to be short stalky and will grow more "out" than "up". They seem to really be loving the plastic cups and I can't thank you enough for the idea Wolfman !! They also are doing great after the watering yesterday with the lowered pH water. So far looks like everything is going well, slow and steady. I've certainly already noticed this hobby is teaching me patience as I sit around daily wanting to do something...but theres nothing to do, lol. I got some Jiffy-7 Peat pellets as starter for some other seeds another time, Anyone have experience with them ??
Ok, Picture time !

Up First HK

andddd Height


I'm pretty sure HK is growing rather slow but I dunno what exactly the cause is however I'm not too worried as at least she is growing and healthy looking at that. On to T-Hil

Thornhillium Height

**Just a note about this one, I took the advice and put a lil bit of soil up the stem of this one to make it a bit sturdier.**

Thornhillium Length

Thats about it for now as this is my typical morning update. I'll probably do another update this evening after work unless there is really nothing to put up. As with everyone of my posts. Comments and Opinions are MORE than welcome. Got a question ? Just ask..

That's all for now,
Both of them Mike, The one that I go by HK with the darker green leaves and shorter stem is the Hindu Kush, The one I've been calling "THornhillium" is bagseed and starting to look Sativa Dom.

Hope that clears it up for you !
Love the shot FT, and they are looking great... I'm glad you the cups are working out for you, and don't do the mistake I did, but removing the cups too soon... just keep using them until they out grow the cups.

On TH.. you can also place a small fan on her.. the "wind stress" well help her strengthen her stem.. or... (this is controversial) rough her up a bit every once and a while. Bend her around, mist her roughly.. that kind of stuff... careful not to hurt her too much though... you want to get her to defend herself by bulking up her stem. A small fan would be easier, and less risky though.


Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker