Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

i hope so too. btw, i just messaged you on msn. i might be coming to toronto in the next week or so, so try to e-mail me so we can get together sometime! :D
Thanks CGM I got the msg :) Lets keep that convo there if ya know what i mean plz..n..thnx...

As for my plant(s), Its now been a full 24hrs since my lil friend popped up above soil.. Now I checked again first thing this morning (by the way, a lil advice.. AVOID CFLs WHEN YOU JUST WOKE UP.. fuck they're bright my eyes still hurt lol) Anyway the plant looks the same as the pics I posted on the previous page.. Again I'll leave it till after work then I'm just going to str8 upset again.. and still waiting for #3 to pop above ground.. If either of those dont' work... I have 1 bean left.. its also the smallest anorexic seed I've ever seen, So I might be up shits creek. Time however, will tell.

Well my friends, this morning I went through what we like to call a emotional roller coaster...:spew:....Anyway if you read my previous post I was starting to get upset about the fact that my first lil seed to pop above ground aint looking too good for just over 24hrs above ground.. Anyway I just went back to give it one last mist before I leave to work and what do I see in the pot next to SS... #3 has mad a break for the light:hump: !!!! In fact #3 although still with a sheath on already looks better than SS every did. So I'm pretty stoked now, If I can get one of them to at least grow up nicely and maybe jussssst maybe be a girl, then I can clone and be happy, just means my first harvest will be a month or two later than previously expected. I think I can handle that.. Ok so one last thing then I'm freakin late for work some pics.. These 3 pics are all of #3 that I took about 5 minutes ago.. 2 with pot views and 1 as close a macro as I could get without falling into my box..


and another


Thats my supposed "macro" if the seed case hasn't fallen off by the time I get home from work this afternoon (short shift 9 - 1 :D) I will super gently take it off with some tweezers. Last but not least another shot of her in her "home"..


Talk to you guys later :joint:
hey glad you got started brother....RELAX, you are stressing yourself and your plants, stop misting them everyday, let them do there thing, we all do it when we new but you can actually kill your little plants with too much love..... whats the ph in your water and your soil?? how close are your lights to the seedlings? you may have slowed down your germ rate with the constant checking on them, put them in the paper towel inside a ziplock bag put in a warm dark place and DO NOT TOUCH for 48 hours.........most inportant relax and enjoy the grow show...good luck
BigD and Wolfman... my 2 voices of reason, thanks for chiming in guys its greatly appreciated.

bigd: I know what your saying man, about killin it with love..I'll stop misting like I had been although I really must say its a very fine mist and i just spray till the top of the soils is moist instead of completely dry as it looks in the pics above. However I'll take a step back and give it a day or two see how it grows...

Wolfman: Good call, I'll leave her for another day and if when I awake tomorrow the seed shell is still around I'll deal with it then..

The plan for the rest of today is DO NOTHING, I'll sit on my damn hands if I have too.
Thanks again for the comments,

100% man, I remember back in the overgrow days I one of the very first things I ever read was someones post that said something like "Not only does growing your own bud give you pleasure but it teaches skills like gardening and most of all... Patience..."

Thats the key patience, I'm only letting myself look in via one of the exhaust fans for a top down view, thats about it. I wont' open the door or nothing till I wake up tomorrow morning. Its going to prove to be hard to "stay away".

Hey Wolfman, Do you have any links or resources to some DWC info and marijuana that I can do some research with ? I tried to search the board but the search was giving me some problems.

tdottt i got the samee hindu kush, greatttttttt seeds.

100% germ rateee , fast growingg, goodd plant.

good call using 420.

andd good luckk!
oh right on, Hey thanks for stopping by mikeeees dude if you have the same exact beans I'd love to be able to pick you brain. If you had msn or even just email and could pm that to me that'd be awesome man !!

Off topic, So I just got a couple buds from a friend as I had ran out and have a massive headache. Anyway I'm just about to break open the bud and what do I see ?!?!? SEEEEEEEDS !!!! so far I've picked out 3 what look to be beautifully healthy seeds I wish this had happened before I spent the money I didn't have on seeds but hey at least now if I screw shit up, I have grow #2 ready to go. Oh I'm soo stoked !! Anyway just thought I'd share !

Thanks for stopping by Mattso101, I had seen your posts around and noticed Toronto, was hoping you'd stop bye !!..

This is all looking good Toronto Growers Unite !!! Now the Clone swap dream could become a reality !!

I appologize very much for the quality of this photo but I'm pretty darn excited either way !!

So I ended up with 9 seeds from this one bud I just got, they all look useable compared to what I purchased. However 2 of them look particularly nice and healthy nice brown colour with black spots and swirls almost. It doesn't come out in the picture unfortunately you'll just have to take my word for it.

So I basically ended up with a free 10 pack of seeds from 1 bud a friend happened to give me. I can't tell you how happy/excited that makes me not to mention the highs not all too bad. Strain is Unknown.

Hey Tdot, did all of your earlier seeds crack? or did BS never open?
I have 5 old seeds im trying to germinate but haven't seen a thing yet.. its been like 3 days and im about to give up hope..
I do have a pack of white rhino on its way to me but id like to do my first grow with the free seeds ive got.
BTW grats on the sprout!
Alrighty ppl its time for another update.. However todays update is not as happy as the previous few days...It would appear now after about 4 - 5 days that BS never germinated at all. So out of the 3 seeds I germed 2 worked. Thats acceptable by me. I'm leaving BS in between the paper towel for another day or two JUST IN CASE. Now for the real bad news....SS has bit the dust, I'm not 100% sure as to the cause of death however if I had to put down a honest guess. I'd blame myself for over watering and over loving. Sorry SS it was fun while it lasted !!

So where does that leave me you ask ? Well, its not as bad as it could be I still have #3 who will be renamed soon as its now technically #1 lol AND from the seeds I found yesterday in that bud I got, I've tried to germ about 3 - 4 of them. I'm hoping at least 1 if not 2 of them germ and then we'll be back in action. I'm also considering setting up a small 2 plant DWC in my box and having a soil vs DWC side by side. But then again It might be wiser to wait till I have some of that thing.. whats it called again... oh ya.. Experience first before I got experimenting.

So to recap, 1 plant still with seed sheath on it growing in the box, and a few more seeds germinating.

Update ya later, a sad father...
Alrighty ppl its time for another update.. However todays update is not as happy as the previous few days...It would appear now after about 4 - 5 days that BS never germinated at all. So out of the 3 seeds I germed 2 worked. Thats acceptable by me. I'm leaving BS in between the paper towel for another day or two JUST IN CASE. Now for the real bad news....SS has bit the dust, I'm not 100% sure as to the cause of death however if I had to put down a honest guess. I'd blame myself for over watering and over loving. Sorry SS it was fun while it lasted !!

So where does that leave me you ask ? Well, its not as bad as it could be I still have #3 who will be renamed soon as its now technically #1 lol AND from the seeds I found yesterday in that bud I got, I've tried to germ about 3 - 4 of them. I'm hoping at least 1 if not 2 of them germ and then we'll be back in action. I'm also considering setting up a small 2 plant DWC in my box and having a soil vs DWC side by side. But then again It might be wiser to wait till I have some of that thing.. whats it called again... oh ya.. Experience first before I got experimenting.

So to recap, 1 plant still with seed sheath on it growing in the box, and a few more seeds germinating.

Update ya later, a sad father...

Damn man...that sucks. I have one that is on its way out, not sure what I did. I think I am going to point the finger at my inexperience with growing with peat pots. Looks like you got lucky with that bag seed so you can make up for the loss. It is so easy to want to fiddle with your plants all the time. I find myself always wanting to water and fiddle with them. I have to tell myself to leave them alone. I water every 2-3 days but look at them 4-5 times a I just gave them their first shot of nutes and wow the response was amazing. They doubled in size over night. Makes me want to give them more but I know I will scorch them if I do. Its so hard to leave them alone and let them just grow :cry: