Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

Thanks for the comments everyone, their much appreciated. And this journal is FAR from ovah !!!

#3 is looking good everyone, "starter leaves" and first 2 Marijuana resembling leaves have finally opened up. I'm going to wait till tomorrow to take a picture to see if it grows a bit bigger overnight. Either way I'll have a picture to update tomorrow. The few bag seeds I decided to try and germ still haven't done anything, however its only been just under 48 hrs so I'll give it a bit more time before trying some of the others.

That's all for now !
So I've got an update this morning with a half decent picture as promised !
This lil guys been above ground for 3 days as of today and was germinated about 5 - 6 days ago. I have a feeling the temps are too high in my box and its causing growth to be slowed down, is that possible ?!? Temps in my box sit anywhere from 79 - 88 but usually between 82 - 88 the lower temps are at night but otherwise my room gets quite hot all day with 3 fans and my window open. So I dunno the box has 2 exhausts and intakes. Any suggestions ?!?

Heres the pic as promised..

Ain't it cute, lol.. How I hope its a she as so far the other bag seeds I got the other day haven't germinated.

Hey thanks for the input Wolf, yeah I do happen to have my RH%.. Currently its at around 40%, it stays in and around that, I do have a 1/2 a water bottle with some paper towel in it to wick up the water and evaporate to up the RH% but it has only changed about 2 - 4% not very much. No I don't have a humidity dome over her, would you suggest it ? I have only really seen it a bit in I believe your thread.. I just got home from work I haven't even seen if shes made any movement up or out yet today. I also got a new camera at work today a nice Panasonic 7.1MP instead of my shitty old generic 4MP one. Finally nice macro and digi zoom so I can take nice clear pics for you guys, in fact I'm going to take a nice shot of my lil friend after this post and I'll post again with a new pic just so I can compare the one I took earlier to it.

Hmm, I will look into the cups idea and do some reading, I'm a bit scared to mess with shit as I really want/need this little girl to turn out well and well be a girl, lol.. Ok so I've uploaded the new picture and damn what a difference 3 mega pixels makes.

Here is the Old Camera and a Picture Taken This morning....

Its nothing terrible but its just not "crisp", and here is the new photo taken about 10 minutes ago...

Slight difference huh ? lol

I think I'm going to water the little plantling tomorrow morning when I get up and then I'm going to try to water once every 3 - 4 days or when the soils dry about an inch down on the outskirts of the pot. That's all for now everyone I'm expecting big tings in the next few days as these plants tend to take off like weeds ;)

Thanks for all the comments guys ! Yeah staying "away" is fully going to be the hardest part. Today I gave my lil plant its first real watering and thats about it. I'm going to see what growth I get today and then tomorrow I'm going to give the plastic cup method a shot and see how that goes. I'll write down any differences I see in that short period. If I notice nothing but at the same time it not hurting then I'll extend the experiment and document it here.

On a secondary side note...Lookie what I found today when i got home from work...

Thats one of the bagseeds that I started to germinate 2 or 3 days ago. So it looks I'll get a chance at 2 plants after all. I still have more seeds but would prefer to be able to give my love and attention to finding a solid mother and learning to clone. For all i know this bagseed might be more Sativa or Hybrid and will be a nice contrast to the 100% indica I have in my Hindu Kush.

That's all for now guys, Talk to you later !!
just noticed something that may be contributing to your germination issues. is that paper towel quilted? this may just be me, well and my old room mate that swore it helped, but i think if you were using a quilted paper towel you would have better germination success. it looks like your using the normal variety, it seems to me that seeds, much like a plants roots, do need some oxygen, and quilted paper towels provide more air gaps. shit worked for me, all four seeds i germinated popped in 3 days or less. could be wrong just throwing it out there.
I never germanate seeds, eve!r all I do is put them right into the soil. You need more seeds I rarely get 100% germ rate. So you need to up your chances. I fyou buy 10 seeds you gotta thin most likley 8 out of ten will germ. Half most likley will be male so now you got 4 out of the four youmight getone that does not grow well so nowleft with 3. go buy some seeds at least 10 from a reputable seed dealer ie. ontairio'sbest seeds or my fave Sacred Seeds.
I only really had trouble germinating 1 seed. That seed was a Hindu Kush from Ontario's Best. Every other seed I've tried to germ, has germed. I appreciate everyones concern though :)

I got my seeds from Ontario's best I just happened to have a bagseed AS WELL. As for Sacred the last time I was there the guy wasn't exactly nice not to mention their prices were a lot more expensive.

buddy atsacred seeds may seem a little stand offish at times you just gotta be friendly and inqusitive. you can only imagine the punks he gets in there somtimes. but his seeds are top notch, buy somthing and he will smile for you. last time I went in Igave him some nice nugs I grew from his seeds and he just handed mt me 20 free seeds, tell me thats not nice
Aite matt, you make some excellent points, I'm sure he probably sees 10 - 50 Dipshits a day asking about the "bomb chrons" damn kids, lol. I think thats a great idea however, when/if I finish up my Hindu Kush I'll take me a joint or bud over to Toronto420 and see if they take it the same way. Cause otherwise thats great, I had gone to Sacred to ask about some seeds on their site and its not up to date the only way to get up 2 date is to go o the store. But if you aren't planning to buy that day you kinda feel like an asshole. I dunno, I'll give them another shot solely based on you words :)

Wolfman: Well man, I was seriously expecting to see some growth in the past few days. But nothing still, so I don't have any plastic cups here at my place but I do know I have them at work. So I'm going to grab a few cups at work today and I'll let the experiment begin !!

Quick Update:

So, I couldn't find the plastic cups I thought had at work, the ones we had aren't clear they're kinda like translucent. So I didn't put it over my plany as i wasn't sure the light would penetrate enough with my cfls. The only change I did however make was to put my lights to 18/6. I'm going to see if even 1 night of some dark hours makes a difference in growth. I guess its more "natural" than 24 straight hrs.

That's all for now,
Alrighty so the lights came on and....Nothing new, lol.
I'm now going to take a picture every single day when the lights turn on before I leave for work. This way I can either put together a time lapse at the end of the grow, OR at the very very least I can see a difference in growth on a almost daily basis. So #3 has been in the soil since Aug 5th. Here is this mornings picture. Do we think the plant is an ok size for 9 days ? Its technically been above soil now for about 6 days. So what do you guys think ???

And a "close-up"

Well thats, that. Let the input and opinions Fly !!! Thanks guys

Slightly slow, but looking nice and healthy, and that is what counts... I wouldn't worry too much about how far along she should be right now... just keep her happy like this and before you know it she's off to college lol.

and yes... take pics for a time lapse... Just make sure it's from the same angle... just like the first pic... thats a great angle.. but back off a bit.. think of the future, she's going to get huge so give plenty of picture space for the future growth ;-)

At the end, if you want I can do a simple timelapse gif like the one i did.


Micro ebb/flow (NOW DWC), all CFL ScrOG, perpetual Stealth locker