Grow Journal

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Get as much movement as you can, you dont have to be too gentle with them. Outside they get bent over double almost, as long as you don't blow them out of their pots!!! lol.


Well-Known Member
nice one cheerz chaps i'll be moving my outher fan inside tomora aswell kepp things extra


Well-Known Member
Sorry it's been so long since the last update, especially considering the old ladyboy problems lol.
well, to start with i am now down to 3 girls:x. Itook the decision to ditch Gwen. my reason for this is simple:- she was growing in such a spazzy stunted way and was way way way shorter than the rest it was impossible to get the canopy even and she was getting dwarfed. so she's gone. ofcourse this frees up more room and light space for the others so it's a plus in that regard.
as for the suspected hermie...YEPPERS!! THE FUCKER WAS A FREAK!lol
i waited a few days as i said i would just incase Jesus smiled on me and answered my prayers and she really was a female. but i guess the fact that im an atheist ensured Jesus just laughed at me instead and made sure the plant was a ladyboy. sorry i haven't any pix of it . A few more sacs had appeared and some where in pairs and they simply were NOT just swolen calyx. I considered just being vigilant and plucking off the male flowers but my fear was i'd miss one that was secreted inside the buds, pollenating all the others!!! sothe fucker was yanked and chopped! although i had to smoke the buds that had formed. not bad...deffo got a hit!!!!!!!!
and so....that final 3.
Budica is going good. she's now just under 2' and unbelievably bushy!! way more than the other 2. it's taken a while for her to flower and i think she's going to have a loooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnggggggg flowering period. she hasn't started budding yet just some flowers where the buds will be. just can't get over how bushy she is!!
the other 2 now have names lmao
I give u...Meg and Mog!! lmao
Meg isthe 1st rhino to flower and is standing pretty at 32". no where near as bushy as Budica but she is budding up nicely!! and getting all "crystally".I've taken off the bottom branches as they weren't really getting the light so why waste the plants energy growing branches thataren't going to produce much?!?!?
Mog is around 27" and is starting to bud up nicely.
And the porn..
1st 3 pix are Budica.
then 6 of Meg and her buds :hump:
then 4 of Mog and her buds.
Fucking YUM YUM!!! lmao...just wish i didn't have about 4-5 weeks to wait!!bummer!
hope all's good with your grows..have a bit of catching up to do methinks.
:peace: ppl.


mr west

Well-Known Member
hmmmmmmmm giggidy giggidy. Shame bout the gender dysforic dude. At least the rest will benifit from the loss.


Well-Known Member
giggidy giddidy indeed. and may i add a GOO to that aswell lmao.
familyguy fucking rocks!!!
yeh..the others will benefit from the extra light...just a bit of a pisser lol
no idea how much i'll get in the end but 2oz in total will do.altho hoping for more...but that's cuz im a greedy monster lmfao

mr west

Well-Known Member
AAAALLLLLLLLLLLL RIGHHHHHHHHT, OHHH!!giggidy giddidy, giggidy giddidy, giggidy giddidygiggidy, giddidygiggidy, giddidygiggidy giddidygiggidy, giddidygiggidy giddidygiggidy giddidygiggidy giddidygiggidy giddidygiggidy giddidygiggidy giddidygiggidy giddidygiggidy, giddidygiggidy giddidygiggidy giddidygiggidy, giddidygiggidy giddidygiggidy giddidygiggidy giddidygiggidy giddidygiggidy, giddidygiggidy giddidygiggidy, giddidygiggidy giddidygiggidy giddidygiggidy giddidygiggidy giddidygiggidy giddidygiggidy giddidygiggidy giddidygiggidy giddidy GOOO!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey Dixie, how's it going mate? Sorry I've been away so long, I've been missing out on all this excitement!!! Both your ladies AND your pictures are simply awesome mate, you've been doing an excellent job. Can't believe how quickly you've got to this stage, or have I really been away longer than I thought LOL? Will definitely be watching these flowers develop ;) Nice job indeed ...


Well-Known Member
Dixie, where the hell did you go? Your ladies are looking HOT!! Please give them my love and get your ass back here. We're getting worried here!!


Well-Known Member
Dixie has been gone a long time. We're getting worried about you man, are you OK? Hope nothing has happened to you mate ...


Well-Known Member
DIXIE!!! time to get up. people lookin for ya.
hasn`t been around since aug 8 in the morning, that was his last posting here?


Well-Known Member
Lookin good man, you have come a long way. Keep up the good grow. And come back and let us know how things are turning out. Peace.