Okay, I was wrong about the heat not affecting them. Tia keeps drying out and drooping. Juliana on the other hand seems to love it. She isn't showing any signs of heat stress. I did touch their stems and they feel very warm. My house is staying around 75-78 all the time so the box is around 85-93. I took out the 26w 6500k cfl. I figured this might help a little. If not I'll put it back in and try one of the 42w cfl's. I may have to rewired the box. I can raise the main lights up about 2-3 inches, but this would get in the way of the single light socket unless I keep that socket empty.
I've been working on the new box and I have some pics of it below. It has 8 sockets, and I think I have 5, 6500k and 3, 2700k 26w cfl's in it at the moment. I lined it with mylar which was a real pain. The lower box is lined with duct tape. Some light gets through where the mylar over laps. I unfortunately had to cut it into small sections in order to cover the whole thing. I won't have the fans for it for a little bit longer either. I just ordered one and am trying to find another for the other hole. I still need to install the air intakes too. I'm using 2" p-traps for them. I think I may need to add one more to my current box also. I have a 6" fan on it with 2, 2" intakes. Is this enough or should I add a third one?
Still can't tell for sure what Tia is although I'm still leaning towards male. Juliana is poking more and more pistils out. I have a feeling she may finish quickly which will suit me just fine

I think Tia would be awesome if she ended up female. She is showing a lot of sativa qualities and I prefer sativas over indicas. Tia's stretching has slowed down a lot which I assume is because of the heat stress. I'm definitely going to need a window AC unit.
I'll be starting some new seeds today also. I have a 10 pack of regular indian haze. I think I'll pop 4 beans and veg them for a couple of weeks before flowering. Then depending on how many are female I can decide which box or boxes to use for which plants. Juliana will probably stay in the round box unless Tia is female then they will both go in the new box and then I'll put the IH in the round one. All that is still a little ways off though.
Here are the new pics:
pics 1-4: Juliana. She is looking great. I don't think I'll have to transplant her either.
pics 5-7: Tia. She is hating the heat. Look how much she is drooping, but 20 minutes after watering she had bounced back a little. I think I'll have to water her two or three times a day.
pics 8+9: The new box. Still in progress.
pic 10: P-trap for one of the air intakes.
pic 11: A clubbell I made to workout with. I filled it with sand a a jar of rubber cement. I was going to fill it with water to make it heavier but it kept leaking so I put the rubber cement in to help seal it. Then I decide it was heavy enough to start off with (about 5 lbs). I may drill a hole in it eventually and fill it when I am ready to move up in weight, or I'll just make a new set.