Grow log TNR(day11) and bagseed(day01)

Well it is day 2 of flowering and the girls are doing great. Juliana is growing but the stretching has been minimal so far. Tia on the other had is growing out of control. She is really stretching out, but I am keeping her in check with tie downs. I fed them the compost tea I made yesterday and today. They are both drinking a lot of water too. With the high temps outside my house has been pretty warm and the box is hanging in the 90's. A few dead leaves hidden down underneath on both girls that I removed. They both are looking great. Battery in my camera is charging so I won't have an pics until tomorrow.
The girls are doing great. I lowered them inside the box. Looks like I'll need to get an AC unit. Box temps were 95-100 when I checked on them a minute ago, but when I lifted the lid and felt the girls they were cool to the touch. I rotated them both 180 degrees to expose new areas to different light. They really are more spread out now because of it. Both girls have really thick stems too. Juliana's main branches are huge too. Still no signs of sex on Tia, but it is only the 3rd day of flowering. 4th if you count the day of darkness I gave them. Fed them plain water today even though they weren't completely dry. They are probably going to dry out quickly until I get the temps down.


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Temps are all reading 95-100. That is only in the top 5 inches or so however. Down at the canopy it is cool, the pots are cool, and the box is cool around there. So the radiant heat is only reaching so far. With the fan as strong as it is I don't think there is any worry of circulating hot air within the box.

An idea that I had in the past was to get a piece of Plexiglas and cut it into a circle. I would attach it just below the lights but with room all around its sides. That way air can still flow up around the glass to cool the lights but most of the heat will be blocked by the Plexiglas. I have been told that this would block a huge amount of lumens when the light passes through it. Does anyone know if this is true? Are those cool tube hps less effective than a regular open ones? I know there's a big difference between hps's and cfl's but if it affects the hps i would assume it affects cfl's.
I may also take out one of the 42w's and put in a 26w to see if that does anything. It's hard to tell though because my house temps fluctuate throughout the day.

Also should I keep that one 6500k cfl in there or replace it with a 2700k? I thought a wide spectrum would be good. Any input?
I may also take out one of the 42w's and put in a 26w to see if that does anything. It's hard to tell though because my house temps fluctuate throughout the day.

Also should I keep that one 6500k cfl in there or replace it with a 2700k? I thought a wide spectrum would be good. Any input?

I'm sub'd I think it's better to have red spectrum flowering so go with the 2700k. Also I tried a piece of glass in my cab just like you said and the temps got worse. It seems a lot better to aim your fan right at the lights it will cool them. My temps went from 98 to 81 when I set the fan up to cool the lights. The glass idea could still work if u use an exhaust fan just for the lights which means u also need one for the exhaust in your box. Good luck with the heat it's not easy tuning in a small grow space.
It looks like Tia is forming balls. It's not definite yet but I pretty sure. So it looks like Juliana will have plenty of room. I'm going to wait until I'm positive before cutting down Tia though.

Chainseeker, I know they prefer a lower temp bulb in flowering but I have heard many people say it is good to keep a wide spectrum on the plant. So they will have 3 HPS and 1 MD together or something like that. That is why I left a single 6500k 26w CFL in the box. The other 4 CFL's are 42w. 3 are 2700k and the other is probably somewhere between 3000 and 6000. It has a very white glow, the other three are yellowish, and the single 6500k is blue. Has anyone experimented with this to see if it is really worth doing?
Hey jebus sorry bout the misguided info. I musta been high u c I thought u were flowering with more 6500 and less 2700k. I am actually going to have two 26w 6500k in for flowering along with the hps and one 2500k this helps keep the heat down in my box plus gives wide spec so I hope it works out 4 both of us. How about the heat r u getting that under control? Good luck with your grow and could u let me know when u find out if it's good or bad to have the 6500k's in there I'll be looking for an answer also.
P.S. Stay pos. bout Tia maybe some pistols will pop out.:weed:
Well I can't tell u if it is good or bad to have the the 6500k, but I know a grower who said it slowed down the yellowing of the fan leaves into flower. Plus think of the sun, it doesn't only give off 2700k during the onset of fall. The plant wants what the sun gives it, and its our job to try and give them that. I think I read like 80% 6500k & 20% 2700' during veg, and flip that around during flower. Hope that helps.
Damn, I wrote out this long post that was really well written and funny and lost the whole thing. Anyways, just want to say thanks for the input guys. I'll try that 80/20 ratio. It sounds about right. Chainseeker you might want more than just two 26w bulbs for supplemental lighting. I'd put in two 42w's of both temps. What's the wattage of your HPS? My temps aren't going to be under control until I get AC. I'm pointing a giant room fan I have at the carbon filter since so much heat comes out of there I figured it would drop the ambient temperature in the room and box.

Here are some pics of some hash (.5g) and my new press. Let me know if you want details about it. I just don't have the energy to write everything out again.


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Oh and if Tia turns out to be a boy, which I'm still hoping isn't the case, I'm going to trim her up while still in the pot to show how I LST'ed her.
I guess I should mention that the heat isn't really affecting the girls. The air being pulled up is cooling them and the lights are far enough away that the radiant heat doesn't hit them. So heat isn't a problem yet. Although the cola buds may end up kind fluffy once they enter the hot zone. I've had very nice results when my old boxes that ran at 95 degrees in the summer. The buds had nice shape and all but didn't have density. I liked it though. A quarter of it looks huge. I still got almost 2.5oz from that plant.
Damn, I wrote out this long post that was really well written and funny and lost the whole thing. Anyways, just want to say thanks for the input guys. I'll try that 80/20 ratio. It sounds about right. Chainseeker you might want more than just two 26w bulbs for supplemental lighting. I'd put in two 42w's of both temps. What's the wattage of your HPS? My temps aren't going to be under control until I get AC. I'm pointing a giant room fan I have at the carbon filter since so much heat comes out of there I figured it would drop the ambient temperature in the room and box.

Here are some pics of some hash (.5g) and my new press. Let me know if you want details about it. I just don't have the energy to write everything out again.

Wow that press is nice. My hps is 70 watts I have two in there but can't run both because temps get crazy. I have the one hps going along with 2-26w 6500k and 1-23w 2700k in a very small space. I would luv to have more light. U should check out my current grow so u don't have to help with my probs on your journal. Also I could use some advise in carbon filters if u don't mind.
Happy Growing.
Okay, I was wrong about the heat not affecting them. Tia keeps drying out and drooping. Juliana on the other hand seems to love it. She isn't showing any signs of heat stress. I did touch their stems and they feel very warm. My house is staying around 75-78 all the time so the box is around 85-93. I took out the 26w 6500k cfl. I figured this might help a little. If not I'll put it back in and try one of the 42w cfl's. I may have to rewired the box. I can raise the main lights up about 2-3 inches, but this would get in the way of the single light socket unless I keep that socket empty.

I've been working on the new box and I have some pics of it below. It has 8 sockets, and I think I have 5, 6500k and 3, 2700k 26w cfl's in it at the moment. I lined it with mylar which was a real pain. The lower box is lined with duct tape. Some light gets through where the mylar over laps. I unfortunately had to cut it into small sections in order to cover the whole thing. I won't have the fans for it for a little bit longer either. I just ordered one and am trying to find another for the other hole. I still need to install the air intakes too. I'm using 2" p-traps for them. I think I may need to add one more to my current box also. I have a 6" fan on it with 2, 2" intakes. Is this enough or should I add a third one?

Still can't tell for sure what Tia is although I'm still leaning towards male. Juliana is poking more and more pistils out. I have a feeling she may finish quickly which will suit me just fine :) I think Tia would be awesome if she ended up female. She is showing a lot of sativa qualities and I prefer sativas over indicas. Tia's stretching has slowed down a lot which I assume is because of the heat stress. I'm definitely going to need a window AC unit.

I'll be starting some new seeds today also. I have a 10 pack of regular indian haze. I think I'll pop 4 beans and veg them for a couple of weeks before flowering. Then depending on how many are female I can decide which box or boxes to use for which plants. Juliana will probably stay in the round box unless Tia is female then they will both go in the new box and then I'll put the IH in the round one. All that is still a little ways off though.

Here are the new pics:
pics 1-4: Juliana. She is looking great. I don't think I'll have to transplant her either.
pics 5-7: Tia. She is hating the heat. Look how much she is drooping, but 20 minutes after watering she had bounced back a little. I think I'll have to water her two or three times a day.
pics 8+9: The new box. Still in progress.
pic 10: P-trap for one of the air intakes.
pic 11: A clubbell I made to workout with. I filled it with sand a a jar of rubber cement. I was going to fill it with water to make it heavier but it kept leaking so I put the rubber cement in to help seal it. Then I decide it was heavy enough to start off with (about 5 lbs). I may drill a hole in it eventually and fill it when I am ready to move up in weight, or I'll just make a new set.


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Okay, I was wrong about the heat not affecting them. Tia keeps drying out and drooping. Juliana on the other hand seems to love it. She isn't showing any signs of heat stress. I did touch their stems and they feel very warm. My house is staying around 75-78 all the time so the box is around 85-93. I took out the 26w 6500k cfl. I figured this might help a little. If not I'll put it back in and try one of the 42w cfl's. I may have to rewired the box. I can raise the main lights up about 2-3 inches, but this would get in the way of the single light socket unless I keep that socket empty.

I've been working on the new box and I have some pics of it below. It has 8 sockets, and I think I have 5, 6500k and 3, 2700k 26w cfl's in it at the moment. I lined it with mylar which was a real pain. The lower box is lined with duct tape. Some light gets through where the mylar over laps. I unfortunately had to cut it into small sections in order to cover the whole thing. I won't have the fans for it for a little bit longer either. I just ordered one and am trying to find another for the other hole. I still need to install the air intakes too. I'm using 2" p-traps for them. I think I may need to add one more to my current box also. I have a 6" fan on it with 2, 2" intakes. Is this enough or should I add a third one?

Still can't tell for sure what Tia is although I'm still leaning towards male. Juliana is poking more and more pistils out. I have a feeling she may finish quickly which will suit me just fine :) I think Tia would be awesome if she ended up female. She is showing a lot of sativa qualities and I prefer sativas over indicas. Tia's stretching has slowed down a lot which I assume is because of the heat stress. I'm definitely going to need a window AC unit.

I'll be starting some new seeds today also. I have a 10 pack of regular indian haze. I think I'll pop 4 beans and veg them for a couple of weeks before flowering. Then depending on how many are female I can decide which box or boxes to use for which plants. Juliana will probably stay in the round box unless Tia is female then they will both go in the new box and then I'll put the IH in the round one. All that is still a little ways off though.

Here are the new pics:
pics 1-4: Juliana. She is looking great. I don't think I'll have to transplant her either.
pics 5-7: Tia. She is hating the heat. Look how much she is drooping, but 20 minutes after watering she had bounced back a little. I think I'll have to water her two or three times a day.
pics 8+9: The new box. Still in progress.
pic 10: P-trap for one of the air intakes.
pic 11: A clubbell I made to workout with. I filled it with sand a a jar of rubber cement. I was going to fill it with water to make it heavier but it kept leaking so I put the rubber cement in to help seal it. Then I decide it was heavy enough to start off with (about 5 lbs). I may drill a hole in it eventually and fill it when I am ready to move up in weight, or I'll just make a new set.

Wow tie the hell out of them babies. Here is a pic of my intakes.
I think I'll add one more intake. I don't really know if it will do anything but that's what experimenting is all about. I should have made the hole for the fan a little bigger, but I was worried I would make it too big and it would support the weight very well.. I feel it is a little too restricted for the amount of airflow it produces. It would be a pain in the butt to fix it though.

I started 5 new beans today too. Four Indian Haze and one random fire bag seed that is huge and has awesome black markings on it. The IH are all on the small size, but they are mature. They are in a wet paper towel. I'll check on them in a two days. When I plant them I'll keep them under my 90w UFO until they are big enough for one of the boxes.
What I did was go insane with a hole saw it works. Actually I held my hand over the exhaust fan and when I shut my door I could feel the cfm's change so I kept cutting until I had plenty of air flo. I could feel a huge difference in the exhaust with every hole I drilled. The intake fan was an after thought which did drop the temp 1 deg. I also have tried covering each of the holes and all the holes except one but this def keeps my temps down the best.