grow room bloopers!


Active Member
I'll admit, ive done some pretty silly things at one time or another, especially in the beginning, i imagine you guys all have some great stories to tell and I'll share mine as well...
Bulb spots

one day I went into my room and as I was working I was startled lifting my head up quickly underneath an open window reflector the top of my head touched a thousand watt bulb which left a huge burn in scattered across the top of my head, after putting some neosporin on it and going back to work it happened again... Ugh, now I'm getting cool tubes!
Bulb spots

one day I went into my room and as I was working I was startled lifting my head up quickly underneath an open window reflector the top of my head touched a thousand watt bulb which left a huge burn in scattered across the top of my head, after putting some neosporin on it and going back to work it happened again... Ugh, now I'm getting cool tubes!
Ouch. Worst I've done was wire a DIY florescent fixture wrong, bulb sort of worked, touched it, zap, ouch, didn't know what was wrong, so repeated getting zapped 2-3 more times before I figured out the green wire wasn't ground in this case. Screwed up thing is I actually seem to like getting shocked, feels bad at the moment, but afterwards it feels good and I feel like I actually have more energy.

I've been pretty afraid to hit my head on a bulb, so I always move slowly when I'm under them.
I grabbed an Inline once when it was on, and my hand slipped and my finger went right inside! it didn't cut it off though or break it but it was swollen and it hurt...

this morning I was trying to find a way to heat my terrarium and I decided to use a fish tank heater, well for some reason probably because it was in perlite, it literally blew up lol...

I am careful with my electricity though, all extension cords I rated correctly and off the ground...
I've hit my head on the corner of big metal reflectors
from time to time and it hurt.
Another time I pushed a kiddy pool filled with wet soil and plant only to
pull a hamstring that fucked me up
for about 6 months. I had to use a walking cane for
that long period.
I also hate it when I bust full branches by accident!

Anyone ever tend the garden in the buff!?
This will bring you closest to nature lol.

Anyone ever tend the garden in the buff!?
This will bring you closest to nature lol.

Except the sunglasses, yep, feels good especially with the UVB running and having seen little sun since November. I was laying in there naked a lot before the plants went in. I took the cue from my dog, she also enjoys getting in there when I let her, too bad for her it's flower time and her hair is prohibited from the room now.
Except the sunglasses, yep, feels good especially with the UVB running and having seen little sun since November. I was laying in there naked a lot before the plants went in. I took the cue from my dog, she also enjoys getting in there when I let her, too bad for her it's flower time and her hair is prohibited from the room now.
Very well done!

One time I had a mechanical timer get stuck to on and my Ozone Generator stayed active the whole time I was out of town at my brothers for the weekend. I got back just in time to save my plants from total death and destruction. Took a month to coax them back to health. Using digital timers now.
When I was 16 and tending to my very first grow (three/ 3' tall girls) in a clearing I made out back in the woods adjacent to the apartment complex I lived in. I was "back there" watering the plants sometime mid (June 1991), smoked a joint and was enjoying nature, when suddenly, out of nowhere, a nearly silent helicopter descended upon my little patch. He was so low that I could see the pilot's darkened sunglasses and face. It took everything I had to not freak out, and start running home. We looked at each other for a few seconds, and he disappeared as fast as he showed up. I couldn't sleep for weeks afterwards, but nothing ever came of the encounter. It was only when I was caught with the neighbor's wife, that my plants suffered a fate of being stolen from me by a bunch of retarded rednecks. All that was left were 3 holes. Boy, was I pissed!:cuss:It's been 24 yrs, so I can laugh about it now - :lol:
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I'm guilty... with my first ever 600 watt HPS, I hung the babe across the rectangular grow space that went east/west whilst her foot print went north south it was 2 grows before I noticed the fault resulted in me having to rebuild the grow space, since then it has to be the biggest mistake many growers make

Also dumbest was removing the shield from an 18 inch moving desk fan, I just knew I was gonna bite that babe one day ....And I did ...I still see growers with no shields on their fans ...and think of the pain my hair got caught ...nuff sed!
( still the attention from my babe was considerable, but not worth doing again on porpoise)
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I was over at my friend Ian's house and took his mh out, placed it on the floor and swapped it with a hps. unfortunately the mh was still hot enough to start a fire on the carpet, we had since gone out to English MCDonalds for a bacon and egg McMuffin and when we got back his entire house was burnt down.