Ouch. Worst I've done was wire a DIY florescent fixture wrong, bulb sort of worked, touched it, zap, ouch, didn't know what was wrong, so repeated getting zapped 2-3 more times before I figured out the green wire wasn't ground in this case. Screwed up thing is I actually seem to like getting shocked, feels bad at the moment, but afterwards it feels good and I feel like I actually have more energy.Bulb spots
one day I went into my room and as I was working I was startled lifting my head up quickly underneath an open window reflector the top of my head touched a thousand watt bulb which left a huge burn in scattered across the top of my head, after putting some neosporin on it and going back to work it happened again... Ugh, now I'm getting cool tubes!
Anyone ever tend the garden in the buff!?
This will bring you closest to nature lol.
.Except the sunglasses, yep, feels good especially with the UVB running and having seen little sun since November. I was laying in there naked a lot before the plants went in. I took the cue from my dog, she also enjoys getting in there when I let her, too bad for her it's flower time and her hair is prohibited from the room now.
Hahahaha..... Good Oneleft R/o unit on and flooded condo. More than once