grow room bloopers!

I have dropped lights and even whole plants on other plants.

I'm a strong virul young man. Sometimes I forget that I had a wreck that caused nerve impingement and I drop things.
My room at the old house wasn't insulated very well so you could hear the fans from outside. I had removed the guards from both pedestal fans to quiet them a bit. As you can guess, I grabbed one to move it not thinking about the missing guard. That was exhilarating!! Since the garage at the new house is heated, the insulation blocks all noise so I have guards again.
I suffer from vertigo so falling down is normal for me. I cannot count how many times I have fallen on plants or fans or what ever happens to be in the way when one falls.
Running a flooded tube... Walked into the garage at the old house to see water dripping from the loft floor.The roots grew enough to block the tube and the rez was empty leaving me 6 very sad plants.
Just the other day I knocked over two pots that were on a stand which dumped the soil and plant's onto the floor, today they are doing great!!
My room at the old house wasn't insulated very well so you could hear the fans from outside. I had removed the guards from both pedestal fans to quiet them a bit. As you can guess, I grabbed one to move it not thinking about the missing guard. That was exhilarating!! Since the garage at the new house is heated, the insulation blocks all noise so I have guards again.
I suffer from vertigo so falling down is normal for me. I cannot count how many times I have fallen on plants or fans or what ever happens to be in the way when one falls.
Running a flooded tube... Walked into the garage at the old house to see water dripping from the loft floor.The roots grew enough to block the tube and the rez was empty leaving me 6 very sad plants.
Just the other day I knocked over two pots that were on a stand which dumped the soil and plant's onto the floor, today they are doing great!!

I refuse to have surgery. I have yet to meet a person that benefited from spinal surgery.

The nerve problem comes and goes. At times I crack walnuts with my hands at others I can't even hold a cup.

I hate being at a restaurant and dropping a large drink and everyone stares.
I was over at my friend Ian's house and took his mh out, placed it on the floor and swapped it with a hps. unfortunately the mh was still hot enough to start a fire on the carpet, we had since gone out to English MCDonalds for a bacon and egg McMuffin and when we got back his entire house was burnt down.
What happened in the traditional style of british rozzers did they bust him all the same?
My first full strength feeding I thought a tablespoon was 5ml...
So instead of 40 ml each of my 3 part base in 2 gal, I put 150 ml of each in...

RIP plant
My first full strength feeding I thought a tablespoon was 5ml...
So instead of 40 ml each of my 3 part base in 2 gal, I put 150 ml of each in...

RIP plant
I'm confused, math adds up wrong.

Thought 5ml = Tablespoon when 15ml = Tablespoon

So by my math you should have put 1/3rd the amount desired, not 3.75 times the amount required. You had some super stoner math is what you had I'm thinking?
let's see here first off I hang my carbon filters and fans in the air and of course the fan came disconnected and smashed 6 grand daddy pups, I have flooded my room, my fan for lights has stopped working and had a 140 degree grow room ( that was impressive), head has bled many times from my reflectors.
Say it aint so 400°F My, my, my. Lol. Im glad you didnt damage no
Bulb spots

one day I went into my room and as I was working I was startled lifting my head up quickly underneath an open window reflector the top of my head touched a thousand watt bulb which left a huge burn in scattered across the top of my head, after putting some neosporin on it and going back to work it happened again... Ugh, now I'm getting cool tubes!
I blew my Puluz 7 splitter when my mind said not to touch it. I waited a good month to recieve it from the Emperor of China. It was 10,000+ lumens during flower.
Related tip, do not try to prune the ladies after taking excessive amounts Valium, the sight the next day may be horrifying.
Ps to avoid your kitchen turning into a giant indoor somewhat mesmerising water feature always remember to double check the wilma system fixings.
When I first started growing, I got some thrips and read I should use neem oil. I did not dilute it right and burned ALL 12 plants to death.
Tough way to learn how to measure.