Dropped a pot on another plant and snapped it right at the base and my idiot ass didn't think to clone it and let it dry out and die.
that goes for cocaine too. you trim and trim and trim, and then the bud is almost gone. I also had the a/c go out and opened the door to 125 degree room,100% humidity.Related tip, do not try to prune the ladies after taking excessive amounts Valium, the sight the next day may be horrifying.
Ps to avoid your kitchen turning into a giant indoor somewhat mesmerising water feature always remember to double check the wilma system fixings.
I'm confused, math adds up wrong.
Thought 5ml = Tablespoon when 15ml = Tablespoon
So by my math you should have put 1/3rd the amount desired, not 3.75 times the amount required. You had some super stoner math is what you had I'm thinking?