Recoding everything to make it faster/more efficient.
Skipped a few of the things that were ahead on the list for a few more important items.
- Can now upload a pic with a strain submission.
Features I will soon be adding:
Watering Schedules:
For Dirt - Notifications on when to water and of what type(Nutrient Feed, Water Feed, Flushing).
For Hydro - Resevoir change notifications.
Issues I've Had - Searchable database of user issues, and the steps they took to solve them.
Issues I Have - Have an issue you cant find the solution to, then post it, and get some user input.
Public - Viewable by anyone with an account. Will have a comments system like you would see on facebook(most widely known example I could think of =P). Comments can be enabled/disabled.
Private - Protected Journaling. Unsure how exactly this will be handled, but only people the user allows will be able to view their Journal.