Grow Tacker 1.0 - Grow Tracking Website


Well-Known Member
Got the site up and running... Finally.

Not everything is there still, just figured everyone who has been waiting, has waited long enough.
Functionality wise, its not exactly where it used to be, but its pretty damn close, and will be there in the next few weeks, depending on how much i get to work on it.

get tracking.
you must sign up through the forum to gain access. There will be a link at the bottom of the forum to return to the tracking site.

As is stated on the front page, please report any issues to either [email protected] or [email protected]


Well-Known Member
Going to take a few days off working on the site, make sure I dont get burnt out on coding again...
When i start back up, I will polish up the look of most of the pages before I get working on Journals and everything else.

Happy Growing :)


Well-Known Member
Currently working on adding a few of the things I missed that are pretty important.

Working on the stage change date that will display on the plants page.
Currently shows what day you should harvest based on the amount of flower days you enter.
Will likely add a profile option that you can set for how long after entering flower you start counting days. So this date will be more accurate to when you harvest.
Will also display dates for changing from clone/seed to veg, and from veg to flower, based on how long on average you keep plants in those stages.
This brings possibilities for adding an auto changer in the tracker, to automatically change the growth stage on the site, if you dont automatically do so from the site before the set date, or if you override this option.

Will be adding:
- Pages to edit and delete everything there is that option for. (Which is everything =P)
- The very needed change stage page.

cropped screen of the plants table.
plants table.jpg