Anon, is the flood level reaching the 1" rockwool cubes or staying strictly in the hydroton area?
I use only hydroton (root in a bubbler), and I flood for ten minutes every two hours that the light is on, and then once at "night".
My light cycle is on at 9:00pm and off at 9:00am.
Flood times are 9:00pm, 11:00pm, 1:00am, 3:00am, 5:00am, 7:00am, 9:00am, and then once at 3:00pm to make sure they don't dry out during the dark cycle.
I've actually contemplated going to floods once an hour, but will stay at every other hour - long story short, it's virtually impossible to overwater hydroton, as long as your pump floods your tray in a reasonably short period of time.
i have that same exact tent, i got it off of ebay for $120. i can say its cheap after about a month i had to lean a chair up against it to support it. but it did its job, i got 12 ounces off 6 plants under a 600 watter grown in soil too intimidated to go hydro.
Just got the power bill. Last year this time I was using 473 kwh, this month I used 1,063. Am I fucked?
Other than the increased cost what's the problem? They don't care how much power you use or if it increased. Nothing to be concerned about their brotha. I know it sounds like a large increase, but it's really just the difference between using very little power and just little power. It's not abnormal at all.
Right on. I'm just paranoid.
Plants are bushing out nicely. How tall did your dp white widows get by the time it was all over? I started flowering at 10-12 inches and they're easily 14-16 now.
The edges are slightly pointed up and jagged looking. Temps aren't getting too high. Could it be that the temps are too low?
They weren't huge stretchers. They did alot of growing though the first time around. I mean look at this....Pics of them on day 1 of flower, 4 weeks, and 6 weeks.
I tried to post pics that would show the height difference. They definitely at least doubled in size, quite possibly 2.5x, I didn't measure them or anything. But, they will be growing on ya.
Yeah, mine were definitely bigger on day one of flower I think, so this is going to get interesting, and STINKY. You guys have no idea how hard it is not to post pics or anything.
You're right...I think you're a bit nutso not posting pics, but I understand it. I live in So Cal and have all my ducks in a row so I don't worry about it. If I didn't it would probably be a different story. It could be the bullet in the brain sorta speak if someone ratted you out. If they tipped off the cops and they knew your username on this public forum it would be all over.
So stay strong and if you feel the need use PM's to share with us. That way it isn't openly available public information for anyone to find (including LEO's).
I'm actually running my setup now the way you are with the hydroton inside of pots. I think this way is going to work out nicely brotha. Now I know for certain that we are using a good size pot for the rootmass. The first time I used hydroton I decided on the full tray of it so I can see how big the roots would grow. They grew enormous given the opportunity to grow as large as they really wanted to. But this size pot is about perfect for rootmass that was attached to those WW donkey dick buds so I'm confident this will just work out better and easier.
The flood on mine comes just to the bottom of the cubes too so I'm going to be increasing my watering cycles to every other hour. So now we are officially running the same shit.
Just changed the res again. Took out the small table in the room, put megagarden on the ground. That solved my vertical space issues. I have to get a small piece of hose so I can attach it to the pump in the megagarden so I can drain it easily. PPM is running at a bit over 1000. How much should I be bumping them up and how often? Right now I am using full strength nutes and they seem to be okay with that. I just follow the chart and adjust as needed. I might take a hand full of pictures just so you can see how phenomenal the growth has been.
I knew you'd finally show us! At this point the plants will tell you what to do with the reservoir. If the ppm is climbing with each flood and drain it's too strong and you should lower it, if it's falling with each flood and drain you are too weak on the nutes. If the nutrients are staying really stable you are in the sweet spot. Remember if your plant doesn't have a defeciency and looks healthy giving it more nutes isn't going to make it grow faster. It could stress the plant and work against you! If the plant looks healthy and the ppm is stable, you've got it right on the money.
It was falling a bit faster than the water level so that's why I upped it. I always remember you saying in an earlier post nutes wont make them grow faster, more light will. So I never up the nutes just to speed them up, I try to feed as needed.
Good shit. I can't remember who I've told what anymore, just wanted to make sure you're keeping to the plan. Right around 1000ppm sounds about right as I go into flower. I want to see dangit!
All I've got goin' right now is little babies.
Here they are for a limited time only...
Here they are for a limited time only...