Growers In Ontario

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I am curious if there is any growers / medical cannabis producers that i could obtain medicals from . I currently purchase from B.C but i am wondering if there is anything worthy closer to home ? Any suggestions from anywhere is fine but closer is better and also top quality strains .


Well-Known Member
Asking for weed in here might get you banned. Just a warning. You need to spend time on here make friends and then who knows but just flat out asking for weed is asking for trouble. Try a dispensary in Toronto if your hard up and have a med recommendation.


Well-Known Member
Yeah lots of growers, but many are not legal so not likely to respond. LP's or CC's if you're licensed, otherwise the old school street dealer - lol


Well-Known Member
Plenty of options. Start working your way through the network.
Where in Ontario are you?
Asking for weed in here might get you banned. Just a warning. You need to spend time on here make friends and then who knows but just flat out asking for weed is asking for trouble. Try a dispensary in Toronto if your hard up and have a med recommendation.
I am not asking someone to come sell me weed , I am simply asking for a referral to a good grower . I am a medical patient and currently buy from a grower and dispensaries . I am just looking for some resources and information to medicate better . I could spend all year on here making friends but it won't mean i will know who has access or knowledge of them . I do appreciate your concern though but i knew what i was doing when i posted it . We are all on the same team here , stay high stay lifted and medicate safely my friend .
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