Growing Diary

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
dude good job i love the plant and deffinatly not ready to harvest need a couple weeks,

also are the 3 newbs seedlings or cuttings??
i think you had said cuttings right?
I guess we wait a few more weeks :O)
For harvest

The 3 small l once are all NL seeds so ..Lets hope for f emale :O) They are 10 days under 12/12 now ..I started them early ..Lets hope they are female and stay smaller ..I could not have anything more then one plant if they are all as big as my current

Ohh better add some pics ..These are from a few days ago when I cleaned out cupboard and installed the 2 extra CF for the seedlings ..
Check out the size ...Easy the same size as me ..And notice How i had to train/bend it


Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
It looks great.
If I were you I'd pinch away all the lower growth and discard it.
The lower buds will be small, weightless and not as potent. Plus its a pain in the ass to remove the leaves from thoes small-buds.
If there aren't any lower buds the upper buds will fat up more because the plant will use more energy on that.

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
7 weeks and 1 day in Flowering

Surely I must be getting done now
Some bigger leaves are slightly turning yellow ..Iam not worried :O)
Now i flushed the plant about 3 days ago with a Lot of water ..Since then I dont feed anymore

Took some pics of buds today ..(not easy even with fluorecent setting ..Some are good soem are not so good ) Anyway ...
Guys can i harvest ? And Where can I find a good guide on what to do /curing drying ?


Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
Theres a harvesting and curing forum, check it out.
I'd say you have about a week and a half left.

Whenever the plant needs watering flush it with phed water with 3 times what it can take. You'll see a very dirty drain at first, which is what we do that for - taking the crap off the soil and roots and clean up the plant.

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
Theres a harvesting and curing forum, check it out.
I'd say you have about a week and a half left.

Whenever the plant needs watering flush it with phed water with 3 times what it can take. You'll see a very dirty drain at first, which is what we do that for - taking the crap off the soil and roots and clean up the plant.
Thanks looking already :O0

I ll flush once when dry ...


Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
Late addition

Day 87 22/09/2009 Flushed the plant with lots of water No more feeding !
Day 91 26/09/2009 Once again flushed the plant .No more feeding

I feel its done...almost

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Plants are looking nice and healthy...just don't get too eager and start chopping early!

You need to get a microscope (at least 30x) and start checking the transparency of your trichomes. The earliest you can consider harvesting is when a majority of the heads have turned cloudy/milky. They begin clear, become cloudy and then a dark amber. The more amber you allow (i.e. the longer you wait before you harvest) the more "stoney" the high is supposed to be (as opposed to a more "head" high if you harvest when the trichs are cloudy).

There is a definite window of harvest where potency is at it's dont want to be too early or too late. Radioshack sells scopes for under $20. You've done a nice job so far, but the operation is far from complete.

Read up on drying and don't want to dry too fast, and you DEFINITELY don't want MOLD.

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
Thanks Jerry
I read a lot in the past few days on curing ..
there are 2 main ways

I will opt ofr the following

Cut main leaves hang to dry one week ..
Next cut smaller leaves and trim the bud and but in Jars
Every day open jar to let air to them do this for 2 weeks ..Then seperate what u smoke and keep the jar tight on the rest for when u need it ..
Basically do not open 10 times a day the BIG jar to get sme smoke out ..
That way the buds stay fresh a long time
Sounds all reasonable to me 3 weeks to smoke

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Curing isn't too terribly complicated, just don't leave it closed for more than 24 hours. During the first week or so I would open some jars twice a day, removing the buds from the jar and airing them out for about 10 minutes before putting them back in. This prevents mold from forming where 2 buds are touching.

Did you get a microscope? Judging from the percentage of white pistils visible in the pics, I'd say you've still got some time. Those white pistils mean the plant is pushing out new don't want to chop it while it's still getting bigger!


You don't harvest based on pistils. It's all about the trichomes. I know you want to chop them, but I implore you to check your trichomes first!

Looking nice though.

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
Yep i see your point the top has still whilte pistils ...BUT if I look closely with a Magnifier at the slightly lower buds they have lottsa slightly brown trichomes

I have a manual Mag glass and it kinda works ..magnification I dont know ? But it makes them look big ..guess thats whats needed

Buds are still growing bigger ...Wow They are already the size of my fist and bigger
..I think the top buds are still pushing as you said but ..I have 3 new plants (2 weeks flowering ) below that need the light :O) So really i need to finish the biggen

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
If some of the buds have amber trichomes then you can harvest those buds first and leave the others for a few days. But "slightly brown" is not fully amber...though I think I know what you are describing. You want the heads of those trichs to be a dark, solid amber color. If they aren't there yet, don't do it. The % of amber is up to you, but at the least you want 10-20% (that's what I want anyway).

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
If some of the buds have amber trichomes then you can harvest those buds first and leave the others for a few days. But "slightly brown" is not fully amber...though I think I know what you are describing. You want the heads of those trichs to be a dark, solid amber color. If they aren't there yet, don't do it. The % of amber is up to you, but at the least you want 10-20% (that's what I want anyway).
Well I easy have 40 % browinsh and below even more ..
The top buds once seeem to not wanna get brown instead gorw an grow
Well I had enough I will chop it down today
My new plants are 40 cm now they need light and the space ..Ergo Chop Chop

grow space

Well-Known Member
yo man-harvest when color has changed 50-60% 4 white to coldish brown- red.curing=put them in a glass jar, into a dark place, where warm and every day open the lid for that about2-4 weeks and youl have a splendid smoke mate.
anyway-nice grow.
keep up the good work...

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
My new plants are 40 cm now they need light and the space ..Ergo Chop Chop
You gotta do what you gotta do my friend. I'm sure you'll be happy with your smoke.

If possible though, I highly recommend chopping only some or most of the plant, and leave a few buds to mature for another week to 10 days. Dry it, cure it, and then compare it to your primary harvest and note the difference. This will help you determine the appropriate harvest time for YOUR preference of smoke on your subsequent grows...

well grow

Active Member
Flower Pot Men +rep, I must say im enjoying your jurnal, Very nice harvest man that bud looks sweet if my bud turns out half as good as yours ill be happy.

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
Flower Pot Men +rep, I must say im enjoying your jurnal, Very nice harvest man that bud looks sweet if my bud turns out half as good as yours ill be happy.
Cheers Dude

This was my 1st try as well Worked out really good ..
I live i holland and really I can go and buy it but this is sooo much better ...and cheaper :O) and I jave the Know how now to do it whereever the wind blows me ii future
Self sufficient finally :O) :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:

Some pics .
You see the big one is still there I only cut it down ..Its huge I already estimate 400+ gram from this plant alone ..LOL
Also u see lights have been lowered again as the 3 new plants are also in tthere and have been neglected a bit with light ..
I Have a thread on the second grow so i post in there

This one is comming to an end ..we wait a week then we Jar (cure) the buds and wait some more and THEN we schmoke it :lol:

