Growing In The Woods


Active Member
oh and im gonna see how many out of these 20 grow im not expecting many to which is y i planted lots so if i planted only 5 maybe none of them will grow and i wud be pissed off that i didnt plant more

so ill see how it goes plant some more and ill know how many i need to plant to get how many plants i want

fucking bagseed


Active Member
oh well im not too fussed

one of them might though as the white root showed, i could see a small hole on the rest of them and it looked white inside or maybe it just looks that way

hopefully the wet of the soil and the darkness will make it germ

but fuck it ill try another 20, im sure im germing right so if they dont grow then theyre just shit and fuck it lol u wont hear from me on this site lol


Active Member
oh well i never thought it would turn out good anyway ill just give the rest of the seeds back to my mate and give up lol if i think about it again ill leae the seeds in the towels for maybe 4 days but if they dont do anything then they r obviously useless


Active Member
you should make like 8 plant sites of 5 plants each, id do that if i had that many seeds, id be a hassle to take care of but itd be worth it.. id hate if all my 100 plants were found at once.


Active Member
yeh well im gonna see what these do before attempting anything else and yeh i was always going to have a few grow sites but ill get to that when it comes cheers for reminding me though =)

i think im gonna germ 3 for as many days as it takes obviously not too many or they would have germed by then but maybe try more than 2 days just to see.


Active Member
germing five more in cotton wool this time with slightly warm water, gonna leave them for 3 days maybe and try to put them in little pots.


Active Member
germing five more in cotton wool this time with slightly warm water, gonna leave them for 3 days maybe and try to put them in little pots.
alright dude hows it going with those seeds? some seeds can actually germ at 40f as mine did in a fridge. best bet is to germ in cotton wool in a resealable bag in a warm place at about 75f and they will do just fine.


Active Member
alright dude hows it going with those seeds? some seeds can actually germ at 40f as mine did in a fridge. best bet is to germ in cotton wool in a resealable bag in a warm place at about 75f and they will do just fine.
well two days of trying to germ and nothing

theyre not in a bag theyre in this weird little pit thing in a box in a nother box. so i think ill put this pot in some resealable bags

i dunno if this is any good but the seeds were kind of dark black but of different colours and now theyve been in the cotton wool for two days they are all the same colour

but no roots yet im gonna make the water warmer its gotten cold now

edit: now they r in a steel tin lined with a sock they r in a sealy bag with anothe sock wrapped over it so hopefully they should germ better now but the water oes cold so quckly


Yo Schecter666, I'm planning on starting my own grow outdoors in essex. Am interested to see if your seeds germ, do you reckon the weathers good enough at the mo?


Active Member
well i dont know cos this is gonna be my first grow but the weather is quite good at the moment, its spring so a lot of things are starting to grow so it wouldnt be a bad time to start growing although weed plants grow naturally in hot countries and some from tropical countries, so englands climate isnt the best for growing weed

howveer if you wait until its summer the plants will grow well sure but the plants wont be done in time for when the summer ends so im gonna plant before the summer in the weeks leading up to it so they can grow now and then all the way through till the end of the summer so that hopefully they r done before it gets cold again

yeh i hope they germ if not my mate has some seeds from some thai stick and he got the weed not long ago so hes gonna germ them and then give them to me so i can grow that instead if these dont grow

id take thai stick over unknown bagseed any day

after three days three out of five of the seeds are starting to germ its taking ages but the roots r just popping out

i helped myself BIG TIME today

by buying an 8 litre bag of miracle grow and 5 pots for the 5 seeds and ill buy more pots as i go along

do you think i should dig out some ground and fill that area with miracle grow

so when they r little ill have them in pots and when its time to move them into the ground they will be going into the same soil not the soil in the woods

what do u think, have an area of mircelg rwo reserved for when the plants get bigger?

josh b

Well-Known Member
Hi mate been a while init good too see you have been gettting stuff done and getting on with everthink :D.

If i was you i would germinate them using my method and then move them into small pot's.

If you plan on putting them into the ground dig the holes pretty big and fill with your soil you bought,or you can just grow in pot's but they will not be as big.

Do not bother growing thai stick man it will die before it bud's because it's a sativa and they can only fully develop in a tropical country,i saw a grow in spain with thai stick before and it just about finished in november i think.

Get somethink mold resistant and suited to the uk/dutch weather as these will be more reliable,also a short flowering period will help alot.

Just thought id show you how my plant's are comming along

Gl growing and cya soon mate.


Well-Known Member
Hi mate been a while init good too see you have been gettting stuff done and getting on with everthink :D.

If i was you i would germinate them using my method and then move them into small pot's.

If you plan on putting them into the ground dig the holes pretty big and fill with your soil you bought,or you can just grow in pot's but they will not be as big.

Do not bother growing thai stick man it will die before it bud's because it's a sativa and they can only fully develop in a tropical country,i saw a grow in spain with thai stick before and it just about finished in november i think.

Get somethink mold resistant and suited to the uk/dutch weather as these will be more reliable,also a short flowering period will help alot.

Just thought id show you how my plant's are comming along

Gl growing and cya soon mate.

not true.....


Active Member
hey josh awesome man im glad you're getting on with stuff too, although further than me lol that looks pretty sweet did you go against the idea of growing outside? growing with lights is always good though,

yeh man i said to myself fuck the plate ive put them in a sealy bag and they are in my drawer in some clothes, im gonna go up to the grow site tomorrow and see if any have grown so if these seeds germ im gonna plant them too in little pots and miracle grow

but probs wont get round to digging that hole and fillin it with miracle grow until friday i dont have enough for a massive hole so ill probs have to get more but ill just start off with what i need

ill have updates by the end of the week and hopefully have some weed growing!


Active Member
and skunkone if it is a tropical kind of weed then it probably wouldnt do too well over here if it is grown in other countries with a hot climate but if that doesnt mean it cant grow over here than thats good cos i wanna grow some it will be outside though so i hope it can grow given the climate

do you know first hand that it can grow?

josh b

Well-Known Member
Skunk,this is very true ive been there,done that and it just stretched about 3 ft tall and ended up deing in september and it had no sign of bud either because it was still trying to veg like it can do in other countries that its ment to grow in.

Anyway ite mate try and get holda some more but if all fail's then i suppose youre gonna have to try get some seed's =(.

Do not use mircale grow until they are about 10" tall as i tried this with one of my runt's at about 4" tall and it just shriveled up and died,but the bigger 1's can handle it.

Might be a downer but just trying to help =/.

Gl man.