Growing In The Woods


Active Member
so yes i want to grow in the woods, i have about 100 seeds, maybe a bit less, they are white grey brown black and green for some reason.

i just wanted to know how i should go about preparing the ground in which they shall be placed.

i know i cant just stick them in this ground its pretty shit, dry, nothing growing in it. but im going to try to find an area with a bit of grass so i know at least things can grow there.

i was planning on digging out an area, measured at whatever i will need (decided at a later date) and then putting in compost to fill up that area so i plan to take my own soil up.

and i read somewhere about putting gravel or pea shingle at the bottom for water drainage.

this will be my first grow and after losing lots of money to cnts and not smoking weed for ages i decided its time to grow and i will be very grateful if you can lend your knowledge so that I can make this as successful as possible.

ps i have read some guides on outdoor growing
so yes i want to grow in the woods, i have about 100 seeds, maybe a bit less, they are white grey brown black and green for some reason.

i just wanted to know how i should go about preparing the ground in which they shall be placed.

i know i cant just stick them in this ground its pretty shit, dry, nothing growing in it. but im going to try to find an area with a bit of grass so i know at least things can grow there.

i was planning on digging out an area, measured at whatever i will need (decided at a later date) and then putting in compost to fill up that area so i plan to take my own soil up.

and i read somewhere about putting gravel or pea shingle at the bottom for water drainage.

this will be my first grow and after losing lots of money to cnts and not smoking weed for ages i decided its time to grow and i will be very grateful if you can lend your knowledge so that I can make this as successful as possible.

ps i have read some guides on outdoor growing

Ive grown in the woods for many years...

quick checklist

1. Dont ever let anyone see you going to the grow area.. ONLY GO AT NIGHT. they will find it and steal it or tell someone who will.

2. Grow in buckets. Spray paint them if you have to like military camo style. They can be moved in case of emergency, and can hold good soil, and you can monitor their intakes like a pro.

3. Save your "first in the morning piss" in 2 liter pop bottles and pour it around your growing perimiter. This will keep wild animals away, which will eat your entire crop in 1 day. (experienced this first hand)

Good luck!
1 more thing...

My first grow was 30 plants outdoors in the woods. I had a reduced yield because it's hard to take care of 30 plants by yourself.

The next grow I took care of just 8, and I had double the yeild from the previous grow, and it was way less stressfull!!


Well-Known Member
Use grow bags, or 5 gal. buckets. You can bury them up to the rim and like the other guy said, you can move them if you really have to. A 2" layer of gravel at the bottom of the bucket never hurts.

I never grow in a place that I can only get to from one way.
Never go the EXACT same way to your grow.
Stay away from landmarks or things that stick out.
Stay away from tree lines, power line trails, fence lines because people walking through the woods will usually take these paths.
planting on the side of a slope is good for drainage.
Don't smoke cigarettes on the way to or from your grow.
I usually keep talking to a minimum.
knowing the exact coordinates of your grow site/s never hurts. You could use a GPS to plug your grids so you can get to your grow from almost anywhere.
Leave a couple dollar bills under a rock around your grow. Most people are going to pick it up if they see it, and then you know if somebody has found your grow.
Going at night is good but sometimes much more difficult. You also kinda stick out when you're walking around in the woods with a flash light. I try to go early in the morning or around dusk.


Well-Known Member
im just wondering...would it be a bad idea to pour your own dna around your personal grow area(FEDZ)?? jus wonderin cuz i would like to do an out door this year myself and wanna keep the acritters out. is this a safe secure move and effective? well im sure its effective but is it safe?
im just wondering...would it be a bad idea to pour your own dna around your personal grow area(FEDZ)?? jus wonderin cuz i would like to do an out door this year myself and wanna keep the acritters out. is this a safe secure move and effective? well im sure its effective but is it safe?
Never had a problem, and I never bring a flashlight ;)


Active Member
wasn't expecting so many replies!

thats a good point i forgot about buckets, pots etc i was originally going to use pots so i could remove the males. and also about pissing, because animals recognise it as a mark of another animals territory.

about these woods, they are privately owned, no one goes in there, walking around there isn't anything in there thats been left by a human, litter footprints etc. when you walk in these woods you dont leave prints as such because its all leaf on the ground mainly.

im not gong to leave the plants out in the open, im going to put them where sunlight can reach them but where they will be secluded, so on one side a hedge perhaps, and also put the plants near where there are stinging nettles.

good to know im right about the gravel.

and yup i wont go around the woods shouting or smoking lol, i know these woods quite well so i am going to enter from different directions

plus the way you enter these woods isn't from a footpath, and its on grass where there are no prints, you have to go under a barbed wire fence, careful not to break it.

but its pretty remote.



Active Member
i wish i could go at night, its me and one other person who has grown before but not in the woods. we are taking a very indirect route to the woods. its up a footpath in some other woods, along a long footpath along a field, away from houses, then down off the footpath into the woods, and then trek a mile at most.

so we wont go in near the grow site, we will go in far away from the grow site and then walk all the way to it. and theres lots of way to come out of these woods too,


Well-Known Member
I usually grow in an area that is REALLY green so a few plants sticking out wont cause to much suspicion. and honestly, a lot of people dont know how big weed gets.


Active Member
yeh thats what i was thinking, find a spot with the most green plants around it, espcially stinging nettles, not too close but close enough to make them blend in with the weed plants.

well my place is full of old people who wouldnt know weed when they saw it which is good so its gonna be very safe although these oldies are nosy and suspicious of youngsters, my place is quite deserted.

my worry well not anymore thanks guys was just what to grow in, then i can just leave it there without any worries, i just wanted to ensure that it grew properly.

ANYWAY, whats the earliest month i should start growing? im raring to go.

and what about bringing up a mini greenhouse, minus how will i get it there etc, is it a good idea to have the plants in a little greenhouse in pots?


Well-Known Member
Uhm depends on the state. Get a farmers guide and it will tell you the when the last frost is, but the mini green house would be pretty cool. Not to stealthy though. But yeah, I used to think that weed only got a like 1 foot tall until I started growing.


Active Member
well im in the United Kingdom, southern england to be more exact, we have just had frost and a lof of snow, so im just going to watch the weather, im going to make a trip up there to find a site and to see how much light gets onto it, then go up there on a day with more sunlight and see what its like, should help me make a decision, i need to find a break in the canopy, although theres not much of a canopy in these woods.

yeh the greenhouse would be better for growing conditions, humidity keeping the heat in etc. but not stealthy like you said

havent really decided whether to grow them outdoors or outdoors in a greenhouse

getting a mini greenhouse up there would be a bit difficult and then would the plants fit in height wise, hmmmm



Active Member
If your in england, the southern hemisphere, try to find a northfacing slope. This is where the sun will be all day, and you'll get the best results. My current 2010 outdoor grow (im in the northenr hemisphere) consists of:
About 15 plants. I was planning on 20 but I don't have enough space.
I found a really dense thicket, and cut a path in it at rabbit height.
The soil is super rich, and already is full with rabbit droppings (which are a good fertilizer)
the thicket is in the plant of scotch broom, which is ALREADY a nitrogen fixer!!

I have two plots in this thicket, which is a south facing slope
I have yet to dig my 4x4x5 reservoir, hooked up to a gravity speed drip system (the reservoir is above the plants.
I dug holes about 3x2 in size, and will mix the soil amendment and compost in with the original soil, then re fill the holes.

when the plants are young, I'll have cages over them to discourage rabbits and other varmints. I'm starting the seeds inside for 3 weeks to a moth, then harden them off, then transport to the grow area.

For the late harvest season, when it starts raining, I will hook up 4 posts at the perimeter of each of my plots, and keep a large rolled up sheet of painters plastic attached to 2 of the poles. when it rains, I just unfold the painter plastic and taught it over the other two poles (Ariel patrols are non existent in my area, they'd just think it was a hobo camp.) this is to stop bud mold.

The first thing you have to do before you grow in the woods is to NOT be attached to your plants. High likely hood of thieves, feds, animals, pests, etc. You just gotta roll with the punches, and adapt to any situation. Learn to understand what the sings of nature are telling you. Understand bird alarms, animal signs (like hair), tracking, human presence etc. follow your innervision. If you get uncomfortable while in your grow area, SCRAM. I know its sort of selfish, but you'll have to let your ladies take the flak, and save yourself. You can always grow more, don't risk being caught or hurt trying to protect your girls.

In all likely hood, when something goes right, you'll plant 20 seeds, a few will be male, and a few will be shitty or unhealthy. A good harvest from 20 seeds is 7-10 strong plants. If you plant early, or start them inside, you can clone the healthy ones to get more plants, if you wish.

thats my .2 cents.


Active Member
wel this is good because since youre in england i can ask you something and you wont say go buy this, and then i find out its american!

i was reading about fertilisers, so i ask which products have you bought, seeing as i could more than likely buy the same products.

but hang on, you're growing outdoors now in england? hows it going? is it working because the weathers pretty bad, but if i dont have to wait for it to get hot, then thats good i want to grow as soon as possible. is there enough sunlight for plants this time of year?

thanks bwt i shall remember the northfacing slope and the cages around the plants, what about the paper bag trick for when they are really small to keep the humidity in?


Well-Known Member
I am assuming the sun is reaching the ground where you plan to grow, i would think being in the woods your not going to get any sun. Looks like that assumption is incorrect as others state they have done it. Good luck and why on earth would you think the feds would dig up dirt and analyze it to see who may have pissed on it. Even CSI wouldnt do that cmon.


Active Member
well there is one part of these woods where there is a large break in the canopy, its like almost a rectangle and sun pours down onto it cos theres no trees blocking it its gonna take me ages to find it though

tbh i havent done enough scouting up there yet, its been snowy and cold and on other occassions muddy and wet, and if i come back covered in mud my parents will get suspicious, even walking around i dont want it to look like ive been in the woods.

but still ill go up there soon, and when ive found a grow site im gonna start a grow journal and get this operation on the go just gathering information now