Growing Shrooms

i dont think they are physically toxic, in a moderate dose that is. they can cause you to have unaddresses mental aspects come to light however. this is why you need to do them with someone. so you dont start bugging out and have no one there to bring you back to reality.
Just curious where did you get that info? Because you can definitly eat too many shrooms and OD I had a buddy get rushed to the emergency room and had to have his stomach pumped.

That is why you need good friends with you. I would have kicked ya'lls ass for sending me to the hospital, he probably payed good money for that trip, you dicks, LMFAO. I'm just playing around, but I have seen a lot of people wanting to go to the ER when they were perfectly fine, just scared.:peace:
Just curious where did you get that info? Because you can definitly eat too many shrooms and OD I had a buddy get rushed to the emergency room and had to have his stomach pumped.


When psilocybin is ingested, it is broken down to produce psilocin, which is responsible for the hallucinogenic effects.

As with many psychoactive substances, the effects of psychedelic mushrooms are subjective and unpredictable. A common misconception, even seen in the professional environment, is that the effects experienced from psilocybin are due to a poisonous nature of the compound, yet the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, a branch of the CDC, rated psilocybin less toxic than Asprine. The intoxicating effects of psilocybin-containing mushrooms typically last anywhere from 3 to 7 hours depending on dosage, preparation method and personal metabolism

It's nearly impossible to overdose on psilocybin mushrooms since one would have to consume several dozen pounds of fresh mushrooms . Nevertheless, the effects of very high doses can be overwhelming. Depending on the particular strain, growth method, and age at harvest, Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms can come in rather different sizes. It is recommended that one weigh the actual mushrooms, as opposed to simply counting them. People taking MAOI's need to be careful, as psilocybin and psilocin are metabolized by the enzyme monoamine oxidase. A MAOI reduces the body's ability to handle the mushrooms (roughly doubling their potency), and can lead to an unpleasant, prolonged, or dangerously strong experience.
im reluctant to believe a post citing a fact which cant manage to spell aspirin correctly


But I found it on the internets!!!

It must be true!


We can debate the safety and health of drugs till them cows come home.
The reality is, is that there is some risk in everything.
Obviously drugs included.
But the vast anecdotal history shows us that there is low risk for shrooms - much like weed.

i heard that the LD50 (overdose) is somewhere around the subjects body weight in shrooms.

But I found it on the internets!!!

It must be true!


We can debate the safety and health of drugs till them cows come home.
The reality is, is that there is some risk in everything.
Obviously drugs included.
But the vast anecdotal history shows us that there is low risk for shrooms - much like weed.

i heard that the LD50 (overdose) is somewhere around the subjects body weight in shrooms.

Isn't that what the link says, Show me where it is wrong?:confused:
Its major psychoactive compounds are:
  • Psilocybin(4-Phosphoryloxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine)
  • Psilocin (4-hydroxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine)
  • Baeocystin (4-Phosphoryloxy-N-methyltryptamine)
  • Norbaeocystin (4-Phosphoryloxytryptamine)
So if DMT is an Active in psilocybin cubensis, could you do an extraction from said fungi? Also would it be worthwhile, or should i just eat em?