growing weed in prison new help


Well-Known Member
i got nicked growing pot,i will be going to prison in about 3months time. as a stand for my views on cannabis i plan on taking seeds with me to try and grow while in there.the things i need help with is what kinda every day things i can use (food based or available inside prison) for NPK i know i can water down my piss for N but what other things can i use ?
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA, thats gotta be the stupidest thing i have ever heard, you can't be serious! don't think i have laughed as much so early in the day ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


Well-Known Member
jesus christ this guy is retarded....hoop a camera to show us your antics....than upload it to buttube!!!

lol hes an 11 year old boy who got the parental block off his mommies computer!!!


Well-Known Member
i am still on part 4 bail,i go back to the police station on the 29th to get charged,because i said no comment in my interview they have to send off the weed to test it to make sure it is what it is.i will get a court date when i go back to the police station


New Member
i think i said it before... the seeds would sprout in ur butt. ever play fallout 3? that talking tree thing? that'll be you matey.


Well-Known Member
What happens when one of the sniffer dogs detect it arround the grounds or on you?


Active Member
you are a fucking idiott sorry i juss had to post here this is ridiculouss..quit while ure ahead...but shit if you must go for it hahah god this is too funnyyy......