Growmans 2013 Monsters, 4 Month Indoor Veg, 4 LB. Per Plant Minimum


Active Member
Mr. Zadir: Dooey, did you just grab my ass?
: Sir, from where I'm standing, that's a physical impossibilty.
Mr. Zadir
: Oh, I know your tricks, Dooey!
amazing i love this so much it makes me sad tho cause of one of my bro's would watch it with me and now we dont hardly keep in touch


Well-Known Member
Day 16

You can see where they decided to give me the finger lol, They all snapped out of it now but the ufo was really angry with me but shes over it, for once they gooster was the best behaved out of all of them.

great looking plants man!


Active Member
They look fantastic! So green, so perky! Makes me wonder what it'll be like when she's 18 ;)


Active Member
Thanks for the info growman. What is the light cycle for your veg before you put these girls outside in April ? I'm also trying to get a head start on my girls at 28 degrees and I'm a bit nervous about creating stress and flowering if I dont get the cycle right before moving outside. I'm used to starting seeds outside in June and have never tried starting early under cfl's to get a head start. Any info would be greatly appreciated. In fl. you are only getting 12 hours of daylight in April. So how do you acclimate the plants for this ? Thanks