Growmans 2013 Monsters, 4 Month Indoor Veg, 4 LB. Per Plant Minimum


Active Member
This is getting ridiculous I read I start to wonder if it actual makes sense or not? lol But all is well. We've got so much to look forward to lol


Well-Known Member
This is getting ridiculous I read I start to wonder if it actual makes sense or not? lol But all is well. We've got so much to look forward to lol
Nothing makes any sense if you think about it, then if you really think about it it makes perfect sense :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
.....g maaan.....oh ggggg maaaannnn....i just got some crazy news.....i can get afgoo clones. OHHHH YAAAA buddy. Next grow ;)


Well-Known Member
"Goose, whose butt did you kiss to get in here anyway? "
"The list is long, but distinguished. "
"Yeah, well so is my Johnson. "